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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 09.01.2007, 20:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi PCers! There is just no doubt about it. We need more cash prizes and more PC points to use to cash in on them!

So here is Contest #6: STREET BEGGER

If you had to walk past an elderly, dirty, and ragged begger on the sidewalk at a time when you are alone and have neither any coin change nor any paper money smaller than a $100 bill with you, WHAT WOULD YOU DO AND/OR SAY TO HIM?

Give it some thought, then post your answers here. YOUR ANSWER MUST CONSIST OF MORE THAN TWO (2) SENTENCES!!!

ALL who enter will have their names placed in zee ole wooden humidor. First name drawn out will win $30 cash if you have a Neteller certified account. OR, if you would rather, $30 worth of Crusher merchandise. Of course, you must also have at least 3000 PC points to cash in! If you do not have enough points, you will receive 3000 points instead, so you will be ready for next time!

The next few names after the first drawn will receive a random number of PC points, determined by the spin of the wheel. From 100 to 2000.

Deadline: Midnight, January 25, 2007 Washington, D.C. time

Good Thinking to all PCers!!!!!!!! Sharpen those pencils or trim those nails!


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PostPosted: 09.01.2007, 20:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

I myself would take time to chat with the person and depending on whether or not my children needed part of that $100 bill I would either give that person the entire $100 bill OR if my family needed something (ie food (not playstation lol) I would offer for them to come with me to get some change so they could have some money for food.

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 09.01.2007, 20:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well this happened to me more than one time there was a young girl in vancouver bc and an old guy in seattle and I went to the nearest fast food place, mc donalds in seattle and subway in vancouver. I bought each of them a full meal deal, w/ drink and cookie or pie and took it to them. They were each very suprised and gratefull, and it made me feel pretty good. Smile


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 09.01.2007, 22:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

Boy oh boy you sure ask revealing questions.I have given in the past when I had a good job and could afford it.In my area all I ever see are young punks who are too lazy to find work.[no help there]
Meeting an older person down on there luck,if I could afford it I would purchase something and give them a few bucks.

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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 01:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

first of all i couldnt just walk by without looking at or talking to the person i dont have the heart to do that,but at the same time in this day and age you have to be carefull there are alot of bad people in this world who might try to hurt you if your all alone,but if i felt safe talking to this person i would ask him or her if he or she is ok and if they need any help and depending on my financial situation if possible i would actually love to give the person the entire hundred dollar bill if they really seemed to be down on thier luck and not just an alcoholic etc.but it would really depend on all elements of the encounter.also if i couldnt give this person money i would got to my house and get some extra blankets,coats,and necessities and bring them back with warm food.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 01:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am a kind warm hearted person who would give all the help I could give to someone down on their luck if I knew them.
We have a lot of people like this around here and I have gone and bought them food only to see them take out a big bag of food people have already bought for them and put in in there for later. Probably to share with friends which is OK.

The thing is, do you know there are actual SCHOOLS on how to be a successful beggar? This is true! Really. I saw it on the news.

If I had a $100 and no responsibilities with my family that would require it I would buy them what they needed. I was in a food chain store one day where a man in a wheelchair was trying to get a free pizza slice from their deli and was turned down. I bought one for him as he obviously was hungry. The person at the deli was very snippy about my purchase but that is their problem.

I am cautious about people on the street, especially if I am alone. So I doubt I would give them $100 but would ask what they really needed and get it for them.

I wish my answer could be I would gladly give them my whole $100 but I know I wouldn't. Not because I am mean or stingy but I would rather buy them what they needed and some money.

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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 17:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy I would order a big pizza abd a bottle of wine via my cellphone,then go sit with him/her, and talk about life,and how this all happened, and we would share the pizza and the wine,and maybe ven become friends...dont think I would give money,but maybe bring him some soup or other things or even invite him for sinner one time, when I would not be home alone...well.nice kind thoughts at the beginnning of a new year Very Happy

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 22:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy casinosteves post hit real close to home..when i was younger I met a old dirty man who said he had somehow gotten on there ferry from seattle and ended on this side of the water. He was old,dirty, cold ,hungry and lost.Being the person that I was, I brought him home to mom and dad. They gave him a meal and sent him on the ferry back to Seattle. When all done with this my mother looked at me and said , stick to the abandoned animals you bring home lmao...So if I was by myself I would probably have to be honest and say I would keep walking due to the dangers of our society and women alone.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 23:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

posting 2 sentences for me isn't really necassary lol......i wouldn't do anything !! if you all have ever seen the movie with lucille ball called stone pillow, that would answer it all, i've seen so much & been through too much to say or do much

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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 23:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am usually a very giving person. I would give the shirt off of my back to someone if I thought that it would help. I know that even though I may not think it was the best thing in the world to do, not knowing the circumstances of why the person was begging I would still give them the money becuase that is just the kind of person that I am.

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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 00:32 Reply with quoteBack to top

I work in an aged care facility that was specifically created for the elderly homeless - and over the past 12 years we have gradually expanded to 7 locations. As a result, the number of elderly persons without permanent housing has greatly reduced.

I can honestly say if I passed such a person in need, I wouldn't hesitate to offer them the money, and of course, discuss the possibility of permanent housing with them. Smile

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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 01:08 Reply with quoteBack to top


PC Boater
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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 02:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

I just wanted to say one more thing... A good reason not to give the person actual money, not to say all people in that situation do, don't get me wrong b/c I am not the type of person who uses steriotypes, but I am realistic. The #s of people with drug and alcohol addictions are HUGE, homeless or not. I'm just saying I would end up worrying about the wellfare of the person I gave money to. $100.00 is definately enough money for a person with a problem like that to end up killing themself. I would never want to even wonder if I had part in a tragedy like that on my conscience. BTW I think this was a good idea for a contest, b/c it's good to really think about these serious things. Thanks

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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 05:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

gl all
I would say, I have nothing right at the moment, and tell them I could help them a little later, if they are still there. Then I would find a store get some change, and return to the beggar. If the beggar is still there, I would give them a little cash to help out

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 05:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is a cool contest. Some answers have surprised me from people I didn't expect the answer they gave. Thanks Guru.

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