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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 14.04.2008, 22:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well, PCers, now that we have shared info about our pets with one another, How about letting us get to know one another's family members?

CONTEST: Tell us all about as many of your family members as you would like to.

This should be great reading, drawing forth both laughter and tears.

DEADLINE: April 30, 2008

PRIZE: $30

The winner will be determined by blind drawing of the names of all who enter. Since this is your family, I will use my very best wood humidor to place your names in.

Remember, you must have 3000 PC points to win the cash prize and also an online account that Crush uses to pay you.

Your Guru


Last edited by PokerGuru on 01.05.2008, 17:03; edited 1 time in total
PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 03:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have 2 children.. Zachary age 15 and Makayla age 7. I have a wonderful hubby, Steve, and have been married for almost 19 years. Thank God I have no grandchildren, I'm not even 40 yet!! LOL

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 03:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have a small but very important (to me) family.First is my daughter Lee, (known on CC as DixiesMom), her husband Ben and their 2 children, 10 yr old Dominick (Nick) who is ADD (recently diagnosed) but is a joy in most ways, and his little sister Dixie , 5yrs old and just full of herself. Lee has MS and is trying to deal with that, is a daily event in our lives. Ben is a hard-working provider and the joy of Lee's life (as she is his). This is my little family and of course my extended family at PC and CC fills my life with joy and laughter. My name is Donna, and I have spina Bifida among other things that have gone wrong with my body and mind...LOL I am looking forward to reading more about the rest of my family here! Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 09:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok since my first second and third posts were messed up I am having Poker Guru delete them and I will now make this one. Razz

I have 3 children ( not so little anymore lol) ages 35 (Colby), 27, Michael, and 26 Valerie-Jo.

My daughter has 2 children ages 2 and 10. The 10 year old is ADHD and very hyperactive and a handful but a good kid. The 2 year old thinks his older brother is the greatest thing since food since he is always doing something even if it is bad. Idol worship! LOL

These are the pictures of all of them :

Image My grandsons Johnathon and Kaleb
Image My daughter Valerie-Jo
Image My middle son Michael (Mike)
Image My Oldest son Colby

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 10:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

OMG I am losing my mind! LOL My 2 year old grandson is now 4!!! I can't believe I said he is 2 hahahahaahah

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 12:28 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have been married twice I had 3 Children with my first husband .No children with second husband . 2 Girls And 1 Boy Dawn my first child is now 36 , Cheryl is now 34 , and my sons name is Matthew and he is 29 . Dawn has 4 children 3 girls and one boy there names are Brittany , Brandon , Gabriel ,Hailey . My second daughter has no children and my son has 2 girls . There names are Jade , And Lacey . So that makes me a grandmother of 6 . And I love each and every one of them .



Gabriel ,Hailey

My Sons two Childern


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 17:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

:DWell my name is Charla and I came from a family of 3 sis and 3 bro,the youngest being born to my mom at 44 yrs old after 5 of us were grown.I came from a loving,caring family as my mom also took in the mentally handicapped so we always had a full home.My parents were so patient and loving that soon all the troubled neighbor kids were put with her by the state so we had a huge extended family.We were also raised with many morals on the handicapped that some being 15 yrs with us we never thought of hem as diffrent they were just our bro and sisters.I taught my children the same.I lost my Dad when he was at work with a heart attack at 58 yrs young and I moved to work with the disabled until I married Dale 24 yrs ago and had 3 sons of my own now being 27,24 and 23.I have 4 beautiful granddaughters and 2 (one bein new)grandsons.1 son works in a disabled group home,a carpenter and youngest spoiled and his job is to watch mom that she takes care of restraunt hoods lol)my mom is now 73 and married a longtime friend from when we grew up after 15 yrs of being alone and she is such a happy bride.Her and her new hubby live in san flipe in the winter and I live and take care of her house.I am fighting alot of medical problems one being cancer but was raised to always stay positive so I do each day.NotLOL is my best friend from years ago and help thru alot of problems I have had in the past and now I just live on the computer thinking all my high school and college schooling should be used some day lol.Hope I didnt bore you all with my book.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 18:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

crzynana2001 wrote: › I have a small but very important (to me) family.First is my daughter Lee, (known on CC as DixiesMom), her husband Ben and their 2 children, 10 yr old Dominick (Nick) who is ADD (recently diagnosed) but is a joy in most ways, and his little sister Dixie , 5yrs old and just full of herself. Lee has MS and is trying to deal with that, is a daily event in our lives. Ben is a hard-working provider and the joy of Lee's life (as she is his). This is my little family and of course my extended family at PC and CC fills my life with joy and laughter. My name is Donna, and I have spina Bifida among other things that have gone wrong with my body and mind...LOL I am looking forward to reading more about the rest of my family here! Smile

Dear crzynana,

You have certainly had some heavy burdens to carry in your life. And yet you are such a positive and loving person. I admire you for that.

Could you please educate us by providing some information about spina Bifida from your point of view.

MS also, if not too big a task.

Love you! And you are certainly family here!

Your Guru

PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 15.04.2008, 22:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have 5 children-(4boys-1 girl) My 4 sons are 29, 27, 24, 16 and my daughter is 14 (my princess) I must say she is very spoiled Smile
I have a granddaughter who will be 5 and a grandson on the way early July...
I have known my husband since we were 15 and we got married at 17. We will be married 30 years this year...

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 16.04.2008, 00:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

Member rsablebomb
Her son Andrew



Andrew 1 year Birthday
Looks Like Andrew Is Really Enjoying His Cake





Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 16.04.2008, 00:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

Steve Sandys Hubby ( slotmom )


Sandy (slotmom )

I did not know how to add this to my post put it should be with my grand babbies
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 16.04.2008, 01:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

There are a few different types of spina bifida. There is spina bifida that is through the skin with the spinal cord exposed. There is spina bifida occulta which is hidden under the skin and is less easily diagnosed. Mine is occulta and I was 34 before it was diagnosed. It explained why I had bending problems growing up and through high school. It has affected how long I can remain in a sitting position, how long I can stand in one postion, and how much I can lift. It has led to me having to give up my handicapped son, who I could no longer care for. Spina bifida is an opening in the spinal column, usually a birth defect noticed shortly after birth. There is now surgery that can be done on newborns to correct this problem (sometimes) . Although at my age, there is not much that can be done. Rarely, spina bifida is painful, and that is the type that I have, It causes pain radiating across the lower back and down both legs. Weakness in the lower back and legs is also less common, but noted in my case.

MS is a steadily debilitationg disease that is not easily diagnosed. Brain lesions is usually a sign of MS. MS stands for multiple sclerosis. The type my daughter has is being rediagnosed as we speak, from recurring to ongoing symptoms. With recurring, the syptoms occur avery 3-4 months then go into remission. With ongoing, the symptoms beomce gradually worse over time, eventually leasing to being wheelchair bound. At this point, my daughter is only 29 and is already using a cane for increased mobility. I hope this helps some understand these diseases.

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PostPosted: 16.04.2008, 13:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello all. I am a very happy mother of 4 beautiful children. Slotmom has post pics of one of my children. I have sent her some other pics to put in here for me. I have no idea how to shrink pics to size enough to post. Anyway Slotmom was kind enough to offer topost them for me. You have now seen Andrew he is 10 months. The other pics that I sent her to post are from our family vacation to Las Vegas. The oldest is Tiffany ( which many of you have met at CC's bingo ) she is 12. next is my son James, and he is 11, and then there is my other daughter, Dakota. She is 8. Oh and one of the pics has my hubby Jim in it. They are a handful but I love them all.

good luck all

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 16.04.2008, 14:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

Here you go Sable your vaction



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PostPosted: 16.04.2008, 17:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have two sons, Jonathan (22) and Scott (9). Jonathan has moved to Ohio and I don't see much of him anymore. I have joint custody of Scott and love the 3 1/3 days i have with me each week. Although he's developing my sense of humor and that has me scared to death! Scott was named for one of my favorite songs when i was young: "Watching Scotty Grow" by Mac Davis. Scott was born with a narrow aorta and had successful surgery (thank God) to remove the narrow portion of the aorta. We go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester every few years to make sure the artery is growing with Scotty and not narrowing again. There are some photos of Scott posted on the Casino Crush Facebook Group.

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