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* Thursday - 13th Mar 2025 - 04:44 * 


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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 01:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello to my PCers,

I had a beastly headache that would not go away, so I made a quick visit to the doctor. What follows is something I hope you keep in mind for your own safety.

Seems my blood pressure had shot WAY above normal - to stroke level the doctor said. So he put me in hospital for a couple days to get it under control.

Now I have NEVER had high blood pressure. And never expected to have, since I am such an easygoing guy, slow and calm in almost everything.

I had been under no severe stress. In fact, I had had several very happy days. Then the doc told me something I did not know. He said that our bodies cannot tell the difference between bad stress and good stress, like happy excitement. Both were equally harmful stress.

I had a friend bring my laptop to my hospital room. I was checking my PC PMs when the doc came in ... and he had a fit. "No work!" he said firmly. "Don't even THINK about ANY kind of work. Just relax."

Well, what the doc didn't know is that I find it very relaxing to communicate with my PCers. So later in the day, I was just getting my computer set up again, when in he walked!


Fortunately, my blood pressure responded quickly to treatment and is now back to normal! I got my computer back and will be released tomorrow, if all continues to do well.

So I will be back with you tomorrow and we will get some more things going. I would start now, but I think maybe I should pack my laptop away and get it out of sight before the doc walks in again!

So, my favorite group, I will see you back here tomorrow!!!!

Don't treat your bad headaches as if they don't really matter much! We do not want any of us to become stroke victims!!!

Your ever-lovin' Guru

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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 01:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

oh guru, i'm so sorry to hear about you!!!!!!! please take care of yourself and stay healthy.....thank you for the advice. i've had high & low blood pressure over the's sneaky!!!! may GOD bless you & keep you safe....[[[[love & prayers ]]]]]] marlene


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 02:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

Glad to hear you're feeling better Guru.My prayers and thoughts are with you.Relax for a few days.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 02:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

Guru, please take better care of your self. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you went to see a doctor. That was very wise. Now don't let them give you meds you don't need!!!!! But take the one for the blood pressure, please????? Worried about you, nana

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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 02:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

Sure hope all goes well and you do get out tomorrow, Guru.

Scared me hearing you were hospitalized!

Listen to what Nana and Mamaw say. They are wise ladies about such things.

Love, my friend,


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 04:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

Guru I am so sorry to hear about your blood pressure but happy that they caught it.I have carried high blood pressure for years but thinking that I am an happy,easy going very mellow person never thought I would carry it long enough to cause coranary heart disease but I did and was told the same as you but not smart enough to go in when I would have these horrible headaches but now owning a blood pressure kit (that you also should own) if I start to get a headache I take my blood pressure on top of the 4 pills for it I take.I hope all works out good and they release you tommorow...big hugs..

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 07:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

I know I have very high blood pressure and I get headaches but you can't always expect a bad headache with high blood pressure either. That's why they call it The Silent Killer. I have had a stroke because of high blood pressure and diabetes.

You can have very high blood pressure and not even know it. So it helps to get periodic check up. I had my stroke while I was sitting watching TV and very relaxed. So you don't need to be stressed out to have your blood pressure spike though stress certainly can spike your blood pressure.

Do what your doc says and take your pills regualary and if your at a store even use one of those store machines to take your blood pressure once in awhile. (though a little personal warning - mine is always higher at the store cuz shopping stresses me lol)

Hurry home and relax!

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PostPosted: 08.03.2009, 22:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

{{{ Guru }}}

My Thoughts and Prayers Are With YOU

Please listen to your DRs and Get Home Soon We Miss Ya


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 09.03.2009, 13:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

My thoughts are with you Guru , I hope your feeling better.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 11.03.2009, 08:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

sorry to have read you were in hospital..glad to see you are home again and feeling betterty for pointing out that stress can also be caused by feeling happy as id always just thought of stress being when under a lot of pressure or worried....a useful thing to remember for all that anyone can suffer it no matter how relaxed they are

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 11.03.2009, 16:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

SORRY ((((GURU))) TY for warning. Since I was 12, had migraines, but JUST found out should moniter B/P during my spells.

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