Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - Now the details CONTEST - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

PokerGuru - 15.02.2008, 07:02
Post subject: Now the details CONTEST - WINNER ANNOUNCED!
Hello dear PCers!

Well, it looks like we will soon start having real time Live Open Chats on Tuesdays!

For this contest, simply post below your preference for the time of day or night! Please post it in EST. NY or Florida time.

Everyone who participates will not only stand a better chance of getting it at your favorite time, but will also be entered into a random draw for $30.

It is not necessary, but it would be nice if you told us what country you are from.

You must have 3000 PC points and an online account we use to pay cash prizes. If short of the points, we will credit you with 3000 PC points instead of cash, so you will have the points next time you win! I will also VERY soon be giving you the link to order Poker-Crush merchandise instead of cash if you wish!

Get your two cents in now and we will please the majority!

Your Guru

valeria - 15.02.2008, 07:50
Post subject:
COOL BEANS!! heheheh

Well a gooood time for me is 7pm pst which EST is 10pm which I suppose is too late for some. Another time would be between 1 and 3pm so that eastern is 4-6 pm which actually is the best time Smile

I can't wait!!!
char1984 - 15.02.2008, 10:43
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy I am very confused on est so anytime is good for me except early mornings lol its already early 240 am and I havent been to bed so I dont do mornings real well lol except real real early Laughing Laughing
slotmom - 15.02.2008, 11:37
Post subject:
Wha HOOOOOO any time is great for me . I would not miss it
Lori212 - 15.02.2008, 13:36
Post subject:
i'd say 7pm est...

i'm in the united states , ohio!!!
rob - 15.02.2008, 13:58
Post subject:
how about 7pm est
Bower50 - 15.02.2008, 15:39
Post subject:
Between 7 & 9 pm ET sounds great.
From Canada here.My time zone is 1 hour ahead of ET.
kaska321 - 15.02.2008, 18:42
Post subject:
Anytime for me sounds good. I am not much of the talker , so can`t promise to be there always, but I will definitely peek in the room from time to time.
linnie16 - 15.02.2008, 21:27
Post subject:
8 PM Eastern sounds about right for me Jump
allight - 16.02.2008, 00:49
Post subject:
i'l like to keep it the same as Casino Crush chats....creature of habit am I...which is 9pm eastern, 8pm for us here in Minnesota
valeria - 16.02.2008, 06:41
Post subject:
but then you couldn't be both places at once allight LOL
rsablebomb - 16.02.2008, 17:03
Post subject:
well I could use the PC points. I think that evening time would be great. Say maybe 7:30 or so EST.

Good luck everyone
mirrors34 - 18.02.2008, 12:18
Post subject:
ok, im up against a heap of usa canadian ntries,,,,,,

can I go for 9:00 pm melbourne time
I think its 10:00 gmt or whatever timeframe difference

chicky - 18.02.2008, 17:38
Post subject:
8 pm sounds good
Poppy - 20.02.2008, 07:20
Post subject:
Cool ... PC chat Smile

I'm in Finland and well ...
Tuesday is in middle of the week and I gotta go to work at 7AM, so ...
I don't think I am able to chat with you guys as 8PM EST is 3AM/9PM EST 4AM for me, so no chance (unless I'm on holiday or something LOL) ...

BUT ... the rest of you - have fun Smile

mirrors34 - 20.02.2008, 10:25
Post subject:
Poppy wrote: › Cool ... PC chat Smile

I'm in Finland and well ...
Tuesday is in middle of the week and I gotta go to work at 7AM, so ...
I don't think I am able to chat with you guys as 8PM EST is 3AM/9PM EST 4AM for me, so no chance (unless I'm on holiday or something LOL) ...

BUT ... the rest of you - have fun Smile

me too too Sad
broxi - 26.02.2008, 11:14
Post subject:
id agree with the 7pm est time sounds a good time to in scotland part of uk for those that dont know lol
zonn61 - 28.02.2008, 16:40
Post subject:
any time is fine for me here in the us (est)
PokerGuru - 08.03.2008, 15:53
Post subject:
Well, my Special Ones,

It looks like we are about to have ourselves a weekly Open Chat on Tuesday nights here at Poker-Crush! This contest was to set the hour.

Like you've always heard, it's impossible to please everybody all the time, but by giving everyone a chance to speak up, I tried to make as many of you as possible happy.

To start out, we will try chats of at least a half hour on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM Eastern US time.

Later, if all goes well, we may schedule some of the weird hours poker players keep for some extra chats for the sake of our Australian and European and other 4 corners of the world members. I love having an international site! The more people from around the world get to know and learn from and about others, the more peaceful and happy world we should have. (Oh, let me dream!) (Besides, it might be true.)

At our staff meeting, Geno and I decided April (next month) would be a great time to start our chats! I will keep you informed.

We will have a secret game each session. Another secret is that it wil be very rewarding for those who show up.

We will talk more about the chats in the next couple weeks. For now, we want to announce the winner of this contest!

The winner was determined by a random drawing of names and turned out this time to be.....................................................................................................

For $30..............rsablebomb.........................!!!

Congratulations, sable!

And thanks to all who helped in making this decision the best for the group in general!

Be thinking about what you would like to talk about!

Your Guru

kaska321 - 08.03.2008, 16:55
Post subject:
Congratulation rsablebomb !!!
Enjoy your win !
Can`t wait till Apriel to find out more about this secret game :-)
Bower50 - 08.03.2008, 17:07
Post subject:
WTG Sable.Looking forward to the chats.
beckie33 - 08.03.2008, 17:48
Post subject:
WTG Sable!! Very Happy
rsablebomb - 08.03.2008, 18:25
Post subject:
well I don't have 3000 points but I will now for the next contest. lol

thank you very much.
valeria - 08.03.2008, 18:59
Post subject:
woohooo wtg sable!!! and YES!! Chat night!!
rsablebomb - 08.03.2008, 19:34
Post subject:
Hopefully I can just make the points I would love some more gambling money lol
rsablebomb - 09.03.2008, 22:54
Post subject:
Woo hoo I won the lottery and now have enough points to claim my prize. YAY Thank you very much Poker Crush
char1984 - 10.03.2008, 06:01
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy Way to go Sable and good luck or good thinking on your winnings.Make it grow Very Happy Very Happy
rsablebomb - 10.03.2008, 17:15
Post subject:
I was just wondering Does geno do the prize payouts here or does the guru? Just want to know if I need to send my quicktender info or if you already have it. Thanks
broxi - 10.03.2008, 19:42
Post subject:
wtg sable good luck with your winnings
PokerGuru - 11.03.2008, 04:51
Post subject:
Dear Sable,

If you have sent your Quicktender details to ANY staff member, we have posted them in Staff Meeting Rooms, and you need send them only once.....even if for both sites!

Congratulations on your win, sweetheart!

Your Guru

rsablebomb - 11.03.2008, 13:50
Post subject:
Thank you very much Guru.
notLOL - 12.03.2008, 01:38
Post subject:
WAY TO GO SABLE!!!! enjoy your winnings......and like charla said good luck or good thinkin on your winnings , make em grow!!!!

See you all at chat!! I wonder if allight will be bringing his dollies?
Thank you Guru and Poker-Crush...
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