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The Archive - An Animal Contest Closed Winner Announced ;)

valeria - 05.03.2008, 08:44
Post subject: An Animal Contest Closed Winner Announced ;)
LOL Valeria since you went to all of this work and after your heartwrenching horse story, how about we end this contest 3/31 and give away 1 x $30 prize and the winner will be determined by you. Ok? hehee Wink Thank you Valeria!!

To liven things up around here till our dear PokerGuru can return I decided to run a contest.

The prize is nothing LOL since I don't have authority but thought it would be fun. Join for the fun and to know our members better.

This is one of those "Get to know you better" Contest. Do one or all of the listed ideas.

1. How many animals do you have and what are they?

2. Best experience or profound experience you ever had with an animal(s) that made an everlasting impression on you.

3.What animals do you wish you could have someday and why?

4. Of all the animals you have had since your were born till now, is there one that stood above all the rest. What was it and why was it so special?

Let's all tell our animal love stories now Smile
valeria - 05.03.2008, 09:28
Post subject:
Ok I will start... this is going to sound like a TV show but it really happened to me.

The most profound experience and heart wrenching one happened when I was about 12 I think.

I was visiting some people for a week vacation in their mountain cabin. It was actually about 5 cabins in a small clearing toward the bottom of the mountain. There were some other families there with kids also.

Up above the cabins was a huge grassy plain that I had climbed up to. In the golden grassy area I saw a horse. He was absolutely gorgeous! I think they call them Roans (not sure maybe someone can clarify that). He was a deep reddish brown with black mane and tail. He was like a perfect stallion with his muscles quivering in the sun like you see on TV.

I was absolutely enthralled by him. I tried to entice him over to me by grabbing some golden stalks and offering it to him. He just stood an watched me and didn't come closer. I just kept talking softly to him. After watching him and talking to him for hours I left to go back to the cabin.

For the next 2 or 3 days I went up there to look for him and each day I tried to get him closer. On the 4th or 5th day he cautiously came to me and ate out of my hand. I was thrilled he was sooo beautiful. I constantly talked to him. I was so excited that he ate out of my hand I couldn't wait to go tell everyone. I actually had stroked his neck. He had the most beautiful brown eyes. I was totally in love with this horse.

When I told everyone about my stallion they had a FIT!!! They told me to stay away from him that he was a wild stallion and mean and dangerous. I couldn't believe they were talking about the same horse and they were mistaken. He seemed so gentle and we had developed a bond I could feel in my heart and soul.

I had gone up there everyday since I had come there. The next day I was dying to go see my horse but they wouldn't let me out of the yard.
They got some of their horses out and us kids were riding around the yard. I couldn't get the stallion out of my mind.

Then suddenly there he was on top of the hill looking down at us. He came looking for me because I hadn't shown up.

Then all hell broke loose.

Just like in the movies he reared up on his hind legs and gave a loud whinney. He was absolutely beautiful and I was spell bound by him as he came charging down the hill straight for me! Everyone in the yard scattered like mad. I was still sitting on my horse wondering what he was going to do or if he was going to attack the horse I was sitting on.

Out of one of the cabins came someone with a gun and starting shooting in the air. I don't know if they aimed at him or just aimed in the air to scare him but it worked and he ran off. I prayed all that night that he wasn't hurt.

The next day I had to go home. I cried and pleaded to go see if he was alright but they wouldn't let me.

My mom came and picked me up and I begged and pleaded with her for MONTHS to find out what happened to the stallion, if anyone owned it, and if I could somehow someway get this horse. (Getting the horse was out of the question of course) but I would have been happy to just have been able to see him again and know that he was still wild and running free.

I drove my mother crazy all that year. She finally told me no one knew where he had gone (or if he was dead, I hope not because of me). I don't know if she really knew or if she just wanted to shut me up.

Anyway, that was my most profound experience with an animal. I still think of that horse now and then.
OrangeCrush - 06.03.2008, 00:36
Post subject:
Great Job Valeria!! I would like to tell everyone about my GrandPug Missy. We (actually Kristy because Barry and I wanted a real dog lol) adopted Missy a year and a half ago, she was an abused dog.

I've raised Shepards before and had a few other Heinz 57's in my life but Missy is without a doubt the sweetest most loving dog I've ever had, heard of or seen before!! Pugs have such cute expressions (for being dogs that really aren't that cute lol). She is the love of our lifes and I don't know what we would do without her.

Wait ... I take that back lol ... Barry went back to Mass to see his family and friends and to surprise his brother for his birthday and the reason I didn't go is because of Missy (Kristy works part time and goes to school full time) ... soooooo lol after Barry had left I checked the airlines and found out that Missy can fly in the plane with us so next time we'll take Missy. lol

I've been a cat lover since I was 5 years old and ALWAYS had at least 1 cat if not 26 Shocked at one time, until last June when my Chubetta was attacked by 2 dogs and we had to put him down. Sad

I hope that soon we'll be able to get a younger cat to maybe occupy some of Missy's time instead of me. lol

Thanks for the great contest Valeria and Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!

Orangie wink

Here's my GrandPug Missy back when we got her (I'll have to get some newer pictures of her since she's doubled her weight lol) Oh and the other animals dressed up for halloween are my kids, Jason and Kristy. lol

<a href="¤t=smmissy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=zzzmissy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=zzzhalloween.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Here's a newer picture of Missy, taken December, 2007. She doesn't look very happy cuz Kristy was calling her a plus size model lol

<a href="¤t=missy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

And this clip is my Chubetta walking with his slippers on (the person in the background laughing is Barry. I was calling bingo when Barry put the slippers on Chubetta and Kristy took the video. When I turned around to see what was going on Barry was on the floor rolling laughing so hard) lmaoo

<a href="¤t=album_thumbnail3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=album_thumbnail2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=zzzzboots-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Chubetta weighed 31 pounds and drank out of the toliet like a dog. lol The reason for the slippers is he'd been in a fight and wouldn't quit scratching his wounds. He wouldn't wear the slippers very long but he quit scratching too, I guess he knew if he didn't, he'd be wearing the slippers lol

allight - 06.03.2008, 01:52
Post subject:
Used to love cats, always had a couple, but my present residence doesn't allow sad. No real gut wrenching animal stories to tell....a friend of mine (Jeanette) found a stray cat in a parking lot and while driving it home was having trouble giving him a name, but as soon as she did get home the cat rolled over on his back and spread eagled over her living room floor and Jeanette instantly said, "That's Al....I'll name this cat Al!" So I have had the honor of a cat named after me.

I love dogs, always wanted one, but don't have the time or energy to properly take care of one. Scotty's mother had dogs and one of them (Payote) was her favorite, but he liked me more than her and this annoyed her greatly. When we broke up Payote would run away to my house. He had never been there but it was only a few blocks away....he must've smelled his way to me.

Anyway, these are my simple, but true animal stories.
valeria - 06.03.2008, 06:37
Post subject:
Very cool stories guys n gals... mroe more more!!!
mirrors34 - 07.03.2008, 21:33
Post subject:
gotta go to work, but will tell ya mine when i get contest indeed
rsablebomb - 08.03.2008, 14:15
Post subject:
Well I love cats. I used to have alot of cats but 2 of them were very special to me. They are Midnight and shadow. They grew up with my choldren and were some of the best animals I had ever had. When they passed away I had been wanting to get another cat but we had moved and alot was going on. Now I have another cat and he is great. His name is george. Nono over at CC gave him to us. He is so great. Very loving and really good with the kids. I am very happy to have him as part of the family now.
PUZTIME - 08.03.2008, 19:02
Post subject:
I am a CAT Person Myself
I had one very special Cat whose name was Pretty Kitten
She was so smart that she learned to get on tub and turn handle
of Bathroom door to let herself out. Drove me crazy for days
thinking I had forgot to close bathroom door when I went to work.
And if she was hungry would knock things off my dresser to wake me up
I definitely miss her
TheFunk - 08.03.2008, 19:42
Post subject: An Animal Contest
Val, what a great story!! sounds like the black stallion, cept urs was brown!

OC, LOVE the picture of your pug in the sweater, and the cat movie so funny! BTW, is that Barry? SEXY!! when I first saw him, he reminded me of Bruce Willis!

Thanks for the contest, and these are the types of questions that really help people get to know one another!! What a great idea, WOOHOO Val!

Ok, on with the show,
1. How many animals do you have and what are they?

Right now, we have 3 dogs, Itty Bitty Little Baby Girl (we call her Iggy Biggy) a purebred Chow Chow, she is 12 years old... Spark Plug (we call him Sparky) he is a standard Schnauzer and I think around 6 years old... then, there's The Beeaytch, LOL!! Princess ( and yes, she answers to beyatch when you call her!) , a chow-rottie mix, and she is 5 years old

2. Best experience or profound experience you ever had with an animal(s) that made an everlasting impression on you.

Ever since I can remember, I have had a very fond place in my heart for dogs and all animals really. My mom tells me, when I was a toddler, I used to hug on our family dog, a crazy terrier mix, named Beauty, and I loved that dog so much, I would even sit next to her and eat out of the dogs dish with her!! LOL!! I don't remember this, but, my mom says it happened. I have always loved dogs, and, of course with life being what it is, Beauty got very sick and passed on...after that, my dad said he didn't want any more dogs for a long time, if ever!! I of course, did not want to hear that, so I kept on bugging him, finally after a year of pestering, he said alright, lets go to the pet store... I was like WOOHOO! I was all excited, and started looking at the dogs, and he goes, ooooh no, come over here, we are going to get a parakeet. A PARAKEET oh geez! But, I was just happy to be getting a pet. So, I picked out the prettiest turquoise budgie out of all the birds, and the guy had such a hard time catching him, IT WAS SO FUNNY!! after a few minutes, he was like, are you sure you want that one? I was like yea! thats the, my dad and I started looking around the store, picked out all the stuff, and about 10 minutes later, THE GUY WAS STILL TRYING TO CATCH MY NEW LITTLE feathered friend!!! LMAOOO So, I said, can I try? he was using like a thing it looked like one of those nets you get the fish with, but bigger, so, he handed me the net, and I started whistling and talking to him and one feldswoop, netted him and put him in the little cage we were buying. On the ride home, my dad was like, so what's his name gonna be, and I looked at him and said, Fred! He was such a good little bird, and I always tried to teach him to talk, but, no luck, he would wolf whistle and click his little tongue back at you, and come over if you made the kissing noise to kiss you. He was a crazy bird!! One time, my dad was like lets see if fred likes spaghetti.. so he hung a noodle on his cage, and I think Fred thought it was a long worm, because he walked right over to it, and started nibbling, then grabbed it and started shaking it and was twirling it around, it was the funniest thing! I could go on and on, but, I have rambled long enough.

3.What animals do you wish you could have someday and why?

I would love to have a Bengal Tiger, just for the shock value, I would love to be able to put him on a leash and walk around with him, or like if someone broke in the house, what a shock it would be if they were searching through the house and then all of a sudden they turn around and see this huge tiger staring at them!!! OMG that would be so funkin awesome! lol
Ok, back to reality, I really want a little yorkshire terrier one that I can carry around with me, and sneak into the casino when I go! lol

4. Of all the animals you have had since your were born till now, is there one that stood above all the rest. What was it and why was it so special?

Every single animal that I have had the pleasure of having in my life holds a special place in my heart, but, one little dog has really been like my adopted baby boy. That is Sparky. From the moment I saw him crossing the street on one of the busiest intersections in Phoenix during rush hour, he has always had that certain something that you only see in the movies or on TV. When I saw him running across the street I was like OH MY GOD! Hubby was using the pay phone and I was sitting in the hot car at the corner gas station, I jumped out of the car, and whistled, and said, commere baby.. come here! he looked at me, and ran right over, I saw he was coming over, and sat back down in the car, held the door open, and said, come on, hop in baby. And he hopped right in the back seat and sat there like a little person!! It was so cute! From that moment on, I have been in love. I checked the paper and looked for signs to make sure no one was looking for a lost schnauzer, (hoping and praying that no one was looking!!) That was about 6 years ago, and everyday he makes me laugh, is always there to calm my nerves, always there to cheer me up, and is never too busy or disinterested in what I have to say. I say to him I need a hug and he jumps up on my lap and puts his little paws on my shoulders and I hug him and saw awww, and he growls and its funny, because it sounds like he is saying aww too!! Such a character! I say daddy's home, and all the dogs run over to greet hubby, its so funny!

I'll take some pics and post later on, hope I wasn't too long-winded!
rsablebomb - 08.03.2008, 19:54
Post subject:
I would love to have the money and space to own a horse or a few horses. As a matter of fact my 12 year old has gone and taken riding lessons already. She wants to be a vet when she gets older.
crzynana2001 - 08.03.2008, 20:14
Post subject:
we adopted a 2 year old labrador retreiver named Bentley. He bonded to us very quickly and became a great protector of the family. Once, my now e-xbrother in law came to the house and attempted to come in without knocking. Even though he had been to the house before, Bentley would not let him come in any farther than the outside I was busy in the kitchen in the rear of the house and heard the commotiion of the dog barking and quickly went to investigate. I found my ex-brother in law standing on the sidewalk much for a fearless man...LOL Bentley died of old age and cancer. I really miss that dog!!!
beckie33 - 08.03.2008, 20:18
Post subject:
I have one kitty and his name is Leo. I adopted him from a girl at work about a year and a half ago. Her mother rescues animals and a litter of kittens were found in the dumpster at a store. She took all 7 of them in and had family memebers help take care of them as they needed to be hand fed. friend at work took on Leo..she brought him to the office for awhile and I even got to feed him and baby sit a few times LOL...about 6 months later..she got pregnant and was worried about having an animal around the baby so she was looking for somoene to take him and I did... he is the best kitty...he will only drink from our upstairs bathroom sink...he lets the water run on his head...cutest thing!!

I would love to have a salt water fish tank someday...but...I am thinking Leo will think that is lunch LOL

nice contest Val!!! Smile
<a href="¤t=Beckie1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=Beckie2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=Beckie3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
PokerGuru - 08.03.2008, 21:13
Post subject:
Please forgive this side of my nature, my PCers.

But whoever tossed those babies into a trash dumpster to starve to death, in my opinion, needs a bit of a taste of their own medicine.....and I would be happy to administer it!

Your little "Lucky" is a winner and sounds adorable, Beckie. Thank God for people like you. Unfortunately, there are far too many of that other type, who have forgotten His eye is on the sparrow and they are all His creatures, great and small.

Forgive my anger, but this is my #1 pet peeve! (No pun intended.) If I ever have a web site that I start from scratch (again, no pun intended), it will be a site to help abused and neglected animals!

If I were not so basically nonviolent by nature, it might also deal with "helping" their abusers.

This topic is a passion in me!

Thank all of you who are the "good guys". Ever notice how many "good guys" are poker players?

Your Guru

valeria - 08.03.2008, 22:43
Post subject:
ohhhh I love reading these stories!!!! What a blast and how fascinating.

Funk.. I must say.. I laughed out loud reading the names of your animals. ROFL LOVE IT!!!

I really like unusual names for animals.. haven't you noticed how they just sort of pick their own names?

Everytime I get a new pet or animal I give it a day or so of watching them and suddenly their name just springs into my mind... sometimes it hits me as soon as I pick them up and hold them.

Gotta love our animal friends.

beckie33 - 09.03.2008, 18:29
Post subject:
Thank you for posting my kitty Leo OC!!
TheFunk - 10.03.2008, 00:26
Post subject: An Animal Contest
Had to say, that I TOTALLY wish that I could have 5 minutes alone with any animal or child abuser, they would NOT abuse anyone or any animal ever again, trust me!!

Didn't see any edit button, but, here are pics of my 3 babies, also, Val, anytime I name an animal, I usually wait a day or 2 and thats how we decided on sparky's name, hubby goes, my gosh, he's full of fire and energy, like a spark plug!! LOL and, Iggy, she is so tiny, thats how we came up with the name, Itty Bitty Little Baby Girl! LMAO! and Princess, hubby named her, because he had a dog when he was younger, and she had just passed away when he got this princess...

<a href="¤t=sparky1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=princess1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="¤t=iggy1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Bower50 - 10.03.2008, 01:58
Post subject:
I have always loved dogs.For some reason I've never been scared of big dogs like a lot of people.My first experience was being a security officer handling a kennel full of shepherds.I was made foreman very quickly since I was the only one that could enter the kennel and handle all the dogs.The smartest of them all was named "dog".
My favourite dog was of course my rottie.She was the runt of the litter so I paid $100 less for her.She fit in the palm of my hand,but not for long.She grew up to an amazing 145 lbs.My proudest moment was when at 4 months of age she placed 1st out of 35 dogs at obedience school.Her name was Nykki by the way.
char1984 - 10.03.2008, 05:37
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy Well I was always raised with animals growing up my favorite being dogs but I would say having 2 dogs and 2 cats of all my animals my 11 yr old rott would be my favorite and most obident of all.I had a fuzzy fluffy chubby dog that was very gentle growing up with my kids and the most trusting being a kid dog but my 150 pound rott is my very favorite,loyal dog.I had the childrens dog for 15 years and now my rott for 11.I think everyday of how I will react when something happens to her as she is more faithful then most people.But as far as animals in general I think a animal abuser should be punished the same way as a child abuser.yep I love my animals even my cat who is 15 yrs old now.The other is a farrel.

<a href="¤t=char.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
zonn61 - 10.03.2008, 12:17
Post subject:
We have a cat named Steve. He is 5.
Also a Ball Python who is about 6 yrs. old, we had him since he was a baby.
My story would be the time the snake escaped, we went away for a few days to our cottage and when we came home the snake tank was empty. Now of course my husband was on the road (truck driver) and my older sons were out of town! It was me and my one son and daughter. We searched the house top to bottom, we had the neighborhood kids come and search the house. Well this went on for days. I couldnt sleep at night. This is a very large snake...This went on for a week. One night I was in my daughters room making up her bed and who comes slithering out of the closet (he looked much bigger than he looked in his tank)!!!So, I shut the door and announced quietly the snake is in Em's bedroom. Well of course we didnt know what to do now. My sons friend was home from the navy on leave and I went to his house and asked him to help. He tried to get him but he was under the bed and did not want to be caught. Jay then put his leg under the bed and the snake wrapped itself around his leg! He than carried him upstairs and got him in his tank. I think he was more scared than we were. Thats the end of the story and you would not believe how small the hole was he got out, it was were the wire was for the plug for his heat rock.
I would love to have a dog again someday!
My best animal ever was a sheperd/retriver mix, his name was Molson and he was part of the family for 15 years. He died in the year 2000 and still cannot bring ourselves to getting another dog. He was well loved
afulk8 - 13.03.2008, 12:46
Post subject:
Hi all! I just came over from the other side (Casino-Crush) and had to share in the animal stories. Love animals! We have 2 cats-Rjush and Mythe-both black; Rjush is 13 and weighs 30 lbs, Mythe is 12 and weighs 13 lbs. (one extreme to the other!). We also have a Chesapeake Bay retriever who's 7 months old and getting huge, she's not the brightest dog but we have high hopes for her Laughing Anyhow, we have 2 kids, one soon to be 4 and one soon to be 2; my cats were never really around children; the big one is like a big Mommy(even though he's male) and when my firstborn was a baby, he would lay beside her bassinet and come and meow at me if she started to cry. My little cat is a scaredy cat and pretty much just hides. Well, the firstborn is now almost 4, and that cat puts up with anything from these kids! They have ridden him like a horse, tried dressing him up in hats and gloves, and my littlest one-almost 2-has a thing for tickly things-if the gets something soft, she's tickle her ear with it. The other day in the kitchen, I hear the cat meow funny-kinda like a "huh?", I go out and there's the poor cat with his butt in the air looking over his shoulder like, what is this? And my daughter's got his tail tickling her ear with it! The cat just took it, though. Too bad I didn't have the camera handy! I've always had animals, mostly cats, the puppy is testing my patience but she's not so bad. So that's my animal story, nothing really exciting but they are definitely part of the family.
valeria - 13.03.2008, 17:59
Post subject:
They are all wonderful stories! I love the pictures too everyone. They are great!! It is fun to put faces to aliases and their pets Smile
Keep them coming!
char1984 - 13.03.2008, 19:30
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy Me to Val ,what a wonderful contest you chose.... Very Happy Very Happy Thanks Val as I love to show off my dog and the little one next to us is my sons little dog..... Very Happy Very Happy
Poppy - 13.03.2008, 23:54
Post subject:
Alright ... This is my zoo Smile



Timi is originally from Tallinn, ESTONIA.
I found a website of Finnish organization which helps Estonian animal shelters.
The organization brings some cats and dogs to Finland as well ...
I saw Timi's photo on their website and it was love at 1st sight Smile
He is the most loving animal I've ever had - my precious <3



If Timi's breed is "Estonian bush coctail" LOL then Tikru is the same, except Finnish Very Happy
She's funny, lively and loves to sleep in the sauna 24/7 Smile



The newest addition to my family is White West Highland Terrier Nelly ...
She's a cutie in devil's disguise (sp?)LOL
Today I cought her jewing my new laptops head set, AGAIN! ARGH! LOL


Above Nelly in her "bling bling" (LOL) winter jacket Smile


Cats against the dog LOL

slotmom - 14.03.2008, 11:39
Post subject:
I had a pet pig that I razed from 3 days old . She was the cutest little thing you could ever seen . She was so tinny we gave here a toilet paper tube to play with . she was so cute when she would pick up the cardboard tube she would tip over . I think that happened because little pigs heads are too big for there little body's . I had her litter box trained . And when she got bigger we had to put here out side . She got very spoiled . She use to jump up into her window and watch for the kids to get off the school bus .Then she would start to squeal for the kids which let me know that the kids where home . She did this every day when the buss would come . I think she did this because the kids would always take her a treat when they got home . I have 3 kids and each one would take a different treat to here . Her favorite was Oreo cookies .Tomatoes and zucchinis . My hubby tried to take her for a walk one day and she took him for a walk of his life . She decided she did not like to have a harness on her so she took off like some one bit her and pulled him and drug him right over a plow . I told him don't put that on her she don't need any thing just slap your hip and say come on miss piggy lets go for a walk and she would walk right by my side where ever I went she went . But we found out she only would do that for me and no one else . She had a bad habit of getting out of her house and head right for my garden to eat my veggies . I now know why they call her a pig . She will eat any thing there is to get at .LOL

I would like to get a puppy . I want a small little fuzzy one . We have been going to shelters to find a small puppy that I can care for and love each and every day . I already have a quilt for it and food , dishes ,toys ,a bed MINE , I will get one
dmoney644 - 21.03.2008, 14:28
Post subject: no animals
1. How many animals do you have and what are they?

At the Moment We Don't Have Any Animals. The wife And I Had Always Lived Somewhere WHere We Could Not Have A Pet, Or The Place Was Just To Small With No Yard And Would Not Want To Have A Pet That didn't Have Enough Room For Itself. We Just Bought A New Place {Doublewide Mobilehome} That Had Been Repossessed And Vandalized About 5 months ago. We Pretty Much Ripped Out Everything To remodel This Place. New Hardwood Laminate Flooring{700 SQ feet} And 4 Bedrooms Of Carpet, Fresh Paint On All New Walls, ETC. We Had Said that If We Had A Bigger Place We Would Look Into Getting A Dog, We Now Even Have A Nice Yard As Well.

But After All the Hard Work, And About $5,000 Later , After Remodeling This House, I Decided We Would Not Get A Dog Anytime Soon, Seeing that The Money We Spent Remodeling This Place Was Alot, And I'm just Not Ready Yet, For My Pet To Scar Up And Scratch Up My Brand New Floors, hehe.

So Maybe In Another Year Or 2, I Will Feel Differntly About This And Finally Get Our Dog, lol

2. Best experience or profound experience you ever had with an animal(s) that made an everlasting impression on you.

Well, My Grandmother Had This One Dog She Kinda Adopted From A Family Member, He Was A Young Crazy Mut, That Sometimes You Wondered If He Would Bite As He Snipped At A Couple Of The Grandkids, But I Think It Was Only After A Long Torturous Evening With The Kids Aggrevating The Hell Out Of Him! lol Well, One Day He Got Outside When Someone Opened The Door And Took Off Running, And Ended Up Getting Hit By A Car, That Never Say Him.

He Was Still Alive When We Picked Him Up, And I Said Get Him In My Car{Which Was My 1st Car I Had Bought, A Ford Taurus SHO} It Had Leather Seats Too, But I Said Lets Go, See If We Can find Some Help And Didn't think Once About The Dog Bleeding On My Leather Seats.

The Bad Thing For "jessie" Was That He Got Hit By A Car On Sunday. Which This Meant, All Of The Veternarian Hospitals Were Closed In My Town. We 1st Stopped Across The Street A Block Down At A K-9 Training Place Hoping They Coulds Help. They Couldn't Help But, But Suggested That there Was A Place On the Other Side Of Town. So I Hurried Up, And Drove Accros Town Running Stop Lights{after checking that nothing was coming of course} With My Hazzard Lights On. Got All the Way Accross Town to Find Out that the Place Was Closed That Had Been suggested.

Disappointed, I Looked At the Dog, And Felt So Bad, As He Laid There Looking Up At Me, With Those "Puppy Dog" Eyes, And I Knew I Had To Find Somewhere. There Was A Pet Grooming Shop Beside The One Animal Hospital that Was Closed, And I Went In To ask For Any Suggestions.

The Guy Told Me About An Emergency Hospital For Animals But It Was In A Couple Towns Away.{About A 40 Minute Drive}

I Was Determined To do Anything I Could To Try And Save This Dog. So, I Fired Up My Hotrod, And Speed As Quickly As I Could With My Hazzard Lights Blazing And Still Running Every Stoplight I Came Yoo,

I Got To the Interstate And Put the Throttle Down , {no Lie, I Drove 110MPH, the Fastest I Had Ever Driven In My Life} I Was Cruising Along, And Got To A Place Where There Was A tractor Trailer In The Left Hand Ln{fast Ln, } And On the Right, there Was A Tractor Trailer Entering The Interstate Onramp. I Knew If I Got Stuck Behind These 2 Trucks, It Could Be A Life Or Death Situation For this Dog.

So Without Hesitation, I Whipped My Car All The Way To the Right In The Emergency Ln, And Passed Both Trucks, lol

{What Was I Thinking, roflmao!}

If I Woulda Got Pulled Over For All Of This, I Was Just Hoping It Woulda Been A K-9 Unit Police Officer That Understood The Situation, lol

Well, that 40 Minute Trip, I Made In 14 Minutes, I Know, seems Impossible But I Really Did}

Got To The Emergency Hospital, And They Took Him Right way To examine Him.

Oh BTW, The Dog Pooped Right On My Car Door Armrest During This trip As well{Must Have Happened When I Pased Those Trucks, I Might Have Scared Th ePoop Out Of Me Too roflmao}

After About 30 Minutes The Doctor Came Out And Said, that He Could Save The Dog, But It Was Gonna Cost About $300, If That Wasn't Feesable, than We Would Have To Put Him Down.

I Said, I Did Not Risk My Driving Privaledges Just To Have You Put Him Down, I Said Heres A check, Get In there and Fix My Grandmas Dog!

Well, Thats What He Did, And I Saved This Dogs Life. After All Of this, You Could Tell He Was Thankful Of Me, And Knew What Had Happened, That I Saved His Life. He Was Always Alot More Lovable And Protective Of Me, then Anyone Else, Even Grandma.

That Made Me Understand That Dogs, Really Are Some Of the Smartest Creatures Here On Earth, And They Know whats Going On.

Eventually , He Didn't Put Up With The Grandkids Too Long, And Would Snip at them More Frequently, And My Grandmother Decided To Find Him A New Home, As She Thought, He Had Lost Patience With The Kids After This Accident.

Thats, One Thing I'll Never Forget, the Day I Saved A Life, Whether It Was Human Or Not.

3.What animals do you wish you could have someday and why?

I Would Really Love To have A Sharpei Dog, I Think those Wrinkles Are Just Beautiful. But Really What I Want, Is A Good Dog, That Is Loyal And Smart.{very intelligent}

4. Of all the animals you have had since your were born till now, is there one that stood above all the rest. What was it and why was it so special?

I Never Really Had Too Many Pets Growing Up, But My Grandma Always Seemed To Have One.

It Was A Chiwawa{sure i didn't spell that right lol} And Her Name Was "Pee-Wee". She Had A Beautiful Coat Of Brown Fir. And Was Just So Tiny. She Was Very Loyal Dog To My Grandmother. Being As Small As She Was, She Had No Fear. If She Thought You Were Trying To Hurt Grandma, She Would Be All Over You. lol

She Didn't Put Up With The Grandkids For Too Long, most Of the Time She Would Run And Hide When The Grandkids Came About lol

I Don't Blame Her, When The Grandkids Did Nothing But Aggrevate Poor Pee-Wee, And Pull On Her Tail And Always Trying To Hold Or Pick Her Up.

She Used To Love To Sleep with You As well,Once You Went To Sleep , And Woke Up the Next Morning, She Would Always Be Laying Beside You Or Between Your Legs,Under The Covers, lol

She Was A Great Dog, But Eventually Died At the Ripe Old Age Of 14 Years Old.

Let's all tell our animal love stories now

Well, I Guess That Was My Loe Story For My Grandmothers Dog, roflmao

Well, I Hope You Guys Liked My Novel! lol

Didn't Mean To Write So Much, but Hope I Didn't Bore You guys To Death! lol
valeria - 21.03.2008, 18:14
Post subject:
That was great dmoney644!! No it wasn't too long Smile

This contest is almost over folks so get your stories in now. The end of the month is drawing near Smile
m8ryann - 23.03.2008, 12:51
Post subject:
Ok I have a pitbull that is a blue nose and she ihas grayish-blue colored fir and i know people probably think pitbulls seem so scary and crazy, but she is a sweetie she is well trained for a pitbull and well potty trained too, she doesn't bite or growl at anyone, but only to strangers. I never liked dogs at all i was always scared of them just because, now i have learned to love her dearly. She is about 5 months old and we are trying to get her a boyfriend so that she can make little ones of her own. She is so beautiful and this is the first dog i ever touched in my life. She is my life, my son loves playing with her. well that's about it.

<a href="¤t=untitled-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
valeria - 29.03.2008, 23:45
Post subject:
I will be announcing the winner next week folks.

Having a little internet problem but will be back online next week full time.
valeria - 02.04.2008, 01:05
Post subject: Animal Contest - Winner Announced!!!
Even though I don't have internet at home at the moment, I went to the Library and believe it or not had a librarian pull the name from scraps of paper which i had everyones name written down LOL

I thought everyones entries were wonderful!! I loved the stories and loved the pictures!!

Without further ado -

THE WINNER IS..........


kaska321 - 02.04.2008, 04:36
Post subject:
Some how I forgot to write about my dog, but I did enjoy all of the pet stories very much. That was great subject for the contest Valeria !
rsablebomb - 02.04.2008, 11:13
Post subject:
wtg afulk !!!!!
OrangeCrush - 05.04.2008, 15:05
Post subject:
Valeria Thank You Very Much for doing this contest!! I love reading about everyones pets and hated to see this contest end!!!

Thank you everyone for sharing your pets with us!!!

Congratulations afulk8!!! Way to Go!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

OrangeCrush wink

allight - 05.04.2008, 16:58
Post subject:
wtg afulk
Poppy - 13.04.2008, 18:47
Post subject:
Congratulations afulk Smile
mirrors34 - 14.04.2008, 09:30
Post subject:
wtg afulk good luck
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