Banter and Bitchin' - General Chat + Questions and Answers - VOTING RESULTS ARE IN - JANUARY 2009 !!! valeria - 08.02.2009, 20:51 Post subject: VOTING RESULTS ARE IN - JANUARY 2009 !!!
Well we have another first here!
Honorary Mention Winner - VALERIA
It was a very close race this month! I watched the polls and it was like watching a horse race. One would be in front then it would switch then it would be nose to nose... It was exciting to watch!
I want to thank all who voted! It was a close race all the way to the finish!
Congrats to all the winners... and if you didn't win this time there is always next month! You should feel honored to have been nominated!
valeria - 08.02.2009, 20:53 Post subject:
That should be Honorable Mention not Honorary Mention LOL Guru going to kick my butt again for mis-typing it LOL
Bower50 - 08.02.2009, 21:10 Post subject:
WTG Char & Donna.Well deserving members of this honor.
Congrats Val on Honorable mention.
Guru would never kick a cute butt like yours.LOL!!!
dalesr - 08.02.2009, 21:11 Post subject: lol bower wtg winners ojisplayin - 08.02.2009, 21:52 Post subject:
WTGoooooooooooooooo Poker Crush Famers!! Well Deserved Indeed!
crzynana2001 - 08.02.2009, 22:15 Post subject:
Congratulations to Charla and Valeria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well deserved, ladies!!!!!!!!!!!
crzynana2001 - 08.02.2009, 22:58 Post subject:
I would like to humbly thank those who voted. ! am extremely honored!
PUZTIME - 09.02.2009, 00:39 Post subject:
Congrats Congrats Donna and Charla On Your Top Honors
And Much Deserved I Must Say
Wtg Valeria on Honorable Mention
You three make us proud to be Poker Crushers
valeria - 09.02.2009, 02:46 Post subject:
ty so much all!! I really didn't think I would win as for a long time there I was third.. then when I looked at the results I was shocked..
Thanks all...
PokerGuru - 09.02.2009, 11:35 Post subject: Congratulations to our three deserving Hall of Famers for January!!!!
It really is a great honor to be voted for by your peers! And especially when those peers are my perfectionist PCers!!!
My hat is off to all 3 of you!
PCers, you voted wisely, in my opinion, and I am proud of the serious way you handle this part of our forum activities!
I am still working with Geno to get us a special place for our Hall of Fame and also our new calendar-to-be.
Your Guru
P.S. Valeria posted: "That should be Honorable Mention not Honorary Mention LOL Guru going to kick my butt again for mis-typing it LOL"
And I now reply: Valeria, as hard as you work for your forum, there shall be no more Val-butt-kicking around here!!!allight - 09.02.2009, 17:29 Post subject:
congrats Hall of Famers!!!!!!
kaykyl - 09.02.2009, 18:21 Post subject:
WTG winners
char1984 - 10.02.2009, 19:14 Post subject: Thank you very much all and a high five to nana and Val and very well deserved...
mamaw618 - 11.02.2009, 07:41 Post subject:
congradulations to donna, charla, & well deserved!!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work & keep us all in tow!!!!!! lol [[[hugs]]] marlene