POKERGURU PRESENTS (Archive) - UPDATE FROM GURU PokerGuru - 09.03.2009, 23:55 Post subject: UPDATE FROM GURUHi PCers!
I am finally out and back home!
After a short nap, will be posting again.
Your Guruvaleria - 10.03.2009, 01:52 Post subject:
Welcome back!!! Now behave! Bower50 - 10.03.2009, 02:40 Post subject:
Welcome back Guru.Glad you're feeling better.
char1984 - 10.03.2009, 02:43 Post subject: So glad to hear your back home and really glad to see that you are taking time for yourself to nap For those that never been in a hospital in bed for days it seems where you get the least sleep at least me..
mamaw618 - 10.03.2009, 07:20 Post subject:
guru, i am so happy to hear you r home!!! what great news!!! take care of yourself for u & for all of us!!!! love & prayers...marlene
crzynana2001 - 10.03.2009, 07:44 Post subject:
Welcome home dear Guru. Now sit, relax and stay put! LOL Seriously, take care of yourself, those naps are amazing things.