Poker Crush Forums
The Archive - Good Ideas Contest *Closed* winners announced
OrangeCrush - 07.07.2009, 01:48
Post subject: Good Ideas Contest *Closed* winners announced
Hello Poker Crushers!!!
With the Guru leaving Poker Crush it leaves us sad and we'll miss him! He taught us a lot and this we'll always remember and appreciate!
The Guru is now gone but everything that has gone on here for the past 4 years is still here at Poker Crush. The good times - the learning times - the winning times and the sad times. We've laughed together, we've cried together, we've been there for each other and that has not changed.
Poker Crush is still your forum. Its up to you what Poker Crush's future is.
We need your help! We need your ideas! What would you like to see here at Poker Crush in the future? What do you think would make Poker Crush an even greater Poker forum then it is now?
Please Poker Crusher's give us your ideas. At the end of the month we'll go over your ideas and give away up to 3 x $30 prizes.
Please post your ideas, as many as you would like, on what you would like to see here at Poker Crush.
You will need 3,000 pc-points in order to redeem for a cash prize of $30.
If you do not have enough pc-points to win a cash prize yet, you'll be credited with 3,000 pc-points instead - so next time you win - you'll be able to cash out. However, we recommend you check out the other ways to earn pc-points.
We really would appreciate your input Poker Crushers!!!
Thank you!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush - 09.07.2009, 00:37
Post subject:
Bumping up (since its been sitting in staff for a while lol)
Sisters - 09.07.2009, 04:23
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I think member reviews of different Poker Sites they've played at...
Their experiences with that site, payouts, deposit methods etc would be a tremendous help..
Good Luck,
Sisters - 09.07.2009, 04:26
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Just thought of another
How about a Poker Update could have the latest updates in the Poker world...sort of like a mini Poker News Feed...
Good Luck,
Sisters - 09.07.2009, 04:51
Post subject:
I just thought of a name for my 2 suggestions..
PC's News & Reviews
Woohoo I'm on fire
cocakolakid - 09.07.2009, 04:58
Post subject:
It's been over week now since the announcement of Guru's departure from Poker Crush, and I'm still really bummed out. I know I only arrived pretty much at the tail of his time as the resident pro. But just as others wrote, I too, had been taken by his lessons and made every effort to apply them. i must admit much of my game has improved with tournament results to back it up. recently i have not been playing well at all..its as if i suddenly lost my love for the game. perhaps when i use to play i played keeping Guru in mind and wanting so much to prove to him that his lessons work. now i would play just cuz i have funds available in my poker site accounts...which is quickly depleting as i just cant seem to get myself into the game.
and so...for ideas...? i do like the ideas in the posts above by sisters. other than that i can't think of anything other than is there anything we could have done that could have kept guru here? even if it were on a part-time basis to submit a lesson and answer questions..but no administrative or organizational tasks? to even remain simply as a regular PC member who posts and replies like everyone else?
sorry if it seems i'm taking this a bit hard...honestly i am. Playing poker full-time was a direction i have seriously considered. And in my mind guru was gonna be there to help me and guide me every step of the way. so now i really feel lost - oh well...i'm pretty sure there is a lesson within all of this too...just haven't found it yet.
char1984 - 09.07.2009, 07:43
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great post cola as I actually feel the same way as poker crush is not ever gonna be the same without Guru.
ojisplayin - 09.07.2009, 07:49
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I would like us to have an actual "poker table" we can practice or have weekly/monthly contests on.
Maybe Geno can code one, where we play "virtual" players so ya get the "FEEL" of real table play.
With leaderboard of running Win/Loss ratio. Sorta like the arcade games are setup. Reset monthly.
ojisplayin - 09.07.2009, 07:58
Post subject:
Another idea- Every month we pick 1-poker-topic as OUR theme. We all input about personal good or bad experiences.
What they may have learned by it. Pix for references would be helpful too. Helping each other. Learning from each other.
Using this "idea" about a theme, we can expand it into that mo. contests. Like a Crossword. Running Story. Etc.
broxi - 12.07.2009, 09:00
Post subject:
ok lol time for me to get in trouble again(now theres a surprise)...i know poker is a serious game but i think it would maybe be a good idea if poker crush was now a bit more light hearted.....not meaning it in a bad way just before under guru i had several posts etc removed as they werent considered to be serious enough or could cause offence and was also told in pms about whats allowed to post and what isnt...and i know the same happened to others...not saying people should post anything bad but a sense of humour wouldnt kill anyone....and personally i have never posted anything deliberately offensive...i feel people would be more willing to post more if they didnt feel posts would get i know i would.....sorry just had to say that lol
kaykyl - 12.07.2009, 16:53
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I like to get good poker tips from other players
ojisplayin - 12.07.2009, 19:49
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broxi wrote: › ok lol time for me to get in trouble again(now theres a surprise)...i know poker is a serious game but i think it would maybe be a good idea if poker crush was now a bit more light hearted.....not meaning it in a bad way just before under guru i had several posts etc removed as they werent considered to be serious enough or could cause offence and was also told in pms about whats allowed to post and what isnt...and i know the same happened to others...not saying people should post anything bad but a sense of humour wouldnt kill anyone....and personally i have never posted anything deliberately offensive...i feel people would be more willing to post more if they didnt feel posts would get i know i would.....sorry just had to say that lol
I SECOND "ALL" THAT ((((Babes)))) I think light-hearted is the change we just may need.
P.S. I had no idea posts were being deleted or moved...etc. I can only say WOW!
broxi - 12.07.2009, 20:03
Post subject:
ty ojis...maybe it was just mine lol but sure i saw others mention it before....anyway guess maybe i just feel that if you could joke more like you do at cc it would bring more people in
shawn16602 - 13.07.2009, 02:16
Post subject:
ok here goes the worst of the worst
as a player i feel i grew every time guru spoke as an observer i know for a fact mamaw618 grew
it lit my heart every time id see her online talking cause that was her thing "i cant chat and play games"
well we all know thats not true lol
as for making PC grow id say have someone "train" us like guru did i learned alot in here even though i wassnt around much
just my two points worth
Bower50 - 13.07.2009, 21:22
Post subject:
Since we're all here to learn poker,maybe a poker question box would be appropriate.Members would post their questions about poker and anyone or everyone could address them,getting more than one person's view since none of us are pros.Some of the more experienced poker players are more than willing to share their knowledge of the game.
Another idea would be if some members have specific poker situations explained then members can explain what they would do and you could use whichever one suits your style of play.
crushadmin - 15.07.2009, 01:30
Post subject:
Dear all,
Thanks very much for all your input so far on this. I've read all of them so far and making a list of those I think we can do but will hold fire for making anything permanent at the moment as I'd like to see if others have other / further input please
Please keep your suggestions coming
PUZTIME - 18.07.2009, 20:38
Post subject:
First let me say I really like Ojisplayin Idea of a Virtual Poker Game Here at Poker Crush Like They Have at the Online Poker Sites
It would a perfect place for me to get over my nervousness about online poker software, while playing among friends
My other idea would be a step by step guide on what to do when playing in poker rooms for people like me..
Bower50 - 22.07.2009, 01:31
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In regards to Tuesday Chats.I think maybe playing a game of some kind for $30 each tuesday would attract more members.This would replace the monthly chat chips.
Sisters - 26.07.2009, 16:08
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I like all the ideas so far
ojisplayin - 26.07.2009, 16:29
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Bower50 wrote: › Since we're all here to learn poker,maybe a poker question box would be appropriate.
Nice example of the "Good Thinking" PC MOTTO
afulk8 - 26.07.2009, 21:13
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I really like the idea of virtual tables here-we could have sit & go's with each other, or practice games against the computer-or even tourneys at set times-probably a lot of work, but it's a nifty idea. I also agree with Bower's idea of a game of some time instead of chat chips. And we've done our homework on online casinos; maybe a subtopic in b & b to review land casinos that we've played at... that's all I have for right now. There's been lots of great ideas posted so far.
Monica - 27.07.2009, 03:56
Post subject:
Great ideas so far PC'ers
I have kind of a fun one. We could have a weekly/monthly treasure hunt of playing cards.. As old/new are looking for the hidden cards it will ensure each topic is being seen and will help new members to find their way around PC and get familiar by going to different sections of PC's Forums. At the end of the specified period whoever has the best hand/cards collected win a prize
leifen - 29.07.2009, 07:54
Post subject:
I've a few ideas..
First of all I would love to play more with you guys, so a Poker-crush poker series would be great. Maybe a game once or twice a week with a final table game at the end of month. the games could be all from freerolls to like a $5 buy-in. It could be at one pokerroom or maybe a new poker room every month. And with time this could be a great feature here and it could get PC many new mebers/players. You never know, maybe sometime in the future PC get enough players to get sponsor a ticket to WSOP
Its a bit of work setting up this, but if help needed I could sign up as a volunteer
I would also like to see a overwiew of members experience at poker rooms.
We could give points to categories at each room: Players, support, selections of tournaments, ring games ect, software, bonuses..
rsablebomb - 01.08.2009, 05:33
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I think the guru has made a few of us experts in poker, not me but some. I think that the members can keep up the offering of advice.
Maybe every now and then have maybe something like a guest speaker or something, like one of the poker pros. Or something along those lines.
tduterte - 01.08.2009, 06:34
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It would be nice to have a thread or a forum section that post's poker
rooms new promotions and bonuses as soon as they release them.
Members can subscribe to this thread to get the updates...
valeria - 01.08.2009, 08:27
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I love Bowers idea and I also would like to see our OWN poker tables to play at. Kind of like chat night but it could be poker night (another night than chat of course). We could all sit around and play poker .. keep our senses sharp and our card playing sharp. Good practice for our Poker Team.
anneandalan - 01.08.2009, 16:28
Post subject:
I love the fun stuff!!! So more jokes/contests/playfulness would be cool. I must admit that I have barely visited this site since I joined because CC always has something fun going on from mazes to treasure to bonus bounty slot and this always seemed like the serious forum and I guess I am just too silly to be serious - but I do love poker...maybe some get to know you contests???
anneandalan - 01.08.2009, 16:31
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OK, this is probably a ditzy question - but are there ways to earn points daily on this forum like the bonus bounty slot? A poker based one like one hand of texas hold em or something would be cool!!
slotmom - 02.08.2009, 13:15
Post subject:
ok this is for a none poker player but a crusher by all means . I love poker crush and cc crush forums because of all you wonderful friends I have made here . But I don't play poker . Maybe some thing here on the forum to teach us none poker players how to play poker with out going to a real poker game . The first time I went to play poker for real shocked the crepe out of me . I never thought it would go so fast . There was no time to think . I did not know what to do . So I suggest a game here on the forum where we are thought how to play . Some times reading how to play is not the same as actually playing the game . You have to remember I know not much about poker and want to keep coming here and not get the feeling I am not wanted . So Please think of us none players out here too . Ty for letting me express my self .
valeria - 02.08.2009, 13:32
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YOUR WANTED! You don't have to play poker to be here
sharon030161 - 02.08.2009, 17:11
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I love the idea of a virtual table, that would be great since im not that poker savvy. I also like the idea of $30 prize each week for PC chat, that would really bring in more peeps to this great forum. ; )
slotmom - 03.08.2009, 22:21
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Thank you Val I needed that Hugs to you sweetie .
cocakolakid - 03.08.2009, 22:57
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could we have a PC Freeroll? Pick a poker site that we all are or willing to register with and set up a private tournament to celebrate the new PC.
webdeb - 04.08.2009, 02:03
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Since I'm not very expereienced playing against others, any type of practice session would be great. The virtual table sounds fun.
<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Doyles Room' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Full Tilt Poker' border='0'></a>
msfilly - 04.08.2009, 03:49
Post subject:
I think a realistic poker program would be excelent one where we could play each other or computer ghost people too. That way like chat we could come and hang out and play poker with other PCer's it would be excellent practice for some of us rustier members
msfilly - 04.08.2009, 04:20
Post subject:
I have another idea!
A section devoted to lame players such as myself where we can ask poker questions or give senarios and get feed back with out guru this may be a challenge but some us still need help
like me
mirrors34 - 04.08.2009, 12:45
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Aroom similar to a chat room where we can login and play against whoever might be online for practice would be great
sharon030161 - 04.08.2009, 15:02
Post subject:
great ideas msfilly and mirrors! i second that : )
IRIEDREAMING - 04.08.2009, 17:01
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I play alot of poker and I think like beginers interm. and then advanced tables might be a good idea. There are so may little tid bits you can pick up and believe me sometimes the way cards come out will blow your mind. This way people who know how to play won't have advantage over people that are learning. It takes time to learn what hands are possible with what cards are dealt. You have to remember there are manys different poker games too. Well I rambled on enough but poker is the bomb!!
<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Chili Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Doyles Room' border='0'></a>
ojisplayin - 04.08.2009, 19:30
Post subject:
EXCELLENT IDEAS AND INPUT!! Since we don't know when this contest will be closing, don't hesitate.
"The Big Kahuna" can only change what he knows is needed. Little ideas are welcome too!!
cocakolakid - 04.08.2009, 20:58
Post subject:
About having our own virtual poker about at the beginning of the month everyone is given a stack of chips posted on our very own the end of the month...we can see how each player did...prizes could be awarded at the end of the month...for various categories - 1st place, 2nd place, most improved, bad beat (paid out to player who held the losing hand in the worst beat for the month)...the play would be play as you please at the virtual table unless you lose all your chips...
i think it would make for a good "realistic" form of practice for us.
a mentor once told me he would stop coaching me if he ever caught me playing anything just for fun..."playing for fun can teach you only things that would impede your growth - in order to properly play focused and must be playing for something that is tangible that can either be gained or lost...even if it's for a cup of least u are still playing for something."
...and so...with the monthly leaderboard, chips, and prizes...we would all have access to good practice playing for something.
Lori212 - 09.08.2009, 00:05
Post subject:
i would like to see a poker tournament just for poker crush members but i'm sure thats already been mentioned@!!!!!!
<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Absolute Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Action Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Aspinalls Poker' border='0'></a>
tduterte - 09.08.2009, 08:07
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Freerolls and small buy-in tourneys would be nice.
win4maw - 10.08.2009, 22:50
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I think it would be nice to have the Games totals as at Casino Crush so that you could check them easier
DixiesMom - 12.08.2009, 02:30
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How about having a poker card like the bingo cards on CC?? instead of numbers from 1 to 75 it could have cards from a regulard deck. A, K, Q, J, and 10-2 in each suit. Then play with poker cards for bingo. It could carry points(Chips) and have a monthly prize, and maybe even weekly prizes too. Plus people can pick next card when someone gets red the first time for PC points.
soljah11 - 18.08.2009, 13:24
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i think we should have like a weekly poker off or something <a href=""><img src=""></a>
IRIEDREAMING - 18.08.2009, 16:24
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I don't know how hard or what is involved in creating a poker tournament maybe every week of all the winners that won that week, or something like that. Points or who knows what could be won. just an idea. Or maybe Poker Crush could create a poker questioned test with a time limit on it so you would have to answer quickly and not have time to look up answers . ??? I have played poker since I can remember and I could help if anybody would need it.
Kraziegurl79 - 18.08.2009, 19:08
Post subject:
Did anyone came up with the idea to advertise more? Try to advertise more about this site to many casino/poker forums to try to bring in more crowds. Mention about the already new changes. The weekly tournaments that many has mentioned already is a great idea, too!
soljah11 - 05.09.2009, 11:55
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i would have to suggest like daily games like for birthday bash
BARB711 - 06.09.2009, 13:04
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m8ryann - 10.09.2009, 17:13
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pc points redeems at poker sites
crzynana2001 - 10.09.2009, 18:16
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msfilly wrote: › I have another idea!
A section devoted to lame players such as myself where we can ask poker questions or give senarios and get feed back with out guru this may be a challenge but some us still need help

like me
Ms fiily, you are hereby invited to Tuesday night chat to ask any poker question you would like answered.Our poker captain is more than qualified to answer your questions.
ratfang - 13.09.2009, 10:13
Post subject:
I believe I was falling in LOVE w/GURU!!
Anyways I grew up playing Poker & come Hell or high water,Everyone made it to the Friday Night game.It kept us together.I miss my Poker night.I would love to dedicate a night for a great poker game,Each week will be someone else's turn as to what game to play (7Stud,Hold-em,5Draw)Whatever the dealer of the week wants.I lived for at least 2years of my life playing poker every night,Until Mommy made me get a real Job
I miss my carefree Poker Day's!! Let's get em going again?
broxi - 13.09.2009, 11:39
Post subject:
my good ideas to finally end this contest lmaoooooo
OrangeCrush - 13.09.2009, 13:50
Post subject:
So sorry Broxi, you're stuck with this contest for another week or so. It will probably end at the end of the month with the rest of the contests.
Great ideas keep popping up, so please keep them coming!
msfilly - 13.09.2009, 23:32
Post subject:
I know that PC has its own tshirts and when they started selling I wasn't able to purchase one and now with the economy the way it is I still can't eek out the funds but really would like to have one I wondering if maybe sometime there might be a contest in which the prize is a PC shirt?
Just a suggestion
BARB711 - 22.09.2009, 15:14
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broxi - 22.09.2009, 15:29
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yes barb i have it on good authority that the winner will be announced on 21st of april 2013
BARB711 - 22.09.2009, 17:03
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shirlsplay - 22.09.2009, 17:46
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Am not sure who Guru is but they sound like they were a great person and teacher.I could use some one like that to teach me how to play poker.I think you should have a beginners room.Teach people like me and am sure there's alot of others that would like to learn how to play poker.I never been to your chat cause i work on that nite.But maybe you could have a poker chat like you have a bingo chat at cc.or maybe a room where we could play against other players for pc points or game we could get the hang of how to play.Before going into the real games.Other members could give tips on what to do and what not to do.The best way to learn is playing.and of course just to play for fun.ty
broxi - 22.09.2009, 18:01
Post subject:
shirls good points and if you look at top of forum there is now a bit says play poker free alonside contest winners etc..its a poker room where everyone will be able to play poker etc and tournaments...see unded the post question for management for details from geno himself
shirlsplay - 22.09.2009, 18:41
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I just found the poker room so i guess delete my idea lol sorry it was a blast.ty:)
shirlsplay - 22.09.2009, 18:47
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ty broxi
shirlsplay - 24.09.2009, 21:15
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ok got one know.How about have real tournaments in the poker room and we all have to buy in.we could send the money thur paypal to enter the tourney and of course a prize at the.just a thought.ty:)
BARB711 - 25.09.2009, 11:06
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shirlsplay - 02.10.2009, 01:14
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Here's another one,lol.How about a 21(black jack) tourney.I use to play in them years ago and they were alot of fun.again we could buy in for certain amount and get so much in chips to play with.we could use one of the payment plans already here to fund's a card game so i think it belongs with poker lmao.not ty
OrangeCrush - 03.10.2009, 21:27
Post subject:
Winners should be announced monday or tuesday. Thanks for all of your ideas, input and sorry for the delay.
anneandalan - 04.10.2009, 05:12
Post subject:
shirls that is a great idea!
crushadmin - 06.10.2009, 01:28
Post subject:
Dear Crushers,
Thank you for all your great ideas.
You made it a tricky task to pick winners, but well we've finally decided on the following for all the ideas (4 prizes rather than the original 2).
broxi: - lightening things up (we brought you the new PC team which I think you'll agree has done this very well already). - $30 for 3000 PC points
annelovesalan: Having a bonus bounty slot / treasure like at CC for ways to boost PC points daily. This will be worked on as a future feature of PC. - $30 for 3000 PC points.
DixiesMom: - Having Bingo but with Playing Cards (this is currently being worked on). $30 for 3000 PC points
Kraziegurl79:: - Ways to promote PC and get more members - like it - maybe a new contest for ideas! - We have a new contest for this starting later this month AND the introduction of PC Link-Us-Up (for posting our banners in your signatures). - $30 for 3000 PC points
Thank you to EVERYONE that took part. Many of the ideas were some that we were already doing/since done and so couldn't be included and some maybe we will use in the future.
If you have any other ideas please post them in the Help Shape Our Forum area (and if you didn't win in this contest but have an idea we haven't yet used - then please post it there to double your chances of me seeing it) for a future prize as well as of course helping PC become the poker forum of choice.
Happy Gaming Always,
msfilly - 06.10.2009, 01:56
Post subject:
WTG winners congrats on your wins
shirlsplay - 06.10.2009, 02:15
Post subject:
wtg u 4 nice job:)
OrangeCrush - 06.10.2009, 02:45
Post subject:
WooooHoooooooo Way to Go Broxi, Anne, Lee and Monty, Congratulations!!! And thank you all for your ideas!!!
anneandalan - 06.10.2009, 03:49
Post subject:
ty ty ty all!!!
broxi - 06.10.2009, 07:38
Post subject:
wow tyvm geno and everyone that was an unexpected think the forums better than ever so well done everyone involved...and wtg ladies on your wins enjoy them
afulk8 - 06.10.2009, 08:47
Post subject:
Way to go winners!!
BARB711 - 06.10.2009, 09:18
Post subject:
w2g winners!
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