The Archive - PC's Birthday Bash Contest #18 Closed! Winner Announced! crzynana2001 - 18.08.2009, 04:30 Post subject: PC's Birthday Bash Contest #18 Closed! Winner Announced! <center>Hello Poker Crushers!</center>
<center>Our 18th contest for August is a little tougher one, Poker Crushers, </center><center>You have A-heart A-club & 2,3,4 diamonds. 5 Card 1 Draw. What would you do??</center>
1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 1 x $30 prize
2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.
3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
4. This contest will end on August 19, 2009 and we will give away 1 x $30 prizes.
Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
<center>Your Poker-Crush Staff </center>soljah11 - 18.08.2009, 04:53 Post subject:
throw away the four
anneandalan - 18.08.2009, 05:10 Post subject:
keep the aces toss the rest
valeria - 18.08.2009, 05:16 Post subject:
Same keep the aces and toss the rest. You have a positive pair of Aces (high cards) and only a hope of drawing a straight.
IRIEDREAMING - 18.08.2009, 07:10 Post subject:
Keep the pair of aces and draw three cards
m8ryann - 18.08.2009, 07:19 Post subject:
keep the 234 diamonds and draw 2 cards
<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Full Tilt Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='G2G Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Hollywood Poker' border='0'></a>
cocakolakid - 18.08.2009, 08:55 Post subject:
5 card 1 draw - Pair of Aces is already strong..toss draw 3 cards
broxi - 18.08.2009, 09:31 Post subject:
id keep th aces...and ditch the rest PUZTIME - 18.08.2009, 09:39 Post subject: I Think I would Keep The Aces and Draw 3 New Cards Sisters - 18.08.2009, 09:41 Post subject:
I would keep the Aces for sure...
Good Luck,
sisters slotmom - 18.08.2009, 10:24 Post subject:
keep the Aces and toss the odd three
BARB711 - 18.08.2009, 11:36 Post subject:
win4maw - 18.08.2009, 11:46 Post subject:
Agree I'd keep the aces
afulk8 - 18.08.2009, 11:50 Post subject:
I'd have to hold the aces and toss the rest; although I am a sucker for a flush, but in this case I would keep the aces.
kildemosus - 18.08.2009, 12:04 Post subject:
I Fold.
With my luck i wouldnt even win if i had four kings. kaykyl - 18.08.2009, 12:47 Post subject:
I would keep the pair of aces
Lori212 - 18.08.2009, 13:26 Post subject:
toss the 234
goldigger - 18.08.2009, 13:29 Post subject:
keep the aces
rainbow1 - 18.08.2009, 14:20 Post subject:
keep the aces
lilnickie25 - 18.08.2009, 15:57 Post subject:
I would keep the aces and toss the 2,3,4 DixiesMom - 18.08.2009, 16:25 Post subject:
I'd keep the two aces and draw 3 cards.
sharon030161 - 18.08.2009, 16:30 Post subject:
I'd keep the aces and get 3 new cards
rsablebomb - 18.08.2009, 17:41 Post subject:
I would hold the pair of Aces
msfilly - 18.08.2009, 17:43 Post subject:
I'd tell the dealer to give me three cause I'm keeping the aces too
allight - 19.08.2009, 00:59 Post subject:
keep the aces
Kdal29 - 19.08.2009, 01:09 Post subject:
I would keep the aces and pray.
ojisplayin - 19.08.2009, 04:11 Post subject: Well I think we all know a good hand to hold! Pair ACES everyone said-Good Thinking!
The WINNER is a shiny hat wearing GAL
Known to most of us as plain old VAL!!!
Valeria!! WTG!!! Valeria
Good Luck & Happy Gaming!! char1984 - 19.08.2009, 05:11 Post subject: Way to go Val....
dalesr - 19.08.2009, 05:13 Post subject: TRIPS-3 of a kind like 3 6s OrangeCrush - 19.08.2009, 05:16 Post subject: WooooooHooooooo Way to Go Valeria!!! Congratulations hun!!! msfilly - 19.08.2009, 05:37 Post subject:
WTG Valeria congrats on the win
broxi - 19.08.2009, 06:35 Post subject:
wtg val on your win Sisters - 19.08.2009, 06:39 Post subject:
Congrats Val on your win
sisters afulk8 - 19.08.2009, 11:25 Post subject:
wtg Val!
win4maw - 19.08.2009, 11:31 Post subject:
w2g Val
BARB711 - 19.08.2009, 13:05 Post subject:
slotmom - 19.08.2009, 13:09 Post subject:
Wtg Val
crzynana2001 - 19.08.2009, 14:33 Post subject:
Wtg Val!!!!!!!!!May your winnings grow!!!!!!!!!
sharon030161 - 19.08.2009, 22:02 Post subject:
WTG val! : )
PUZTIME - 20.08.2009, 01:18 Post subject: Woooo Hooooo Congrats Valeria WTG and My Your Winnings Multiply valeria - 21.08.2009, 14:16 Post subject:
Thanks all! I have not been able to connect till today! What a surprise!