The Archive - PC's Birthday Bash Contest #28 Closed! Winner Announced! crzynana2001 - 28.08.2009, 04:05 Post subject: PC's Birthday Bash Contest #28 Closed! Winner Announced! <center>Hello Poker Crushers!</center>
<center>Our 28th contest for August is a simple one, Poker Crushers, </center><center>What was your childhood nickname?</center>
Mine was 'cannon-mouth',always talking, lol, NANA
1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 1 x $30 prize
2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.
3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
4. This contest will end on August 29, 2009 and we will give away 1 x $30 prizes.
Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
<center>Your Poker-Crush Staff </center>lilnickie25 - 28.08.2009, 04:07 Post subject:
mine was shorty cause I am not even over 5' tall...still til this day I am still called that lol
win4maw - 28.08.2009, 04:11 Post subject:
I didn't have one LOL
valeria - 28.08.2009, 04:35 Post subject:
Well only nicknames when I was young were my mothers.. one of her favorites was pumpkin.
soljah11 - 28.08.2009, 04:42 Post subject:
kinnd of like yours,mines was motormouth <a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Crazy Vegas Poker' border='0'></a>
kildemosus - 28.08.2009, 07:43 Post subject:
I didnt had one
IRIEDREAMING - 28.08.2009, 08:15 Post subject:
my nic-name was Gumbo
gjr1961 - 28.08.2009, 09:11 Post subject:
My brothers called me a lot of different things, but I am grateful that none of them stuck.
broxi - 28.08.2009, 09:31 Post subject:
never really had a nickname as such...well none that i liked or would repeat lol
slotmom - 28.08.2009, 11:39 Post subject:
My nick name was Dolly
BARB711 - 28.08.2009, 11:48 Post subject:
PUZTIME - 28.08.2009, 12:44 Post subject: Mine was LenaBeana .... goldigger - 28.08.2009, 13:01 Post subject:
I had lots of them but none of them was very nice
kaykyl - 28.08.2009, 13:17 Post subject:
mine was rain short for Lorraine
anneandalan - 28.08.2009, 14:17 Post subject:
Annie Banannie
sharon030161 - 28.08.2009, 14:25 Post subject:
i was called lil rose after my mom, even my teachers called me
rainbow1 - 28.08.2009, 15:01 Post subject:
oh wow...........cmon now........ i was called the boss because no matter what i was going to get my way casino$teve - 28.08.2009, 16:15 Post subject:
grandglor wrote: › My brothers called me a lot of different things, but I am grateful that none of them stuck.
haha yea I can relate to that!
rsablebomb - 28.08.2009, 17:29 Post subject:
Ali Cat not a surprise
Kraziegurl79 - 28.08.2009, 17:52 Post subject:
Mine was (and still is) Missy.
catty78 - 28.08.2009, 18:31 Post subject:
mine was chatty cathy couldn't shut me up still can't lol
afulk8 - 28.08.2009, 19:51 Post subject:
I had lots-but none that really stuck... Amberry was one, Ams... Not really any good ones.
ojisplayin - 29.08.2009, 00:58 Post subject: I had several!! 5'2" tall with super curly reddish hair and yes freckles.
Wagon <--as in Patty-Wagon
Peppermint Patty
Shirley Temple
and my daughter's daddy loved to call me "Battle-Axe" <--not the only reason he is my EX!
ojisplayin - 29.08.2009, 03:07 Post subject:
~CONGRATULATIONS~ BARB711!! Happy Gaming Always
OrangeCrush - 29.08.2009, 03:32 Post subject: WooooooHooooooooo Way to Go Barb!!! Congratulations hun!!! Kdal29 - 29.08.2009, 10:25 Post subject:
wtg Barb, congrats to you!!
slotmom - 29.08.2009, 11:44 Post subject:
Wtg BARB711
win4maw - 29.08.2009, 12:08 Post subject:
Congrats Barb
BARB711 - 29.08.2009, 13:16 Post subject:
holy crepe..i! ty very much!!!!!!!
kaykyl - 29.08.2009, 14:21 Post subject:
wtg barb
goldigger - 29.08.2009, 14:22 Post subject:
WTG barb
PUZTIME - 29.08.2009, 15:16 Post subject: WTG BARB711 WTG and may you winnings multiply Sisters - 29.08.2009, 15:37 Post subject: