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The Archive - Nana's Wild & Crazy Contest #2 *CLOSED*Winner announced!

crzynana2001 - 12.09.2009, 08:53
Post subject: Nana's Wild & Crazy Contest #2 *CLOSED*Winner announced!
Hello, friends, old and new!!</center>

Our second fun contest for September is another bit of trivia. </center><center>There will be PC points awarded randomly throughout this contest..</center>

<center>So, here's your bit of trivia today....

Rap superstar Eminem is known around the world.
But, do you know in what city he grew up? </center>


Then 3rd Contest runs Sept 23-30 for another $30 Prize.</center>

1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 1 x $30 prize

2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.

3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.

Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

<center>Your Poker-Crush Staff

tduterte - 12.09.2009, 09:03
Post subject:
Eminem grew up near 8 mile street in Detroit.
win4maw - 12.09.2009, 12:52
Post subject:
spent his early childhood being shoved back and forth from Kansas City and Detroit. He settled on the Eastside of Detroit when he was 12

Sisters - 12.09.2009, 14:25
Post subject:

He grew up in Detroit..

Good Luck,

sisters Smile
broxi - 12.09.2009, 15:31
Post subject:
broxis guessing detroit as well Very Happy
goldigger - 12.09.2009, 16:58
Post subject:
Absolutley detroit. one of my favorite artists
anneandalan - 12.09.2009, 17:36
Post subject:
kaykyl - 12.09.2009, 18:17
Post subject:
he is from detroit
valeria - 12.09.2009, 18:49
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Lori212 - 12.09.2009, 21:13
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rainbow1 - 12.09.2009, 23:57
Post subject:
detroit, i think
msfilly - 13.09.2009, 01:15
Post subject:
He was born in St. Joseph, Missouri but spent his teen years in Warren, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit

Thanks for the contest Smile
shortstuff - 13.09.2009, 02:08
Post subject:
Detroit, Michigan
m8ryann - 13.09.2009, 06:53
Post subject:
ratfang - 13.09.2009, 10:15
Post subject:
Let's go with Detroit!! Smile
afulk8 - 13.09.2009, 16:29
Post subject:
Near Detroit.
Monica - 13.09.2009, 16:30
Post subject:
catty78 - 13.09.2009, 22:12
Post subject:
casino$teve - 13.09.2009, 23:18
Post subject:
Detroit seems to be the answer here. I dunno, but if you ask me, whatever city he calls home now, well... I think it's a bad place. Maybe just bad company, but damn good drugs, apperently. The guy has wasted away almost completely he don't look so good these days.
crzynana2001 - 13.09.2009, 23:56
Post subject:
casino$teve, I am neither a fan of his or his work, but evidently there is something in his words that keep people listening. If he is on drugs, I hope he finds his way to getting clean and sober for the sake of his daughter.
shortstuff - 14.09.2009, 03:34
Post subject:
I will amen that one.
soljah11 - 14.09.2009, 09:38
Post subject:
missouri,then detroit
Kraziegurl79 - 14.09.2009, 17:28
Post subject:
He grew up in Warren, Michigan...a suburb in Detriot.
crzynana2001 - 14.09.2009, 21:42
Post subject:
<center>Random PC points event.....

To all who have had the answer correct to this point, you have been awarded a small prize!!!!

Good Luck in the contest, All!!!!!

slotmom - 14.09.2009, 22:20
Post subject:
My answer is Detroit
casino$teve - 14.09.2009, 23:35
Post subject:
I think his music is alright, and he is talented I just meant that I hate to see him wasting away like he looks to be doing. I wasn't trying to be insulting if that's how I came across I apologise. Love It Sorry
crzynana2001 - 15.09.2009, 00:04
Post subject:
steve, everyone is entitled totheir opinion and we have very open minds here!
DixiesMom - 15.09.2009, 15:08
Post subject:
PUZTIME - 16.09.2009, 01:00
Post subject:
I'll say Detroit - Thanks for the contest NanaCrush
cocakolakid - 17.09.2009, 01:04
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IRIEDREAMING - 17.09.2009, 04:18
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shirlsplay - 17.09.2009, 20:13
Post subject:
How about DETROIT. Smile
gjr1961 - 18.09.2009, 02:50
Post subject:
Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, the son of Deborah Mathers-Briggs (née Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers. Until he was twelve, Mathers and his mother moved between various cities and towns in Missouri (including St. Joseph, Savannah, Missouri and Kansas City before moving to Warren, Michigan, a Detroit suburb.
BARB711 - 18.09.2009, 11:48
Post subject:
detroit.. Rolling Eyes
char1984 - 22.09.2009, 05:29
Post subject:
Very Happy I would have to say Detroit.
crzynana2001 - 22.09.2009, 08:54
Post subject:
This contest will close in 18 hours so make sure your entry is in!!!!

The next contest will open at that time also!!!! It is a neverending storyline~~~~~~~~get your thinking caps on~~~~~have fun!!!
Sisters - 22.09.2009, 09:15
Post subject:

Thanks Donna, thinking cap is on Smile

sisters Smile
BARB711 - 22.09.2009, 11:35
Post subject:
GL ALL! Smile
Kdal29 - 22.09.2009, 16:05
Post subject:
I will copy and say Detroit too.
crzynana2001 - 23.09.2009, 02:52
Post subject:
<center> Congratulations

to our latest winner

of Nana's Wild & Crazy contest!!!!

WTG Kaylee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May your winnings grow!!!!!!! WOOT!! WOOT!!

Happy Gaming Always!

Your Poker Crush Staff
shirlsplay - 23.09.2009, 03:04
Post subject:
congradulations kaylee .nice win Smile
OrangeCrush - 23.09.2009, 06:07
Post subject:
Way to Go Kaylee!!! Congratulations hun!!!
char1984 - 23.09.2009, 08:57
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy way to go...
BARB711 - 23.09.2009, 13:05
Post subject:
tduterte - 23.09.2009, 13:28
Post subject:
Congrats KAYLEE! Thumbup Thumbup Thumbup
Sisters - 23.09.2009, 14:28
Post subject:

WTG Kaylee...enjoy your win hun.. Wink

sisters Smile
BARB711 - 24.09.2009, 12:56
Post subject:
BARB711 - 24.09.2009, 16:14
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kaykyl - 24.09.2009, 16:44
Post subject:
WOW thank you so much for the win ty all for the congrats
shortstuff - 24.09.2009, 17:04
Post subject:
WTG Winner
ratfang - 27.09.2009, 04:20
Post subject:
wtg Smile Kaylee
msfilly - 29.09.2009, 07:15
Post subject:
WTH Kaylee congrats on your win
BARB711 - 29.09.2009, 13:54
Post subject:
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