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The Archive - October 2009 Captains Choice- Closed! Winners Announced!

ojisplayin - 04.10.2009, 15:55
Post subject: October 2009 Captains Choice- Closed! Winners Announced!

Captains Choice Monthly POKER Knowledge Contest!

WIN $30 Cash +++ RANDOM PC-Points!!

Just make a post to enter. Ends November 4th. Winners Announced November 5th, 2009.

CRUSHERS, please post below that you understand the following. ASK those questions about what you are feeling unsure of and we'll answer them best we can.

No Limit Texas Hold 'Em (NLHE) Hand Description:

Before the cards are dealt, the player to the left of the dealer places into the pot a pre-determined forced bet called the "little blind." The next player to his left places into the pot the "big blind," which is twice the amount of the little blind.

The dealer then deals two cards face-down to each player. These are referred to as "pocket cards" or "hole cards." When all players have received their hole cards, each player looks at his cards, and has the option in turn to match the current bet (the amount of the big blind), fold without betting, or raise the bet.

If a player raises the bet, the next player must call (match the new bet) to continue in the hand. If a player decides not to call or raise the current bet, he must fold his hand. If no player raises the big blind, the player in that position may either check (not put more money in the pot) or raise.

After the first round of betting, the dealer burns the top card (places it aside face-down) and deals three cards face-up on the table. These face-up cards are called the "flop" (or "community cards").
Now each player has the advantage of considering the first three cards of the flop in addition to his hole cards. A new round of betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer.

Players still in the hand have the same betting options as in the pre-flop in addition to the option to "check." A player checks when he does not want to bet, but wants to remain in the hand.

After bets are placed on the flop, the dealer burns another card and deals another community card. This fourth community cards is called the "turn." Another round of betting ensues.

The dealer next burns the top card of the deck and deals a fifth community card, known as the "river." One final round of betting begins.

When all bets are placed, each player still in the hand must either show or "muck" his hand. When a player mucks a hand, he essentially concedes the pot without showing his hand. The best five-card poker hand wins the pot.


1- Everyone making a post is entered into this contest. All members that enter will be placed in a drawing where the winner will receive a $30 Prize.

2- PC-Points may also be awarded for "good thinking" or as runner-up prizes, as determined by PC Staff. Contest ends on November 4, 2009.

3- 3,000 pc-points will be deducted when prize is paid. If you do not have 3,000 pc-points to redeem for a cash prize, you will be credited 3,000 pc points to redeem on your next contest win.

4- You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message. Smile

Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!


anneandalan - 04.10.2009, 18:14
Post subject:
I do understand the above! Love hold em, but not as much as Alan does!
shirlsplay - 04.10.2009, 21:51
Post subject:
Am is the name of the poker that is played in the poker room here?I like that
msfilly - 04.10.2009, 22:28
Post subject:
Absolutely I understand the pre-flop, turn, river, and the showdown but thanks so much for the refresher course it pays to stay up on these things

GL everyone
shortstuff - 04.10.2009, 22:43
Post subject:
Thank-you for the information Smile
cocakolakid - 04.10.2009, 22:44
Post subject:
isn't a flip the "pre" to the flop? as in flip-flops?

as far as the rest goes - understood =)
Bower50 - 04.10.2009, 23:30
Post subject:
Shirls,the game we play is No Limit Holdem Poker NLHE
broxi - 04.10.2009, 23:33
Post subject:
understand it ty...but great information for people that are just beginning or have little knowledge of poker will help them a lot
allight - 05.10.2009, 00:47
Post subject:
understood very well, captain, but I don't always execute as well as I understand, especially that folding part preflop
DixiesMom - 05.10.2009, 02:24
Post subject:
I understand it all Smile
gjr1961 - 05.10.2009, 02:27
Post subject:
Thanks for the info - I am prebeginner - so most of it was new to me.

After all the bets are made and you are showing your hands; do you include all of your hole cards to count towards what your final hand is? or do you have the choice of how many you want to include?
kaykyl - 05.10.2009, 13:31
Post subject:
I Understand and love playing holdem , we try to get a game going every saturday
Bower50 - 05.10.2009, 15:16
Post subject:
If there is a 5 card hand on board better than any hand you can make with you're cards then the hand on board wins.Of course everyone has the same hand and split the pot unless another player can make a better hand with their hole cards.
shirlsplay - 05.10.2009, 16:35
Post subject:
ty bower.Smile
shirlsplay - 05.10.2009, 16:42
Post subject:
I understand now.Since i know what game it why does the dealer burn cards for? ty.Smile
Bower50 - 05.10.2009, 18:13
Post subject:
It's done to prevent some type of cheating.
win4maw - 06.10.2009, 00:40
Post subject:
I understand but don't practice well

shirlsplay - 10.10.2009, 11:52
Post subject:
ty bower
valeria - 10.10.2009, 21:03
Post subject:
I understand them all... just like allight however, I don't always follow the rules... and .. usually pay for it LOL
broxi - 11.10.2009, 12:27
Post subject:
lol id agree with val and al...understanding unfortunately does not mean practicing it...but we all learn the hard way(or should lmao)
goldigger - 11.10.2009, 13:39
Post subject:
I completely understand. love the game
afulk8 - 13.10.2009, 18:35
Post subject:
I understand too Smile
Sisters - 13.10.2009, 20:33
Post subject:

I understand...thanks for the info..

Good Luck,

sisters Smile
tduterte - 16.10.2009, 14:06
Post subject:
Understood everything, good info. Thanks
rainbow1 - 17.10.2009, 15:22
Post subject:
sharon030161 - 18.10.2009, 23:44
Post subject:
i understand them now
rsablebomb - 20.10.2009, 17:12
Post subject:
I understand all those poker terms. I love poker
soljah11 - 29.10.2009, 22:20
Post subject:
but of course
linnie16 - 30.10.2009, 02:11
Post subject:
Jump ..Yes I understand it all..... Jump
ojisplayin - 04.11.2009, 00:26
Post subject:
Thank You Crushers!! Got a few winners to announce tonight Smile




Random Awards of 1000 PC Points:

CONGRATULATIONS!! Enjoy & Happy Gaming!! WTG Ladies!! Smile

allight - 04.11.2009, 00:48
Post subject:
congrats maw and afulk
msfilly - 04.11.2009, 00:49
Post subject:
Good going win4maw congrats on your win

WTG winners congrats to you all
afulk8 - 04.11.2009, 01:04
Post subject:
woohoo thank you!! WTG maw & sable!!
shirlsplay - 04.11.2009, 17:56
Post subject:
wtg maw nice win.wtg afulk and sable
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