The Archive - PC Poker Tournie Wednesday Bower50 - 26.01.2010, 17:01 Post subject: PC Poker Tournie Wednesday
Had full table last week.Let's fill it again!!
$30 to winner + other prizes.7 pm ET Wednesday night.
Good Thinking all!!!
shirlsplay - 26.01.2010, 17:09 Post subject:
sorry i can't make it have to work cause president making a boring, week i'll try to remember.good luck to all that does make it.
ojisplayin - 26.01.2010, 17:37 Post subject: Good Thinking Crushers!! Love to see a full table again!!
We'll let ya slide tomorrow.....
but see ya next week then Shirls Bower50 - 27.01.2010, 15:21 Post subject:
msfilly - 27.01.2010, 18:09 Post subject:
I am going to try to fit in the tourney today it is my grand daughters 4th birthday today so it's a busy day with party and all
psykoe77 - 27.01.2010, 22:04 Post subject:
where is this tourney ?
in the freeplay poker window?
Bower50 - 27.01.2010, 22:48 Post subject:
Yes psykoe.Just be there by 7:50 .
psykoe77 - 27.01.2010, 22:57 Post subject:
oh im sorry to bothered you , i thought it was close to now
(ET GMT conversion didnt went wel)
tx for info and cya in an hour IRIEDREAMING - 28.01.2010, 01:06 Post subject: poker tourney
Tried to enter before but must have made a mistake. Hope I can get in tonight.
broxi - 28.01.2010, 01:08 Post subject:
sorry irie but tournament started just over an hour ago
msfilly - 28.01.2010, 05:18 Post subject: