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The Archive - May 2010 Poker Knowledge Closed! Winner Announced!
ojisplayin - 04.05.2010, 04:35
Post subject: May 2010 Poker Knowledge Closed! Winner Announced!
MISTAKES MADE BY BEGINNERS <a href=""><img src="" width=90 height=32 border=0></a>
Below are two mistakes beginners make.
Mistake #1: Playing too many hands
When people sit down in a game, they want to play. Often, this means they even will play hands like Jclub 4heart. This is a cardinal mistake.
Mistake #2: Not following etiquette
This is a mistake that brick-and-mortar beginners make. When you want to make a raise, you should not say, "I call your bet and raise you $X." Your initial action is considered your final action. So if you say, "I call ..." it means you just want to call. If you want to raise, say "raise" and state the amount you want to raise.
Everyone please read and list another mistake made by novice poker players. All entries will be entered in a random draw for $30 and PC points for a couple of good responses.
1- Everyone making a post is entered into this contest. All members that enter will be placed in a drawing where the winner will receive a $30 Prize.
2- 3,000 pc-points will be deducted when prize is paid. If you do not have 3,000 pc-points to redeem for a cash prize, you will be credited 3,000 pc points to redeem on your next contest win.
3- You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!
broxi - 04.05.2010, 08:52
Post subject:
ty for this competition patti sure it will be very useful for many people, a mistake a lot of novice players will make is to give too much importance to the cards they are dealt, too many people look at their cards and say they see kk they will think its a great hand and bet too high, before they know it they will be all in and beat by a better hand, starting with a good pair might give you an advantage but we all know it can easily be beat, lol know myself ive started with aa several times and got well beat, good cards to start are important but people have to remember especially at beginners level the chances are that people will call u if they have a pair of 4's as to them it seems a good hand, so all it takes is a 4 to come out and your high pairs well beat, so always good to remember that although you have best starting hand possible doesnt mean its a winning hand
msfilly - 04.05.2010, 14:48
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Another mistake made by new players is table talk or talking about their hand while game is in play alot of poker sights already combat this by shutting down chat while game is in progress. The problem with this is sometimes unknowingly the chatty player can reveal info that allows other players to win that hand.
allight - 05.05.2010, 00:55
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most common beginner mistake i see is playing weak aces
valeria - 06.05.2010, 02:07
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Many beginners see nothing wrong with going all in every hand hoping to hit a big pot. If they are lucky enough to win it is very little as most intelligent players would fold in that situation.
Not only is it NOT intelligent playing, but with brand you as a newbie idiot, and it is also bad etiquette.
win4maw - 06.05.2010, 20:17
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My beginners mistake is playint LOL
anneandalan - 07.05.2010, 18:06
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my beginners mistake was folding until I got a nice hand and then over betting...of course no one ever called! lol
IRIEDREAMING - 07.05.2010, 20:45
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I would say that novice players have to study the cards on the table and figure out what hands are possible then determine if their hand is in the running for best hand.
slotmom - 08.05.2010, 01:54
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My beginning mistakes was not folding when I should have .
dmoney644 - 12.05.2010, 12:00
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They are all good responses to the question guys! Wtg!
I would say one of the biggest mistakes that newbies make is definitely using the "I'm Allin" saying because its cool to say. lol Also, overbluffing hands or stone cold bluffs with your tournament risk at stake isn't smart either. There are definitely right and wrong times to bluff but knowing when you can and can not bluff is key.
Also, avoid putting yourself in allin situations as much as you can. I have learned its much better to call an all in hand then being allin with a hand. Anytime your tournament life is at stake, you are subject to be knocked out of the tournament. (even with AA) So learn to bet appropriately where you can maximize your chip winning potential without having to move allin (unless you have the absolute nuts) when you can.
However, you give me the chance to be allin 100 times with AA pre flop and i'll will call or move allin everytime with AA. The percentages with getting allin with the absolute best hand are great even if there is a chance of losing. On the internet, AA doesn't seem to hold up as much as they would in real life, but if i get forced allin with AA, you will NEVER see me fold with the rockets pre flop. Getting all of your money in the pot with the absolute best hand in poker is good, you just have to rely on the percentages to hold which will happen over time.
However, another thing newbies make the mistake on is over valueing their hands post flop, you gotta be able to fold AA or KK when it seems you might be beat after the flop.
gjr1961 - 12.05.2010, 18:47
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I think that beginners lack the knowledge of which 2 cards are good enough to stay with and which ones you should probobly fold right away. I have a problem with staying with the game too long, thinking I might get lucky; and end up folding anyway.
I think that I get into a pattern by always betting my hand.. Like a little bet for OK hands, a little more for better hands, and a large bet for really good hands.
ojisplayin - 13.05.2010, 05:25
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Playing like a MANIAC when they lose a hand- or ON TILT!!
Great contests you always come up with for us Bower-TY!!!
shirlsplay - 19.05.2010, 23:37
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my mistake was trying to bluff thinking everyone else is.
gjr1961 - 24.05.2010, 01:03
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So, the term "on tilt" means playing like a maniac?
Oh, I guess I could have loooked that up but as long as I'm here.............
ratfang - 25.05.2010, 07:17
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Beginning Poker Players play too many hands,Poker is a Game of Patience,And Patience my friend is A Virtue...
Pegeesue - 26.05.2010, 02:18
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Second guessing their hand on whether it is strong enough...i've seen many beginners hesitate before either calling or folding.
msfilly - 03.06.2010, 09:36
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ojisplayin - 03.06.2010, 20:56
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$30 WINNER IS...................................
broxi - 03.06.2010, 21:06
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wtg annelovesalan enjoy your win
dmoney644 - 04.06.2010, 00:27
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Thanks for the points gals!
msfilly - 04.06.2010, 09:04
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wtg winners congrats to you
slotmom - 04.06.2010, 12:07
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anneandalan - 13.06.2010, 03:23
Post subject:
thank you everyone!!!
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