POKERGURU PRESENTS (Archive) - New July Zip Contest PokerGuru - 18.07.2006, 12:56 Post subject: New July Zip ContestHi Gang!
Here's a zipper for 1000 PC points. Usual rules.
What is the "poker talk" word (I consider it comical) for a player who constantly folds early in almost every hand?
Good thinking wished to you!
Your PokerGurudarrin6 - 18.07.2006, 13:26 Post subject:
I believe you are referring to what is widely known as a "mouse" Poker Guru. Not to be confused with a rounder, by any means.
beckie33 - 18.07.2006, 13:44 Post subject:
I will say a "mouse" (noooo I did not peek at darrin's answer )
annacris - 19.07.2006, 09:07 Post subject:
I will say a "mouse" (yesssss I did peek at darrin's answer) OrangeCrush - 19.07.2006, 11:17 Post subject: Heheee God I love the honesty here!!!! You da man Darrin!!!
Good Luck Poker Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush PokerGuru - 20.07.2006, 16:05 Post subject: Thank you, Orange Crush, on behalf of all my Poker Crushers!
The zip contests pop up anywhere and any time, so they are easily overlooked.
But they are a quick and hopefully fun way to earn some PC points on the way to earning cash.........and also a quick way to learn just a tiny bit more about poker.
By the way, although you cannot win any prizes, you are very welcome, as one of our heros, to enter any of our contests just for fun!
(I'll admit I never heard this one before! But now I know!)
notLOL - 22.07.2006, 07:27 Post subject:
i read through the posts above and i believe i learned something today....well i actually learned several plus more things today though i must say that this is the most refreshing....or hey even quietly speaking....mouse would be the answer....thanks ffor the contest.
mojojds - 22.07.2006, 08:37 Post subject: zip
Well Mouse would be somthing new to me.. Dont know why I havent heard it before.
And Sitter would be every hand and you have Almost every hand
So if im wrong im wrong .. after all it will be a learning experience for me.
I got to go with..... HUGGER
kkrisqmb - 22.07.2006, 11:29 Post subject: July zip contest
a player that always folds is called a rock?
kkrisqmb - 22.07.2006, 11:45 Post subject: July zip contest
Or a Parasite
NonoNanette - 23.07.2006, 02:44 Post subject:
Although I've not heard the term before, it makes sense so I'll follow the pack and say 'mouse'
char1984 - 23.07.2006, 22:06 Post subject: i read all of the above and i vote mouse i hope you really are da man darrin or we all are wrong lol valeria - 24.07.2006, 23:18 Post subject:
I will confess I read everyone above and have to say with out a doubt it must be mouse suziq012 - 25.07.2006, 18:10 Post subject:
Uhhhhhh.....following the leader with......"MOUSE"
win4maw - 25.07.2006, 23:58 Post subject:
I haven't the slightest idea!!!!!!!
I guess if the majority rules it's a "MOUSE"
Thanks for the contest and advise
royalblush - 26.07.2006, 09:07 Post subject:
Well. I can't let Mojo be the only one with a different answer. Could it possibly be a "squirrel"? LMAO
Bower50 - 26.07.2006, 18:16 Post subject:
A mousey person is one who sits and says almost nothing so MOUSE sounds like the right answer.
sunspun - 30.07.2006, 21:28 Post subject:
I guess it's OK to post this here, even though this contest isn't over yet, right?
This is supposedly Phil Hellmuth's way of classifying poker players:
Hellmuth classifies poker players in 5 general catagories, only 4 of which most of us will ever get the chance to play against. They are the mouse, jackal, elephant, lion and eagle. Their poker characteristics are as follows:
The Mouse
The mouse is an ultra conservative player who plays very strict starting hand requirements (see Hellmuth's Top 10). The mouse will bet, but rarely ever raises a bet or reraises. The mouse almost never bluffs. If a mouse actually does raise or re-raise, it probably means they have an almost unbeatable hand. The mouse's weakness is that he or she is simply too predictable. When the mouse starts to raise, good players typically fold their hands, and in the mouse loses out on some chips they may have won, had they not earned themselves such a stodgy reputation. This character type is also referred to as a rock For the record, mice tend to make more money than they lose, espeically at low limit loose games. Their pots are not always the largest in the world, but they take down way more pots than they lose, due to their conservative play.
The Jackal
I have found jackals to be pretty common animals in low limit, online poker rooms. This type of player plays alot of cards, and bets and raises with abandon. He is the direct opposite of the mouse. The jackal's chip stack often resembles a roller coaster ride, as it will climb when he has great cards, and then fall back to near nothing when he has a string of bad cards. You can make alot of money off a player like this. Do not ever be afraid to call a jackal, because since they play loose, you will catch them bluffing with trash often. A jackal is destined to lose his money if he ventures far beyond 50 cent ante poker, where good players see him for the loose player that he is and take advantage of his weaknesses.
The Elephant
The elephant is what most poker players refer to as a “calling station.“ The elephant has loose starting hand requirements, and so he plays in alot of pots. As a result, he ends up in alot of hands that he or she has no chance of winning. The elephant is content to call his hand to the river, even when common sense tells him hes beaten. This type of player does not lose all of his chips at once, since he generally prefers calling to raising, but over time, the elephant contributes most of his chip stack to the other players. Hellmuth notes that there is no point in trying to bluff the elephant, but if you have good cards, you know he will pay you all the way to the river. I have found from my experience, that this “animal“ is the predominant one found at online low limit tables. Watch a few games, and you will notice the huge number of online players who play practically every hand, and call to the river with complete trash. The elephant will beat you occasionally simply because he is willing to draw till the end. On the whole though, this is yet another player who is easy to make money off of.
The Lion
The lion is rare in low limit games. He has good starting hand requirements, but will occassionally take a calculated risk on cards not on his “list.“ The lion plays aggressive poker when he is ahead and folds when he is behind. Occasionally the lion will bluff in an advantageous position, but his bluffs are rare enough that the other players must respect him. The lion is an excellent poker player, and makes his living taking chips from the mouse, elephant and jackal. A tight player who takes the occasional risk or bluff to keep from getting labeled a “rock“ would be a good example of a lion.
The Eagle
The eagle is a character that most of us will never reach or even play against. The eagle represents the pinnacle of the poker world. He or she has studied the game for years and is now in the upper ranks of the poker world. Hellmuth considers an eagle to be one of the top 100 players in the world. If you reach this status, the rest of us will be watching as you take down pots on one of the several televised poker events!
PokerGuru - 31.07.2006, 11:27 Post subject: Excellent post, sunspun, but I have to add 2 cautionary statements.
I admire Phil's playing skills very much, but, remember, his is still only one man's opinion! Also fairly new and original with him.
Also, don't give a whole big lot of credit to what you see of the poker games that are partly televised. "Partly" because they do so much editing. What you see is only a few "highlight times" of much, much longer games, involving many more people, all the way to the final table!!!!
Remember, television has to make what it shows "entertaining and not boring". Therefore, they select tiny bits of many games and string them together with so much editing talent that it seems like all one game and all at the same table!!! NOT!
Like I said.......very good post.......just be cautious of what is "publicised", both on t.v. AND in magazines. After all, that is exactly what it is.......publicity publicised!!! Even when published.
Your still-feeling-protective PokerGuruPokerGuru - 01.08.2006, 17:30 Post subject: Hello Poker Crushers!
This post is a P.S. to my post just above this one.
I HAVE WATCHED MYSELF PLAYING POKER ON TELEVISION and remembered very clearly the game it was, because it was a very exciting showdown hand between myself and one other player. the very next hand they showed, there I was again, playing another very exciting hand! BUT I became really confused because I thought that either I was going totally insane or that hand had been from an entirely different game!