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Banter and Bitchin' - General Chat + Questions and Answers - HELLO AGAIN, CRUSHERS!

PokerGuru - 28.01.2006, 10:20
HELLO AGAIN CRUSHERS! I wanted to get this message posted

out to you a few days ago, but while I was at a 3-day tournament

in Mississippi, I learned something about myself. I cannot write

in a room full of people, whether playing poker or not.

I had taken my laptop along just for the purpose of writing this

post, but I will know next time to write before I leave. Live and

learn for sure, huh?

First this time, let me thank you, Crushers, for such wonderful

words of welcome. I think I still have a few buttons on my shirt

after reading them!

Secondly, congratulations are certainly due you on your first

freeroll tournament. I believe all who attended achieved the

most important thing for such a tournament as that one......and

that is a good time! After all, nobody lost anything and

everybody gained at the very least a few good laughs.

I am looking forward to the freerolls you will be having again

soon. I may even play in some of them. Remember from last

time......beginners beat pros every day!

As a matter of fact, Slim Preston......"Amarillo Slim" from Texas,

one of the first famous names in poker......once told me there is

a sure-fire way to finish any poker competition with a small

fortune. He said the secret was to go there with a large fortune!

That's Slim for you.

He is also the one who added some to the old saying "Never

critisize another poker player until you've walked a mile in his

shoes. Slim gave us the reason for that. He said, "That way,

you will be a mile away when you critisize him and you will have

his shoes."

Well, back to our purpose here. We are all hoping that I can

help each one of you build your stack of poker skills a little or a

lot higher......even if you start with a stack that is lower than a

worm's belly.

From your mail last week, I ascertained one thing that I am sure

of. Every one of you from whom I heard underestimated

yourself. You just can't do that in poker! You have to work on

building your self confidence, because that is one thing that can

make or break you at the tables.

So, even if you have never played poker before in your life, I can

tell you that if you didn't have what it takes to be a winner, you

would not be a member of a gambling forum such as

Poker-Crush, whose membership I would estimate......and

remember, I have been a member of almost all of them......I

would estimate that Poker-Crush's membership, judging from

your posts, is more than just a little bit above the average when

it comes down to natural intelligence and judgement skills. So

you are already at least on step 2 in building your self

confidence......and some of you, individually, are far higher than


So have no fears, dears. Working together, we can make really

good poker players out of all of you with whom I have become

familiar through your posts.

Let's talk about freerolls and their blinds. Those of you who are

accustomed to them may be excused for a few minutes.

Because I want to talk to those who have no idea what these

things are all about......but would like to know.

A freeroll is simply a type of poker tournament that costs you

nothing to enter. Thus the "free" part of the word. Someone is

willing to sponsor such a tournament, for whatever reason of

their own. And to sponsor it means that they will put up the

prize money for whoever wins it, usually certain amounts for

first place, second, and third. Sometimes as many as ten or

more top places are paid a percentage of the prize money. That

is entirely up to the sponsor.

So once you have registered for a freeroll......and now you know

what you are registered will be provided with the

same number of chips at the start as every other player.

Your chips will be used for two things. One of them, of course,

is for betting. The other thing for which you spend your chips is

the blinds. The blinds are the same thing as the "ante" in most

other poker games and its purpose is to have something in the

pot to win, even if nobody wants to bet on their cards.

But the nice thing about the blinds is that everybody doesn't

have to contribute them in Texas Hold'em, which is the type of

poker game played in these freeroll tournaments, as well as in

the Texas Hold'em tournaments that are not free.

Only two players pay the blinds for each hand, meaning each

round of play. One player pays a "big" blind and the player to

his left pays the "small" blind. Turns are taken in who pays the

blinds by going around the table toward the left,,,,,or clockwise.

You can keep track of whose turn it is by noticing where the

"button" is. The button is simply a little disk of some kind that is

used just for that purpose. The button is always in front of the

player on the right of the one who pays the big blind. And of

course it moves to the left also with each new hand.

Why have blinds at all? Just so every player doesn't have to

pay an ante with every hand. That's all. There are only two

players paying it, no matter how many are at the table. And

everybody's turn comes, to keep things even and fair.

The amount of the blinds is set ahead of time. That way, it helps

you decide which freerolls you want to play in. Or, more likely,

which "not free" games you want to play in.

If a $5 big blind sounds like more than you are willing to pay, you

can choose a game where the big blind is 25 cents. Okay?

So now you should have no more confusion about the words

"freeroll" and "blinds". Right?

In some freerolls, the amount of the blinds increases after every 15

minutes. For example, the blinds may double every

fifteen minutes until the tournament is over. And it is over, by

the way, when everybody has been eliminated by losing all their

chips, except one player only......the first place winner!

Now I am aware that those of you who have been playing poker

for awhile, whether winning a lot or losing a lot, would be bored

by what I have written here. But I received a lot of questions

about these very things this week. And, I would also say here,

that the very best teachers I have ever had in any subject have

all started their courses by assuming that the learners knew

absolutely nothing. That way, every single student of the

subject had a very solid foundation upon which to build their


So forgive me if I have been too elementary for you this time. It

certainly is not intended as an insult. And furthermore...... I

intend to reply to each of you individually on your own level,

from now on, in the forums at Poker-Crush. Do you think that

would be satisfactory?

After all, I am YOUR representative. So you have the privilege,

opportunity, and responsibility for telling me just what it is that

you want.

So, unless otherwise advised, I will be seeing you all......where

else?......but in the Poker-Crush.

And remember......there is no such thing as a question that

should not be asked; no such thing as a too-simple or dumb

question; and questions are the basis of all knowledge......they

exist for one reason be answered, in order to increase

that knowledge.

Just one other thing, until next time......comments, stories, and

jokes are invited, as well as questions!

So I will leave you this time with this thought......I am sure that I

will also learn a lot FROM YOU, and am looking forward to it.

Heads up with self confidence, my friends. You will gain more

and more of it!!!!!

Poker-Crush's Poker Guru

win4maw - 28.01.2006, 23:38
Post subject:
Thanks for the lesson. I do have a question though. If you are sitting out a few hands and the blind comes to you, do you have to pay the blind??

CrazyHorse - 29.01.2006, 00:56
Post subject: poker guru
Maw not to jump in here but whether you sit out or play anytime the blind comes to you, you have to post. Hope this helps you.
I just happened to see your question while I was reading Guru's post. CrazyHorse

Also if you are playing in a freeroll most players do
not like sitouts including me unless you got to sit out a
hand or two for personal reasons lol.

royalblush - 29.01.2006, 07:37
Post subject:
Maw ~

We have a major disagreement here between me and CrazyHorse. Guess we will have to let the honorable guru settle it.

The CORRECT answer to your question is NO, you DO NOT have to pay the blind if you are sitting out.
What happens is that when you decide to start playing again, the blind will automatically jump back to you if you missed one or more. If you missed more than one blind, you do not have to pay any more than the one blind when you start playing again, no matter how many you missed.

However, you don't want to sit out an extra long time if the table is full because someone else might be waiting for a seat. Just good etiquette not to stay gone for too many hands.

Also, in a freeroll tournament, players do not often sit out. There is usually a break scheduled for about every hour for 5 or 10 minutes.

But in regular games, someone is frequently sitting out; sometimes more than one person at the same time at the same table. I guess you stand a chance of losing a lot in the betting in a freeroll, whereas it doesn't make any difference in a regular table game.

In a poker casino, the tables that are not involved in tournaments are called ring tables or ring games. The only players you have to worry about there are the ones at that table and you can come and go as you please.

And in a poker casino, you can find poker tables where the stakes are nickels and dimes, sometimes even pennies. You can also find tables where the stakes are in the hundreds of dollars or more.

Hope this helps. The short answer to your question is "no".

Crazy, I don't know where you got your idea, but I really don't think I am wrong. Like I said, I guess we will have to let the pro officiate this. No hard feelings. Just difference of opinion.

PokerGuru - 02.02.2006, 05:06
Post subject:
Let me tell you that this is truly a difficult situation for me to have to respond to.

Royalblush provided so much valuable and accurate information to you, Win4Maw......I am so tempted to call you Winnie......that I hate to point out I am sure royalblush was thinking of regular table games instead of tournaments. Every word she said was very true EXCEPT the direct answer to your question.

Crazy Horse, on the other hand, DID provide you with the right answer for tournament play. As he said, if you are sitting out in a TOURNAMENT, you are still be expected to pay any blinds that rotate to your position.

If you are not present, the correct amount will automatically be deducted from your total stake.

I get the distinct feeling that CrazyHorse plays mostly tournament play and that Royalblush sits in at any table where it seems possible to make a good profit in a shorter period of time than most tournaments.

You two will have to let me know if I am right.

In any case, I was glad to see both answers to your question, Win4Maw. because just between you and me, both of the two who were anxious to help you, were two of those about whom I was speaking when I mentioned those of you who are more advanced and have much more experience.

In general, I would not hesitate to trust either of their answers to a question, because I would expect very few errors.

Also, we must remember the definition of a forum......a platform for the expression and discussion of various opinions.

I appreciate the help from both of you, CrazyHorse and royalblush, and hope you will continue to let everyone benefit from your knowledge.

Now you know, Winnie.

Your own
Poker Guru

royalblush - 02.02.2006, 11:31
Post subject:
What can I say to you, Crazy Horse, except my hat is off to you and I am in the process of eating my own hat! From now on, I will be much quicker to listen to you and much slower in responding.

I have gained an even greater respect for you as "a player of the game" as Somebody once said not long ago.

Needless to say, my greatest apologies to you and I hope you will be able to forgive my hautiness.

The honorable Guru, hate it or love it, was exactly right in what he said about me thinking of regular games. Guru was also right that I hardly ever play tournaments, hating to sit that long, usually. I almost always play at regular No Limit tables.

More importantly, YOU were exactly right in your answer to Maw.

So, again, I'm truly very sorry for doubting your obvious experienced answer. And I congratulate you for giving Maw a correct answer!

Hopefully still friends,


royalblush - 02.02.2006, 11:36
Post subject:

I am so sorry for giving you wrong information. Would not do it on purpose for the world.

I guess you had better depend on our Guru for your poker lessons and answers.

And Crazy Horse would not be a bad one to listen to, as well

Again, I'm very sorry and I sure hope I didn't cost you any money with inaccurate information.

Your friend,

royalblush - 02.02.2006, 11:41
Post subject:
Dear Honorable Gourou ~

Thank you for the Tough Love lesson. Thank you, also, for presenting it to me as gently as anyone ever possibly could.

You are, indeed, a most honorable guru.



win4maw - 02.02.2006, 22:42
Post subject:
Thanks to crazyhorse and royal for answering my question. I guess I learned from both of you and the Guru cleared it up
Thanks all

OH and Guru you can call me just plain maw or win LOL just don't call me late for dinner LOL


CrazyHorse - 05.02.2006, 15:48
Post subject: posting blind

Royal never any need to feel bad about anything. As Poker Guru mentioned I play more tourneys or Sng,s and when blind comes to you wheter you sitout or not you must post. Now if your playing at the tables and blind comes to you and you are in the sitout status then you will not have to post. Another thing you will see at the tables if a player is next to post blind he or she may opt to sitout rather then post blind. Sometimes cause they are to cheap to post blind which is silly cause when you come back to table in sit in status you gotta post blind anyways. But we all have times we get a phone call or mother nature calls lol and you gotta sitout a hand or two then you will not have to post the blind but as I mentioned previously when you return you will be the first to post. I hope this answers your question better. But Poker Guru here is Da Man I was only trying to help out see I'm a Crazy horse lol

CrazyHorse - 05.02.2006, 16:42
Post subject: posting blinds

Royal I forgot one thing I will play the buyin tourneys or sng's because I always to seem to better this way. But each player has their game. I will play the ring games at times but I get so tired of starting with good hole cards and have these dang fish chase and chase and catch something on the river. Yes you can win some good money on the tables and at the same time you can play some good hands and get smoked. I'll give you this sad tale lol one week in 2 days I had 4 boats and lost all 4 hands to quads now what are these odds and this cost me quite a few dollars which will remain nameless lol. There are some days I wonder why I play this crazy game but it is just in my blood and I keep my ears open to all advice from the pros and try and learn from my mistakes hand by hand.One lesson I have learned is if I am playing the tables and just not getting the cards instead of playing catch up I will stop and come back another time. Poker is a game of both skill and luck and at times it is hard to sort between the two lol and like life we all have good days and bad days.Well good luck at the tables and may the flop fall your way. Funny thing as I was writing this post I had AK caught the KK on the flop,I called an all in I had one diamond and 2 were on the board. I did this intentionally to try and suckout the chaser for the flush vs my trips and I get the call the fish catches the diamond flush his hole cards were 6-8. Point here these idiots call with anything calling Poker Guru how do you beat these dang fish cause they are really getting on my nerves.


notLOL - 06.02.2006, 01:19
Post subject:
Quote: › He is also the one who added some to the old saying "Never

critisize another poker player until you've walked a mile in his

shoes. Slim gave us the reason for that. He said, "That way,

you will be a mile away when you critisize him and you will have

his shoes."

welll i read this and thought one thing then went to get it as reference and well now its not exactly what i thought it was saying , none the less and all the more.

Quote: › Funny thing as I was writing this post I had AK caught the KK on the flop,I called an all in I had one diamond and 2 were on the board. I did this intentionally to try and suckout the chaser for the flush vs my trips and I get the call the fish catches the diamond flush his hole cards were 6-8. Point here these idiots call with anything calling Poker Guru how do you beat these dang fish cause they are really getting on my nerves.

im not sure why though i am feeling a lil bit unsettled about so what if i want to wait and call in hope of a flush especially depending how much was already in the pot before the flop.....or wow a fish with instincts.....
so those all ins are of choice, so dont get upset when someone calls your allin when in fact you foreseen the obvious possiblity of where the all in coulda and did taunt you.......

thanks for the lesson poker guru,
CrazyHorse - 06.02.2006, 15:36
Post subject: Poker Guru
Not thanks for your reply here. Now this was just a freeroll and blinds were at 300. Now I know for sure there is a player at that table sitting there with pocket diamonds ok. Now off the flop I have trips and yes my all in call is taking a chance knowing there is the possibitly of a player drawing the flush. But poker is a game of luck and chance and I made the call hoping my trips would hold and see if the other player would take the chance for the flush draw. He or she did and caught the diamond on the river. But my game is playing what I have and not what I hope to see but we all take chances and so have I. I have also been on the other end having suited pair and 2 others on the board and never seeing the flush. I am by no ways critizing this player for calling but it is still a chase none the less. So I had 2 choices play aggressive and go with my trips or fold with the possible flush. I chose to play aggressive and lost. Ain't poker a wonderful game lol. If I were in a say in a $100 buyin and got this call I know I would be thinking twice about calling it just with my luck lol. But what is nice here is for all of us to share how we may play a paticular hand and I am no way debating your reply just sharing my thoughts on how I played this hand and why. CrazyHorse

May the flop fall your way --------->lol it did not for me this time !!!!!!

notLOL - 06.02.2006, 18:49
Post subject:
ok crazyhorse.......thank you for your reply i feel better.....lately ive just been at the table with some real rude people i guess....i usually ignore them only here lately ......well......anywho...

thank you so much for your reply.
may the flop fall your way......and stay yours.
PokerGuru - 06.02.2006, 19:09
Post subject:
Dear Crazy Horse,

I knew that sooner or later I would have to approach a somewhat delicate issue, and now is the time and you is the who.

First, let me say, I admire your obvious and independently-acquired knowledge of the game. My guess is that you are a bit ABOVE the average player in talent and skill......which you have learned the hard way.

The issue I want to address with you is that of chasing fish, especially the ones who are "too cheap" to do this or that......and your obvious dislike for them. Also the fact that you seem not to acknowledge that they COULD have some type of strategy by which they play.

I don't know why they would keep playing if they don't do reasonably well.

Anyway......I have read several posts in which you address this issue......and in some you seem quite upset. So, as your guru, please let me give you a word of advice that just might end this frustratration which you do not need when trying to play good poker.

You are in need of a solution to a problem that is at least threatening your game, if not influencing it in a negative way. Agreed?

So we need to attempt to find a solution.

This first idea of mine may not work......and if it doesn't, I am willing to keep trying until it is solved ......if you are.

First......let me suggest that you make every effort to ignore their behavior whichupsets you. Yes, IGNORE it! It is not harming them, but it IS harming you. Much too frequently and to much too great an extent.

I will now stop to let you make a few suggestions as to HOW you might ignore them. Then we can discuss it further.

Believe me, Crazy Horse, this is all in your best interest. It is a barricade to your progress which we MUST eliminate, the same as any other problem.

We cannot let any single item hold you back when you have such high potential for great success.

Your opinions?

Poker Guru

PrincessOz - 07.02.2006, 01:47
Post subject:
If only the board had of paired u wouldve caught a boat, Luck is getting good cards and skill is knowing when to foldem
CrazyHorse - 08.02.2006, 15:56
Post subject: Poker Guru

Well I will start like this I have been playing poker since I was 16 and Texas Holdem for 2 years now. Yes I have learned somethings playing the game since I play everyday and like anyone that has played poker we all learn the hard way this is the process of learning anything in life so really what is that point about learning the hard way. I am not being disrespectful but we all have to start somewhere. Frustration yes if you lost like I had posted earlier 4 boats in 3 days to 4 of a kind I wonder how you would feel. I lost some big money here. And no not everyone out there is a fish there is a misunderstanding here but I have witnessed many online who will call and play anything in a freeroll since they have nothing to lose since entry is free and then catch something.Now if I were a pro I am not saying I would not be here but I would be more interested in a poker site wanting to use my name to endorse their poker site-"yes in my wildest dreams LOL" The cheap thing to clear that up I am not a wealthy man but I will play the $1/2 tables and I have witnessed for a fact when the blind came to a player he or she would sitout and then play the next hand. Now this does not happen all the time but I have seen it ok. Yes when I first enter a table at these stakes(which BTW is alot for me cause I am not wealthy) I will check wait for the BB since I am going to watch a hand or two and see how the players are playing at that table not to mention most times on the BB you usually get junk.. I once got this advice from a pro remaining nameless when you are playing in a live tourney unless you have a monster hand fold a few hands and study the players and their body language to get a grip on what your up against. Same thing if they move you to another table repeat this same process. As far as others stratagies every poker player has his or her own. My thing about fish here I think too many of these young kids watch too much ESPN and think they are all poker pros and as Not mentioned in post above you know they are kids and they can be very crude and disrespectful this I totally ignore and if they keep it up up I will check ignore that players chat. If they get real insulting comments being racial, sexual, or things about my Mom who has passed I will take screenshot and send to poker manager. So to sum things up I am just an average guy who likes to play poker and a long shot from a pro. I don't think in all the leagues that I am part of online that we all have not become frustrated from time to time it's just the nature of the game. Crazyhorse

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