Poker Guru Lessons (archive) - Guru Letter to New Members PokerGuru - 22.05.2009, 21:04 Post subject: Guru Letter to New MembersHello, Special People!
This letter is actually for all our members, from our 4th year scholars to those who just joined us.
It is, however, especially for those members in their first year here.
As a member of Poker-Crush, your path will take you from dreaming to daring.
The thrill of glory and the tears of defeat will be yours, but not in equal proportion. We do not like - and don't easily accept - defeat.
We know within ourselves that every famous poker champion represents a part of ourselves. The part that wants to succeed, that wants to win, that is willing to become a serious scholar of poker to turn our dreaming into reality! Just like it is doing every single day with many online players!
This Guru, at Poker-Crush, lives to help you do just that! This Guru, born to teach, knows no limit to being your instructor, your coach, your personal Guru, and your very involved guide to becoming The Winner!
You deserve to experience being a link in the Winner's Circle, alongside your Guru, who made it here and wants your company. I made it here the hard way and want to make your way easier.
I do not ask for your respect, but I do expect to earn it! I am willing to work as hard for your respect as you are willing to study for your SELF-respect!
I am here to support you and to teach you for the long run, at each one of your own individual pace. I respect your right to be an individual, unlike any other scholar.
I will laugh with you and cry with you and share with you all I know that has led me to the good life of being a winning pro. I shall hold nothing back, not even my most personal winning strategies, like those who write how-to books do.
In return, instead of a tutoring fee or a course fee, I expect you to accept your share of the responsibility for the success of our beloved forum. What can you do? You can make lots of posts, you can join all our monthly contests for free cash, you can come to our half-hour live chats on Tuesday nights at 9 o'clock New York time, you can post congratulations to all your fellow members when they deserve it, and very important to our existence, you can keep making lots of posts that point out for others all the best things about the poker sites we have banners for. But post only for the sites you truly approve of! We have worked long and hard to build our good reputation for honesty and credibility! We are proud of being trusted!
Poker-Crush is mine! Poker-Crush is yours! Poker-Crush is ours! Together we have the power to make it anything we want it to be - like the greatest forum of poker winners!
In closing, I ask a favor of all our members who have been here long enough to know: Please post below if you can honestly say that every word I have typed in this post is true!
Your Ever-lovin' GuruMalvax - 22.05.2009, 21:42 Post subject:
Heya Guru!
Lovley post there and a thoughtfull one
I belive in every word you wrote there but I belive it is up to each and every one of uss... I surly hope that everyone reads this and take this post to their minds when they thinking of skip to grat a fellow member... I've said it before and can say it again, I have never been treated this good at any poker forum as this site...
I'm not a pro but this site makes me keep fighting even if I gets a few defeats this site makes me stand up again and keep on fighting...
Thank you again for that post!
Best Regards
Mattias Eriksson
broxi - 22.05.2009, 22:02 Post subject:
lovely post guru and it could not have been any more true....any new members joining will find out soon enough how true your words are and how much this site means to yourself and all the members...its not just a forum like many other sites its more a family where we can all laugh and cry together whilst learning to not just be better poker players but better people through the lessons we learn as ive found out
Bower50 - 22.05.2009, 22:17 Post subject:
Everything Guru says is absolute fact.He's the only Professional poker player on line that I know of who works as hard as him to improve his potential opponents game.He has done just this for many members of Poker Crush,and there are a few of us who think they're ready to play a game with him.This is not boasting,it's a fact.None of us play the game we did before joining PC,and we're better players because of his teachings.Being a pro poker player and a college professor more than qualifies him to be called PokerGuru.
Join up and enjoy everything we've experienced,games,chat,poker and any other subject that may arise.
Here's a link to some fantastic reading.Give it a few minutes and check them out,you WILL learn something. - 22.05.2009, 22:30 Post subject:
At first there was one...and it was a very lonely run....but then he stumbled upon a place...where two, three, four...oh even more gather...and so he stayed - not to be lonely no more!
... ...although.. ...lately i've been getting killed...I even placed 2000 out 2000 this week - dead last!! ....I need my mojo back!!!
LOL!!!! Sisters - 22.05.2009, 22:34 Post subject:
OMG Poker Crush Rocks I beleive without a doubt everything Guru said is true and much much more...Our Guru understands what it's like to be a beginner and to percivier with hard work and he gives/teaches us all this with laughter and humour and a HUGE HEART...
I will try to participate more
sisters slotmom - 22.05.2009, 22:36 Post subject:
So true Guru See that is why I came back to this forum and why I come here every day . There are some wonderful people here . Thank you everyone for making this forum so nice to come to . Mostly you Guru . Thank You .
mojojds - 22.05.2009, 23:05 Post subject: guru
hope it post....script errors freezing me up
char1984 - 22.05.2009, 23:30 Post subject: Such a wonderful post, poker Guru, as I have experienced all of the above ojisplayin - 23.05.2009, 00:59 Post subject:
HERE-HERE!! I cannot add a single thing!! That in itself is a miracle!! afulk8 - 23.05.2009, 06:16 Post subject:
Guru, I don't think it could have been said better. There is no other place like this, a truly unique experience that goes above and beyond any other poker forum out there-and we couldn't ask for a more patient and thoughtful instructor. I know I'm hooked on PC. rainbow1 - 23.05.2009, 15:08 Post subject:
was there any doubt at all that anything said wasn't true, i'm sure i can speak for 99% here that our GURU is as honest as they come & as wonderful too, you've definately hit on every aspect with so much love to all of us here & for those to come........XXOO
zonn61 - 23.05.2009, 16:34 Post subject:
Yes every word is true! Love you Poker Guru
Havent been around in awhile, but I will try to post more often.
ratfang - 24.05.2009, 08:07 Post subject:
Guru,We love you & will make it a point to get in here at least once a day
kaykyl - 24.05.2009, 16:31 Post subject:
I agree with everyone ,I love this place . PokerGuru - 24.05.2009, 17:50 Post subject: MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE POSTED AND ALL STILL TO COME!!!
Gurubeckie33 - 25.05.2009, 18:27 Post subject:
Yes Guru every word is true... I have learned a lot of valuable information on playing from you and also from the members here that contribute to the forum.... your hard work helps to keep this forum the number one poker forum around!! It is greatly appreciated!
emeraldharley - 31.05.2009, 01:25 Post subject: The Guru speaks the truth!!!! GL to all my fellow Crushers and tysvm my "Guru" for being there for US and Giving US this awesome site!
Huggggggggsssss Em
mamaw618 - 07.06.2009, 06:15 Post subject:
i, too, love this place!!!!! love you guru...a-ok in my book!!!infact absolutely fabulous!!!!!!!!! ty for this oppertunity...tyvm...[[[hugs]]] marlene