Hello PokerCrushers, and a special Welcome to all our NEW PokerCrushers..
This is a new contest that will be a MONTHLY feature for all our Newest Crushers to participate in. All members who joined Poker Crush during the current month or the previous month may enter this contest.
In order to win this contest we want all our NEW members to post a Hello in this thread......or just even post a question if you have one. The point of this is we want to get to know you all and allow all members to get to meet each other as we are a community of friends and we do love to know each other here at Poker Crush..
In order to claim a cash prize please remember you MUST have at least 3000 PC Points. Now when you join Poker Crush you automatically receive 1000 PC points to get you off and running to the many great rewards of being a member here at Poker Crush.
Opting into our mailer groups always keeps you up to date on the latest exclusive promo's at Poker Crush and earns you PC Points. Sign up today and start earning.
You can also earn PC points as you post promo's or offers here at Poker Crush..
1 x $30 Cash Prize
1) You may only enter if you joined Poker Crush during the active month or the previous month.
2) You will need to have at least 3000 PC Points to claim a cash prize. If the selected winners do not have 3000 PC Points then 3000 PC Points will be awarded instead of a cash prize
3) Have FUN.
4) The winner will be posted on the last day of each respective month. Certified Neteller account will be credited within 10 days after the close of this contest. If you do not yet have a certified NETeller account please log into your NETeller account and follow the instructions there to get certified. This our only way we can currently send Cash prize winnings...and ALL our contests pay CASH.
Happy Gaming Always!
The PC Staffrainbow1 - 01.05.2006, 19:56 Post subject:
helloooooooooooo i'm in this one, working on those points TammyNC - 02.05.2006, 17:21 Post subject:
Another WELCOME to our new Crusher 1Rainbow, yeeaaaaaaaaa... good luck good luck good luck in the new members contest!!!
oh yeah, now i gotta go see what cup u stole from me n git er back LOL:D and I expect u to challenge all of my cups, I love a good challenge!!!
Welcome and much good luck sent your way!
rainbow1 - 02.05.2006, 17:31 Post subject:
i definately will do sweety & ty for the welcome, i love a challenge too let's rock it TammyNC - 02.05.2006, 17:47 Post subject:
You are so welcome Rainbow...
and I was reading your question about PC points on another thread, and here's what I have learned in my short stay here( YES I have a BIG mouth, lol)... POST POST POST. Not only do we love to read the posts and to see what you have to say in regard to other's posts, we want to hear about your wins, your losses, your questions, so on and so forth... but if u notice over there <<<<<<<< under our names... there is a power pellet??? or whatever it's called, that has different words like little crusher, crusher, big crusher, extra special crusher... u earn ur rank by posting... and with each new rank your posts are worth more... so there's a hint, i might get smacked for telling, lol, but wanted to share it with you.
Ok now to go find my missing trophy, LOL.
rainbow1 - 02.05.2006, 17:54 Post subject:
lol ty so much for the in depth answer & i don't think anyone will smack you lol when i have more time i'm going to post more, tuesdays are bad but i'm doing my best, & i tell you this i can post my little heart out rainbow1 - 02.05.2006, 18:00 Post subject:
oh yea & tammy if you don't find ur missing trophy by wednesday, i'll tell you which one it is shhhhhhhhhhhh admin don't tell annacris - 02.05.2006, 19:07 Post subject:
A very warm welcome to all the new PokerCrushers
rainbow1 - 02.05.2006, 19:11 Post subject:
whoa, this place is full of welcomers, ty anna & looking forward to getting to know all of you here rainbow1 - 06.05.2006, 03:58 Post subject:
well i went out tonight won euchre again last night & tonight going to derby party tomorrow hope everyone is doing great OrangeCrush - 06.05.2006, 04:20 Post subject: I'm doing great, thank you 1rainbow and WooooWooooo Way to Go! Congratulations on winning euchre last night and tonight!
Have fun at the derby party tomorrow!
Continued Good Luck to you!
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush rainbow1 - 06.05.2006, 06:38 Post subject:
ty much gonna try to win tomorrow & not lose all i've won lol gonna pm you later Assomaster - 10.05.2006, 20:49 Post subject:
Hello all guys!!!!
OrangeCrush - 10.05.2006, 20:55 Post subject: Hello Assomaster! Glad to see you made it to Poker Crush!! WoooWoooo!!!
Have a look around, if you like Poker, you'll love it here! We even have our very own Poker Guru that will answer any questions you may have.
We are having a free roll tonight at CD Poker if you are interested. 9 pm EDT and another one tomorrow night at Titan Poker 8 pm EDT.
Hope to see you there!
Good Luck in this contest!
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush rainbow1 - 10.05.2006, 22:48 Post subject:
yikes i just saw this dude for the first time at noble gl to all of u in the game tonight
OrangeCrush - 10.05.2006, 22:53 Post subject: Thank you 1rainbow!!! Good Luck to you too!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
aka OnePercentAngel whomeyou - 11.05.2006, 04:42 Post subject:
Hello im new here .
My name is Andrejs and im From Latvia :DDD ShawnB - 11.05.2006, 08:31 Post subject:
hey guysm I look forward to playing in the freerolls here
Anonymous - 11.05.2006, 14:30 Post subject: HI There ShawnB and Welcome to Poker Crush.. Hope you like what you see and if ever you are in need of a hand please feel free to message one of the staff and we will do our best to lend a hand...
Good luck in the contest..
DrCrush rainbow1 - 11.05.2006, 16:20 Post subject:
woo hoo all kinds of newbies comin in here weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeee more competition orangie is awesome be kewl suziq012 - 22.05.2006, 05:42 Post subject:
Yippy! I am now a member of poker crush. Please enter me in the new members contest.
PokerGuru - 22.05.2006, 10:43 Post subject:
1rainbow wrote: › woo hoo all kinds of newbies comin in here weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeee more competition orangie is awesome be kewl
You are right on all points mentioned!
But don't forget about this point: We are ALL tickled me...tickled ORANGE... that YOU, 1RAINBOW, are here amongst us, too!
And I am ALWAYS glad to be here!
Your PokerGuru
P.S. I hope to see ALL OF YOU taking part in our discussions, by way of posting, following each Guru's POKER LESSON and also each PokerGuru Presents: _________________.
EVERYONE is warmly welcomed by all to ask a question or post a comment (about absolutely's a big interesting world, this Earth....).
Also feel free to talk poker, whether you are just thinking about maybe learning how to play (THIS IS THE PLACE TO LEARN!) or whether you are already an expert player. There is something for EVERYBODY!
Your PokerGuru, the site's resident professional poker playerrainbow1 - 23.05.2006, 00:51 Post subject:
of course sweety i'll be coming in more soon as tuesday is over lol wed i'm free as a bee & i'll be here lookin around at the posts char1984 - 23.05.2006, 01:56 Post subject: HI ALL I SEE ALOT OF FAMILAR NAMES HERE. I JUST JOINED POKER CRUSH A COUPLE MINUTES AGO GOOD LUCK ALL rainbow1 - 23.05.2006, 03:49 Post subject:
hey char great to see ya here check out the games they are kewl char1984 - 23.05.2006, 08:27 Post subject: TYVM FOR YOUR WARM WELCOME RAINBOW rainbow1 - 23.05.2006, 10:22 Post subject: ur very welcome, always great to see more ppl don't forget those games OrangeCrush - 01.06.2006, 01:16 Post subject: Hello PokerCrushers!
I would like to thank everyone that entered this contest. Everyone that entered this contest had their names placed into my tupperware bowl and my lovely assistant, lol Barry drew out the winning name.
The winner of this contest is:
Congratulations 1rainbow! I have credited your account with 3,000 pc points! The next contest you win you will be able to trade in for Neteller cash!
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush beckie33 - 01.06.2006, 02:06 Post subject:
Wooo hooo Rainbow!!! wtg !
rainbow1 - 01.06.2006, 03:21 Post subject:
WOW ty so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guess today is my lucky day i just won $100 in a trny 1st place weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ty much
OrangeCrush - 01.06.2006, 07:27 Post subject: Congrats 1rainbow on the tourney win today also! It is your lucky day!! Way to Go!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush rainbow1 - 01.06.2006, 07:46 Post subject:
ty much sweety TammyNC - 02.06.2006, 05:48 Post subject:
Now what better way to feel welcome than to get cool wins like this!!! YAY!!! Congrats, awesome, enjoy!!!
And welcome to all other new Crushers that I haven't had a chance to welcome, to our Happy Home!
Way cool, congrats Rainbow!!!
rainbow1 - 02.06.2006, 09:43 Post subject:
ty tammy & g/f i noticed you topped my score i got u on, ok the competition is on lol gotta try to get my title back to you notLOL - 02.06.2006, 11:16 Post subject:
Welcome rainbow1 !!! Tooo Coool enjoy your wins!!
notLOL - 02.06.2006, 11:18 Post subject:
A Big Welcome to Assomaster!! as well.....
Anonymous - 03.06.2006, 16:37 Post subject:
CONGRATS TO YOU RAINBOW!..Good going and ENJOY!!!.....
Congrats again...
DrCrainbow1 - 03.06.2006, 17:04 Post subject:
ty ty dr ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) hope u all are winning whatever ur doing