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The Archive - PC's Birthday Bash Contest #12 Closed! Winners Announced!

crzynana2001 - 12.08.2009, 04:04
Post subject: PC's Birthday Bash Contest #12 Closed! Winners Announced!
<center>Hello Poker Crushers!</center>

<center>Our 12th contest for August is a simple one, Poker Crushers, </center><center>What was your favorite childhood game?</center>



1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 1 x $30 prize

2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.

3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.

4. This contest will end on August 13, 2009 and we will give away 1 x $30 prizes.

Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

<center>Your Poker-Crush Staff

allight - 12.08.2009, 04:14
Post subject:
easy one, spin the bottle of course!
lilnickie25 - 12.08.2009, 04:15
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Candyland...I still love that game to this day!!!!!
anneandalan - 12.08.2009, 04:20
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My dad taught me poker at five but I have always loved all kinds of cards....
DixiesMom - 12.08.2009, 04:36
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pinoccle Smile I probably spelled it wrong but my pap taught me to play when I was young and I loved it. Problem now is it's a 4 player game and I can never find 3 other people who either know how to play or are willing to learn, so I never get to play anymore unless it's on pogo. It's just not the same on a computer though Sad
char1984 - 12.08.2009, 04:38
Post subject:
21 when i was little and rummy.we had a poker night on the weekend when i was growing up...
dalesr - 12.08.2009, 04:40
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Cool i lovd war...
Sisters - 12.08.2009, 06:02
Post subject:

My favorite was Hide & Seek... Wink

Good Luck,

sisters Smile
afulk8 - 12.08.2009, 06:22
Post subject:
Rummy...I think also when I was very young, it was cool to play "the Dukes of Hazard" on our big wheels, that show was very popular then Smile
kildemosus - 12.08.2009, 06:50
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A scandinavian version of Monopoly called Matador
shortstuff - 12.08.2009, 06:58
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My favorite was hopscotch.
broxi - 12.08.2009, 07:20
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god i cant remember yesterday never mind childhood lol...but when i was young we played a lot of soccer...chap door run away ...dares ..hide and name it we did it lol
annacris - 12.08.2009, 08:56
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I played a lot Hide and seek and monopoly Smile
valeria - 12.08.2009, 10:30
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This will age me but I loved roller skating. You know with those metal skates you put on the bottom of your shoes and had to have a key to tighten them. They were pretty cool unless you lost the key to take them off Razz
slotmom - 12.08.2009, 10:53
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We played alot of checkers
catty78 - 12.08.2009, 11:32
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my all time favorite childhood game was always monopoly no one can beat me just love the game
Monica - 12.08.2009, 12:32
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My favorite childhood game was Sorry
Lori212 - 12.08.2009, 13:05
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my favorite game was hop skotch!!!!
goldigger - 12.08.2009, 13:54
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red rover
PUZTIME - 12.08.2009, 14:03
Post subject:
My favorite childhood game was Monopoly and it is actually still at the top of my list

My grandchildren and I have had many hours of fun playing it

sharon030161 - 12.08.2009, 14:55
Post subject:
twister and hide and seek
kaykyl - 12.08.2009, 15:04
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skipping ,double dutch was my favorite.
win4maw - 12.08.2009, 15:06
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rsablebomb - 12.08.2009, 16:32
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omg I loved to jump rope. that was the bestest lol
casino$teve - 12.08.2009, 17:47
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operation, simon says, legos, lincoln logs, tinker toys, and that game where you had to try to put all the little different shape peices into the right holes before the timer ran out causing the peices in the board to pop back out at you. I can't remember what the heck the name of it was...
leifen - 12.08.2009, 19:12
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Ludo Smile I was a expert in that game.. atleast I allways won over my mother & father...
soljah11 - 12.08.2009, 21:44
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ojisplayin - 12.08.2009, 23:12
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We used to get the whole block together and pick two teams- and play DITCH 'EM!!
momin95 - 13.08.2009, 01:40
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Monopoly. I rocked at that game!
Monica - 13.08.2009, 02:00
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allight wrote: › easy one, spin the bottle of course!

ojisplayin - 13.08.2009, 03:55
Post subject:
My honey picked this name out for the can-

WTG!! Sharon0130161!! WTG!!


Good Thinking Wishes!!
Happy Gaming Always!!

lilnickie25 - 13.08.2009, 04:09
Post subject:
wtg sharon!!!!!! good luck with your winnings and hoprfully grow
crzynana2001 - 13.08.2009, 04:21
Post subject:
Congratulations Sharon!! woot woot!!!!!!
rainbow1 - 13.08.2009, 04:26
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OrangeCrush - 13.08.2009, 05:30
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Way to Go Sharon!!! Congratulations hun!!!
Sisters - 13.08.2009, 06:02
Post subject:

WTG Sharon...enjoy hun Very Happy

sisters Smile
broxi - 13.08.2009, 08:40
Post subject:
wtg sharon Very Happy
PUZTIME - 13.08.2009, 11:09
Post subject:
: ) Congrats and WTG Sharon

May your winnings multiply

slotmom - 13.08.2009, 12:06
Post subject:
wtg Sharon
win4maw - 13.08.2009, 13:32
Post subject:
Congrats Sharon

sharon030161 - 13.08.2009, 13:58
Post subject:
WOOOHOOOO! ty so much and give chad a big ole kiss for me!
annacris - 13.08.2009, 14:04
Post subject:
Congratulations Sharon Smile
afulk8 - 13.08.2009, 14:09
Post subject:
way to go Sharon!!
goldigger - 13.08.2009, 14:36
Post subject:
wtg sharon
allight - 14.08.2009, 00:07
Post subject:
wtg lucky weinnnner!
msfilly - 14.08.2009, 22:52
Post subject:
Wtg on your win sharon congrats to you
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