The Archive - Not JUST another $30 CONTEST!*CLOSED*WINNERS ANNOUNCED crzynana2001 - 02.09.2009, 01:32 Post subject: Not JUST another $30 CONTEST!*CLOSED*WINNERS ANNOUNCED<center>Hello, Poker Crushers!
This month we have 3 questions for you..... and there WILL be random PC points prizes awarded.
1. How much was the most you have ever paid to play an online poker tournament?
2. What is the most you would be willing to pay?
3. What type of game structure/prize pool would you be most willing to pay-to-play an online poker tournament at?
1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 2 x $30 prizes.
2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.
3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
4. This contest will end on September 30, 2009 and we will give away 2 x $30 prizes.
Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
Your Poker Crush Staff </center>
anneandalan - 02.09.2009, 04:18 Post subject:
1. $20
2. depends on the pot and what I had in the account at the time and whether or not I was on a winning streak
3. usually,i play sit and go 18 play no limit hold em...but I love tournaments with no re buy as well..... both hold em and omaha
cocakolakid - 02.09.2009, 11:55 Post subject:
1. $100 + $10 (fee)
2. $500 + $50 (fee) No R/A
3. Hold'em NL, No R/A, 1-Table Sit'n Go or $1500+ Gtd Freeze Tournaments
rainbow1 - 02.09.2009, 15:14 Post subject:
i've never spent a dime of my own $ to ever play online
(yes i've deposited but always took that iitial deposit out, when allowed & played on their $$
i'd rather play HORSE, i like it mixed up
i'd go $10, considering that would be a good game & not some freeroll type play tduterte - 02.09.2009, 15:24 Post subject:
1. $20 + fee
2. $50 including fee
3. NL hold'em, Sit & Go's
DixiesMom - 02.09.2009, 15:50 Post subject:
1. I've only ever played freerolls
2. How much I'd pay to play would depend on the prizes, how many and how much they are.
3. I like tourneys where I don't have to be sure to arrive at a certin time because I don't always remember, and sometimes when I do, it's too late to play
shortstuff - 03.09.2009, 02:57 Post subject:
1. I've only ever played freerolls
2. How much I'd pay to play would depend on the prizes, how many and how much they are.
3. I like tourneys where I don't have to be sure to arrive at a certin time because I don't always remember, and sometimes when I do, it's too late to play
soljah11 - 03.09.2009, 12:05 Post subject:
2.depends on pot and statistics
3.sit and go
<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Wild Jack Poker' border='0'></a>
broxi - 03.09.2009, 15:59 Post subject:
1. $20 as normally if ive played for my own cash it was at no limit tables not ive said before i dont have the patience to play more than a few hours in tournaments 2. would depend on sort of tournament and how much cash i had at the time 3. nl hold/em with no rebuys
slotmom - 05.09.2009, 02:36 Post subject:
sorry I don't play much poker only at home lol
msfilly - 05.09.2009, 09:31 Post subject:
1. $20 + fee
2. that depends on the pot and odds of winning
3. NL hold'em
hpoe this helps
ojisplayin - 06.09.2009, 09:37 Post subject:
bump! BARB711 - 06.09.2009, 12:44 Post subject:
ojisplayin - 06.09.2009, 15:28 Post subject:
valeria - 06.09.2009, 18:59 Post subject:
I mostly only play freerolls as I am normally broke! LOL But I have gone in to a few $2.00 and $5.00. Once I did a big $20 deposit.
win4maw - 06.09.2009, 19:39 Post subject:
I have never paid to play poker on line or off LOL
catty78 - 06.09.2009, 21:33 Post subject:
well i like the free games so far
but i would probably pay up to 50 to play if the prize pool was setup all entries to the winner\
sharon030161 - 07.09.2009, 17:01 Post subject:
i have only played in freerolls if i did make a deposit it would only be about $10 and try a freeroll
allight - 07.09.2009, 22:27 Post subject:
don't like rebuys and prefer a cap on the number of players
m8ryann - 08.09.2009, 02:59 Post subject:
Sisters - 08.09.2009, 22:50 Post subject:
I've only played in freerolls and the most I would spend would depend on the size of the pot..I would definatly play Texas Holdem with no re-buys.
Good Luck,
sisters goldigger - 10.09.2009, 01:56 Post subject:
I have never paid to play online. enjoy hold em at the local bar tournies but would rather do other games online.
Monica - 10.09.2009, 04:14 Post subject:
1. $5.00 + fee
2. $20.00 + fee
Sit and go for sure
IRIEDREAMING - 10.09.2009, 05:49 Post subject:
I've only played at freeroll tournaments<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='River Belle Poker' border='0'></a>
afulk8 - 12.09.2009, 06:56 Post subject:
1. $20
2. $50 (unless I suddenly had alot of money, then more:)
3. I prefer games with no rebuy or add on, but will play pretty much anything.
ratfang - 12.09.2009, 17:07 Post subject:
1)I Believe the most was around $15+$1.
2)Between $2 & $10.
n/l 7card stud
shirlsplay - 17.09.2009, 20:19 Post subject:
I have spent nothing yet 0.00 am new
10.00 to 25.00
Not sure this is all new to me gjr1961 - 18.09.2009, 02:25 Post subject:
1) I have only played in a freeroll.
2) Since I don't know much about the game, I think I would have to play for free for a while yet.
3) ????
BARB711 - 18.09.2009, 11:53 Post subject:
gl all..
char1984 - 22.09.2009, 05:28 Post subject: I have only played 5.00 sit and gos although have won including this week 109.00 dollar seat in carbon for first place.
Kdal29 - 22.09.2009, 16:10 Post subject:
only played freeroll
too chicken, could be bluffed right out
I do like 5-7 card stud
rsablebomb - 23.09.2009, 16:37 Post subject:
the most I have ever spent on a buy-in was $10, if I had more I would spend more. I think my limit would depend on the tournament and how many players there are. I like multi table tourneys the best Hold em of course even though omaha is good too
sunspun - 30.09.2009, 23:11 Post subject:
1. How much was the most you have ever paid to play an online poker tournament?
**usually only free for me!
2. What is the most you would be willing to pay?
**probably wouldn't play if it cost real money!
3. What type of game structure/prize pool would you be most willing to pay-to-play an online poker tournament at?
**see #2! ojisplayin - 01.10.2009, 02:08 Post subject:
crzynana2001 - 01.10.2009, 02:09 Post subject:
WTG Lee and Sharon!!! May your winnings grow!!!!!!
DixiesMom - 01.10.2009, 02:33 Post subject:
whoo hoo i like to see my name in bold letters after the word winner lol. Congrats to you too sharon!
OrangeCrush - 01.10.2009, 06:27 Post subject: WooooHoooooooo Congratulations Lee and Sharon!!! Way to go Ladies!!! broxi - 01.10.2009, 06:48 Post subject:
wtg ladies enjoy your wins BARB711 - 01.10.2009, 10:49 Post subject:
afulk8 - 01.10.2009, 13:17 Post subject:
Way to go Sharon & Lee!!
shortstuff - 01.10.2009, 15:31 Post subject:
WTG Sharon & Lee shirlsplay - 01.10.2009, 17:23 Post subject:
wtg dixiemom and sharon
sharon030161 - 01.10.2009, 22:26 Post subject:
Wooohoooo! WTG lee! Thanks everyone!
Bower50 - 01.10.2009, 22:34 Post subject:
WTG Lee & Sharon.Thanks everyone for your input.
msfilly - 02.10.2009, 06:19 Post subject: