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Banter and Bitchin' - General Chat + Questions and Answers - What Does It take To Livin' This Place Up A Bit?

dmoney644 - 02.01.2010, 21:58
Post subject: What Does It take To Livin' This Place Up A Bit?
I stop in a few times a day but hardly ever see anyone around here, why is that? This great forum seems to only get some traffic when money is on the line,

How about i set up a game for all of us? how many are canadian? I have a room i can get a game pretty much anytime i want it there but they do not accept Canadians nor Players from the Netherlands.

So, if there is no one fromt here, or only one or 2, i will set up a game for fellow PC'ers as my way of saying thanks for accepting me here as well as for all the PC points all the Donators gave which gave me plenty of points for anything i need them here for.

Of course, this is if Admin and rest of the staff OK it.

What do you say guys!
broxi - 02.01.2010, 22:07
Post subject:
coudnt have put the above better dmoney...thats a great offer about the game im sure some people would be interested...tho being from other side of world lol most things happen when im getting my sleep.... as for amount of people here yeah its times the place is really quiet which is a shame as staff put in a lot of work and genos more than generous guess some members just arent too keen on poker and as u say a few others will only come in when theirs all the cash competitions...just a way of life i guess....but is a shame at times especially when you see how busy casino crush is every day
dmoney644 - 02.01.2010, 22:11
Post subject:
Thats because everyone is looking for their next free chip for the casino, like crackheads lol. roflmao(myself included lol)

Its just that there needs to be some more participation i think, some more posting, something, going on here. I'm pretty new, and trying to be a better member here, and surprised that there aren't many more trying to do there part around here.

I promise you, since you are one of the more active ones, if i'm allowed to set up a small game for PC'ers here, i will set it to whatever time suits you so that you can be sure to make it hun.

You let me know what time is good for you, and thats what it will be!
afulk8 - 02.01.2010, 22:44
Post subject:
If it happens Dmoney, let me know and I will be there. A great idea to liven things up. We do have team events, they've been on hold a bit, but I'm sure bower will get things going again soon.
broxi - 02.01.2010, 22:54
Post subject:
ty dmoney...yeah ambre getting me thinking...we havent had one of them team events for a long time now..or have i just missed them
ojisplayin - 03.01.2010, 02:52
Post subject:
Not sure what is up with that either... Bower50 is the captain, maybe we should ask him??
dmoney644 - 03.01.2010, 03:15
Post subject:
Well, i was gonna set up maybe a $50-$100 freeroll for everyone to play as a thank you to all of you here at PC, so let me know if that would be alright, i'll get in the works right away.
cocakolakid - 03.01.2010, 09:07
Post subject:
Wasn't there a PC Forum Poker Team that participated in team leagues? when i first joined i remember that the team needed a "break"...may i know the how long this "break" was suppose to be? perhaps someone forgot to sound the horn indicating the break time is i'll say something in hopes of making the break over so that team PC league play will commence once again....

Break is OVER!!!

.....please =)
broxi - 03.01.2010, 09:16
Post subject:
dont quite know what happened kid...there was a break then guru left...then basically their was no competitions after that...dont know if their will be more or if whole idea died...leave that for bower to say lol as it was him that was organising them
dmoney644 - 03.01.2010, 15:00
Post subject:
Well, i have offered my services to help with any poker league if Bower needs any help. Bower, just let me know if there is anything i can do for you to help out with this.
cocakolakid - 03.01.2010, 19:23
Post subject:
why not take a count of Poker Crushers who would join the team and play in a league? we can decide on which site later as it would depend on who's on the team and which site we would all be accepted/allowed to play in. i believe we would need a min. of 5 players to start...either would be great to get a head count of those who would be interested....(bower - i'll let you start a new post if you like the idea)

but i'll start by saying...i'm interested...

1. cocakolakid
dmoney644 - 03.01.2010, 20:04
Post subject:
depending on when and time i would be interested as well
shirlsplay - 04.01.2010, 01:59
Post subject:
I would not very good,but just for fun even.let me know when.i'll check back for time.ty
shirlsplay - 04.01.2010, 04:42
Post subject:
I was only half way thur all the posts when i had to leave quickly and coming back and reading everything i don't think i want to be on a real team.1st. am not any good, work schulde will be changing,3rd might interfer with the other tourneys i do on another site.4th.might interfer with the bingo and chat at cc.But by some small chance it dosn't interfer with any of them ,than i might reconsider as long as you don't mind me sucking one wants a bad player on their team.I should know am captain of a team and i want all winners LMAO.this sounds really fun am sure more will come.
shortstuff - 04.01.2010, 06:19
Post subject:
The tables are back up woot hoot!!!!! Smile
broxi - 04.01.2010, 19:31
Post subject:
great idea kid tho as usual id have to see depending on times as often im sleeping or at work...well tho it may look like im online non stop im not lol just wuite often i go into cc and forget to leave...go out for day and come back and when open laptop im still there lol....and can i get number 8 on your list for superstitious reasons lol
ojisplayin - 05.01.2010, 00:46
Post subject:
cocakolakid wrote: › why not take a count of Poker Crushers who would join the team and play in a league? we can decide on which site later as it would depend on who's on the team and which site we would all be accepted/allowed to play in. i believe we would need a min. of 5 players to start...either would be great to get a head count of those who would be interested....(bower - i'll let you start a new post if you like the idea)

but i'll start by saying...i'm interested...

1. cocakolakid

And shirls, you crack me up!!
msfilly - 05.01.2010, 09:33
Post subject:
I have been asking that same question dmoney thanks for pointing it out again as for a PC team yes Guru started one but it faded out as far as I know from lack of participation but I would love to start another one
dmoney644 - 05.01.2010, 14:50
Post subject:
Well, i'm still awaiting an answer if its ok to set up a game for all of you. My thread got a little off without getting an answer, lol

i'm gonna go ahead and schedule one anyways, and then post it once it is up. I assume weekend is best for everyone?
IRIEDREAMING - 11.01.2010, 09:03
Post subject: poker team
Count me in. I would enjoy playing on a team!
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