The Archive - Our Poker Tournies Wednesday Bower50 - 04.01.2010, 16:01 Post subject: Our Poker Tournies Wednesday
We will be having 2 tournies wednesday night.1st at 7pm ET followed immediately by the 2nd to make up for December.
Winner of each gets $30 + other prizes.
Cya there.Good Thinking all !!!
ojisplayin - 04.01.2010, 16:23 Post subject: WooHooo!!! Awesome job Archie, thanks Captain!!
<a href=""><img src="" width=150 height=125 border=0></a> GOOD LUCK CRUSHERS!!<a href=""><img src="" width=150 height=125 border=0></a>broxi - 04.01.2010, 17:05 Post subject:
ty usual think they are just before i get in from work ona wednesday night but ill check and see lol...will join if possible
shirlsplay - 04.01.2010, 20:21 Post subject:
i'll try and remember to be here,ty bower and I hope you can make it broxi gl
broxi - 04.01.2010, 20:29 Post subject:
ty shirls...ive wanted to make them but i get in about 12.20 am every thursday morning as have to work wednesday nights and tournaments always nearly done...if theirs space ill make the 2nd one if not ill watch what happens lol
Bower50 - 05.01.2010, 18:52 Post subject:
ega66 - 05.01.2010, 19:11 Post subject:
might be about time i bring my casino chips and clean you all out lol
but wont be tomorrow though as im having guests over and work at 05:30 Thursday perhaps next time broxi - 05.01.2010, 19:27 Post subject:
alright ega nice of you to come over and make your 1st post here lol... lol im the same as you i can never make the tournaments as always midnight on a wednesday here but will make one one day lol
msfilly - 05.01.2010, 19:29 Post subject:
yeah I am going to try to be in at least one of them gla
biggtroy - 05.01.2010, 20:20 Post subject:
hope i remember be there i hope _______________Troy
josie46 - 05.01.2010, 23:04 Post subject:
hi if i dont die tonight , lol illl make it ty Bower, jo23
Bower50 - 06.01.2010, 19:46 Post subject:
rebeccalynne123 - 06.01.2010, 20:45 Post subject:
I'll be seeing ya there. WOOT WOOT!! shirlsplay - 06.01.2010, 22:21 Post subject:
i'll be here.maybe we could push the time back 1 hour so broxi can play next week.ty
rpbizzz - 07.01.2010, 13:35 Post subject:
I think I will attend next Wed....get ready to lose your chips guys!! IRIEDREAMING - 11.01.2010, 10:08 Post subject: poker tournament
I'll be there. So where and what time do you sign up?
broxi - 11.01.2010, 11:11 Post subject:
hi irie...they are at 7pm et every cannot sign up in advance you can only sign up just before tournament starts every wednesday
shirlsplay - 11.01.2010, 12:43 Post subject:
first irie you need to signup in the usergroup if you havn't already done so.than all you do is show up and take an open
Bower50 - 11.01.2010, 15:08 Post subject:
Thanks ev1.You're all signed up to our team Irie.Just gotta show up to play.
broxi - 11.01.2010, 16:57 Post subject:
sorry been that long i forgot you had to join the group first lol
msfilly - 11.01.2010, 19:28 Post subject:
wow me too thanks shirls for picking up the slack glad you will be joining us ire see you at the tables