Poker FREEROLLS - Welcome to Poker Crush Forums crushadmin - 03.08.2004, 12:46 Post subject: Welcome to Poker Crush Forums
Hello and welcome to Poker Crush Forums.
Poker Crush Forums is the little brother of Casino Crush Forums.
If you are a registered member of CC forums, please feel free to use the same name here (or choose a different one if you wish).
Please DO NOT POST ANY AFFILIATE LINKS here. You may use our Banner Tool to generate banner code for placement in here - just in the same way as we allow and in fact encourage at CC Forums Please use your Casino Crush forums member id when entering your member id to generate banner code so you can get credit in our Link Us Up contest at CC forums.
Happy Gaming Always,
gigi99 - 23.07.2005, 12:20 Post subject:
Hello there
Nice to see CC has a little brother Are there more syblings on the way? LOL
gigi99 - 23.07.2005, 12:22 Post subject:
Wow - I get more PC points for signing up to the user group Promotional Mailers? Cool!
Anonymous - 23.07.2005, 17:42 Post subject:
Hi Gigi99!!!...and Welcome to Poker Crush......and nice to have you aboard...
If you are ever in need of any help with our site please feel free to send me a PM and I'll lend a hand..
win4maw - 25.07.2005, 19:29 Post subject:
Just wanted to congratulate you on your new forum and am waiting to see it grow
superewok - 25.07.2005, 19:37 Post subject:
As if it was not hard enough to keep track of all the delights that you have on your nrother/sister site (what sex are they by the way), this comes along!
I will have fun looking this little beauty over.
Congrats Geno on your continuation for world domination notLOL - 25.07.2005, 19:39 Post subject:
WTG , this is great and very proud of our baby brother!!!! What a Surprize!!! oh and
Dr. i still have that song stuck in my head from bingo this am.......
Lets get this party started......thanks
baby brother has a nice look.......makes me comfortable......thanks
peace and harmony with and amongst all
Anonymous - 25.07.2005, 19:52 Post subject:
HEE HEEE Not......did I say.............................
Anonymous - 25.07.2005, 19:56 Post subject:
annacris - 25.07.2005, 20:06 Post subject:
Hi there, congratulations on your new forum. It looks great! concan - 25.07.2005, 20:21 Post subject:
Quote: ›
LET'S ROCK AND ROLL !!!.......
yosbree - 31.07.2005, 02:49 Post subject:
WTG Geno the place looks great, another jewel in the crown for you. Cngratulations.
win4maw - 10.08.2005, 00:58 Post subject:
Just checking in on the forum, Hello to all
missbingobagz - 20.09.2005, 05:30 Post subject:
hi there
i have recently joined this forum and it looks great
mojojds - 28.10.2005, 05:32 Post subject: forum
Does that mean we are gonna have some CC freerolls /members only
you know private tourneys with only cc members???
would be FUN FUN FUN
see u at the tables
fritzz68 - 13.11.2005, 09:52 Post subject:
How Cool.......
The place looks TERRIFIC ............ exciting...let's play POKER !!!
beckie33 - 13.11.2005, 16:06 Post subject:
Great lil brother site Geno
I LOVE poker!!!
Anonymous - 14.11.2005, 02:31 Post subject:
Congratulations on the new forum All the best with it!!
liquidsoap - 17.11.2005, 21:13 Post subject:
hello all, i love the new site, and i love poker even more then casinos , i hope to play with you all sometime thanks
mandy65 - 27.11.2005, 15:17 Post subject:
good luck with your new forum.
harpster22 - 12.12.2005, 18:03 Post subject:
just joined today gla harpster22 - 12.12.2005, 18:03 Post subject:
just joined today gla Anonymous - 14.12.2005, 20:12 Post subject: reHi There Harpster22!! and Welcome to Poker Crush... Take a look around and if you have any questions please feel free to send me a PM and i'll be more than happy to help you out.
May the cards be on your side.
DrCrushroyalblush - 18.12.2005, 08:00 Post subject:
WOW! It's great to see in the above posts so many of my CC "family" and my closest online friends!!! I have a feeling we are going to get to know each other even better at this new and VERY promising poker forum.!
You friends of mine from CC know who you are. If you read this post -- HI, Y'ALL!!! HERE WE ARE _ TOGETHER AGAIN AS WE START OFF ON THIS NEW ADVENTURE!!!
Thank you, Geno and Dr. Crush, for providing us ANOTHER free ride to Fun & Fantastic Sites!!! :bash
royalblush - 18.12.2005, 08:13 Post subject:
qiqi ~
If you are still with us, here is the answer, tongue in cheek, to the question you asked in the first or second post to this topic on page 1: If I know Geno, we will before long have a hard time keeping up with our visits to all Casino Crush and Poker Crush's sibling sites!!!!!!!
Anonymous - 18.12.2005, 19:58 Post subject: reHi There RoyalBlush... and glad to see you made it over .....and I couldn't agree nore with your posts..
I am really excited about this new venture for us and really am looking forward to lots of great things here at Poker Crush...
DrC royalblush - 19.12.2005, 13:26 Post subject:
Hiya Dr. Crush ~
Gee, thanks for the warm and upbeat welcome! (I had heard by way of gossip that you are very chivalrous and honestly care about every one of your members. Believe it!!)
I feel like I am leaving the mothership (CC) and taking off in a smaller but newer explorer ship and am very fascinated by all that may be ahead at Poker-Crush! One thing I am sure of: It will all be good!
royalblush, soon to blast off LOL
win4maw - 29.12.2005, 06:31 Post subject:
When's the GRAND OPENING???
leifen - 31.12.2005, 02:05 Post subject:
Hi All!!!
I have had it in my mind that i most check this site out, so here am i!
CrazyHorse - 31.12.2005, 19:04 Post subject: replyDang lol I posted everywhere else but not here and what a great poker forum this is going to be when I first registered
there were like 18 and now we have a booming 49 and still growing this is great-CrazyHorse
May the flop fall your way !!!!!royalblush - 01.01.2006, 14:43 Post subject:
Dr. Crush or anyone ~
I posted a reply here last night. This morning it is gone. Why? No content in it that would be the reason.
Also, every few minutes, like when I click on something to navigate the site, I am zipped back to the log-in page!!!! Why? I always log in first thing. So why does it make me keep logging inwith every new post or even more often whenI click on ANYTHING?????????
royalblush - 05.01.2006, 05:02 Post subject: NoNo, You gotta be hereNoNo ~
I know you well enough to know you will catch on to how to win poker games as fast as you do everything else!
And I was so glad to see your post because I can't imagine being at a gambling forum without you there as well!
Anyway, I have played poker since a kid, so if you have any questions, I will be glad to help you all I can. You have always helped me at Big Sister's.
royalblushnotLOL - 05.01.2006, 07:12 Post subject:
ummm....royalblush.....i know i know its hard to remember since you must feel like i do....we each (members) feel casino-crush is a big part of
us.....i being a female feel like big sis welll as per the contest of determining the big sis or big bro site casino-crush , i believe well since geno is male it is big brother site....just thought id remind ya....besides i got a giggle that i am not the only one.....big smiles.....
i just had to say something...... or maybe i shoulda kept me mouth zipped.... l
looking forward to seeing you at the tables someday soon.
welcome new members to poker crush........and good luck at the tables
Anonymous - 05.01.2006, 18:15 Post subject:
LOL - We all family here NOTLOL!!......and glad to have you here and posting. I hope to add a winners section here soon so we all can share our glory stories at the tables..
I am still pumped off my tourny win last like winning one I tell you..
royalblush - 06.01.2006, 19:27 Post subject:
[quote="DrCrush"]LOL - We all family here NOTLOL!!......and glad to have you here and posting. I hope to add a winners section here soon so we all can share our glory stories at the tables..
I am still pumped off my tourny win last like winning one I tell you..
Hey, Doc ~
About your tourney win -- I couldn't be prouder if I had won it myself! Winning a poker tourney is a rush hard to beat!
The rush comes from the number of players you knocked out , more than it does for the money!
You did us all proud because you are a rep of CC, our site for togetherness away from home! 3 cheers for you, old man!!!
royalblushroyalblush - 06.01.2006, 19:45 Post subject: Testing 1
Doc ~ I couldn't think of a better way to test if I am moving text correctly from one from one site to another than by posting this one to say to you: "THATAWAY, DOC!!! SHOW'EM WHAT YOU"RE MADE OF!" concerning your tourney win!!!
You do us all proud here at Poker-Crush! Right, gang??????
Show your support for the doctor, Poker Crushers, by posting here!!!!!!!!!!
royalblushAnonymous - 07.01.2006, 03:39 Post subject:
THANK YOU ~~ Thank You and more Thanks You's... Now I want one of those big game win's at Poker
THEN!!! I'll be freaking
royalblush - 07.01.2006, 07:26 Post subject: TO notLOL Hiya notLOL (it is all I can do to keep from calling you "uhhuh LOL" since I renamed you after I saw enough of your posts to understand there had to be a more appropriate name for you!) However, it is better to stick with the old names, cause you never know who you might meet and have a lot of explaining to do! LOL
Anyway, my comment to you, regarding a post you made here 3 or 4 posts back
"i just had to say something...... or maybe i shoulda kept me mouth zipped...." my comment is: Uh-huh, a FORUM is NOT a place for you to ever think about "keeping your lip zipped." !!! You never know how many individuals might come upon your words and find them to be the very thing they needed to hear to turn their lives around!!!
And don't worry about them following bad advice. Like us all, they have a choice of what to do with them, once they read your words -- and the choice will always be theirs!
royalblush drkneenie - 17.01.2006, 06:12 Post subject: Hi every1!! just joined today and i am looking forward to playing some poker!!
respira - 17.01.2006, 16:04 Post subject: hightimes2007 - 17.01.2006, 21:49 Post subject:
hello every1 most know me in the poker rooms as makeumfold or HIGH with the ste added to it that im playing in
ive been playn about a year and have won my share of little freerolls and as most time lose it right back 2 the site
hope the new year changes my luck
see u at the tables...hightimes2007
kimmiej - 17.01.2006, 22:02 Post subject: hi
hi my name is kim or kimmiej my username at cd is goallin I also use aaaas4k at other sites. I was referred by hightimes and I cant wait to play and meet the players..see ya at the tables.
Anonymous - 17.01.2006, 22:53 Post subject:
Hi Kim and Welcome to PokerCrush!!! - Great to have you aboard.. Please be sure to post this in the contest thread as well... and hope to see you at our first Freeroll tomorrow!!..
zonn61 - 24.01.2006, 01:13 Post subject:
Just stopped in to say hello. The site looks great.
Anonymous - 24.01.2006, 05:41 Post subject: Hi There Zonn and Great to have you with us... If you have any question please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I'll do my best to help...
DrCbiggtroy - 25.01.2006, 01:39 Post subject:
hello its great to be here looks great
Anonymous - 25.01.2006, 04:09 Post subject:
HI there Bigtroy!! and Welcome to PokerCrush... Glad to have you with us.. Any questions please feel free to message me..
graidar - 01.03.2006, 14:51 Post subject:
Hello, my name is Dario and username is graidar, 31 years old. Im from Argentina. I LOVE POKER....Luck to all !!!
Anonymous - 01.03.2006, 19:38 Post subject:
Hi The Graidar!! and good to see you become a member here at PokerCrush.. If you ever are in need of assistance or have a question then please feel free to send me a message and I'll be sure to lend a hand..
Welcome to PokerCrush..
notLOL - 02.03.2006, 15:48 Post subject: zonn61, graidar, biggtroy, welcome glad to have you here. biggtroy think ive seen you at a table or two. big smiles.
royalblush - 04.03.2006, 18:57 Post subject:
I'd like to add my own WELCOME! to the latest members.
The members here are very friendly, with everybody helping anybody out, any time we can.
I'm sure new members will always be welcome here at Poker-Crush, but especially NOW, since we are just beginning to get our act together and are a relatively new site in the poker world.
So we are especially glad to have you, New Members!
Congratulations for being among the first to become Poker Crushers! I feel sure there will be many more to come now, but you will always be known as being among the first! Me too! and I am already proud!
Bee12o3 - 07.03.2006, 17:59 Post subject:
HI everyone!! Congrats on a great job at Poker Crush.
annacris - 09.03.2006, 09:12 Post subject:
A warm Welcome to the latest members Enjoy your time here TammyNC - 17.03.2006, 00:56 Post subject:
hi, there are 2 unrestricted daily freerolls at a place I like to play at, that I didn't see on the list, and I wanted to ask what to do, never been on a board like this, lol. Also, I really don't understand the whole banner thing... I see ppls posts and all the banners bar in them... can someone send me in the right direction to read about this? Thanks.
Anonymous - 18.03.2006, 07:15 Post subject:
Hi Tammy, you can read up on it from this link...
DrC - 18.03.2006, 14:07 Post subject:
Thanks for the banner info link Dr.C. Also, the freeroll I mentioned in my post, is at a site that's listed here but I didn't see the 2 freerolls info anywhere on the freeroll page, so can anyone list information about freerolls?
Bugola72 - 19.03.2006, 00:41 Post subject:
Well, I finally managed to find my way here, congrats Geno the site looks great. annacris - 19.03.2006, 08:47 Post subject:
Hi Bugola, glad to see you here Welcome my friend GamblinGal - 28.03.2006, 13:39 Post subject:
Hi Everyone.....another new person here! I had a heck of a time getting here but here I am lol....Registering problems. My name is Linda and I live in Florida (love the place). I play on line poker all the time and Texas holdem is what I like best. Can't wait to get to know everyone as this seem like an upbeat place. See you at the tables and good luck to you all.
sunspun - 28.03.2006, 15:38 Post subject:
Hi Linda (GamblinGal)! Welcome to Poker-Crush! Glad you made it here!
(Like your screenname by the way)
Looking forward to talking with you here at the forum!
In the meantime, have fun and good luck!!
Anonymous - 28.03.2006, 18:44 Post subject:
Hello to all our new members... Very glad to have you join us here at PokerCrush.
If you are ever in need of a hand please message me and I'll do my best to help you all out..
May the cards be with you ...
Daglo - 29.03.2006, 13:58 Post subject:
I'm Daglo, great site and look forward to playing some poker with you guys.
Anonymous - 29.03.2006, 18:43 Post subject:
Hi Daglo and Welcome to PokerCrush!!. Glad to have you join us here and if you ever have a question please feel to send me a message..
truushot - 29.03.2006, 22:03 Post subject:
Just want to give a shout out. I'm new. I'm sure your happy for me. lol. Good looking site. I'm excited to be a member.
notLOL - 30.03.2006, 00:38 Post subject:
hello to alll our new members!!! and welcome!! Big Smiles! very happy you are all Crushers now, see you at the tables and here in the forum as well!
checho72 - 03.04.2006, 19:42 Post subject: Re: Welcome to Poker Crush Forums
hello people
I am new in this forum and my nick is checho72
bye bye royalblush - 04.04.2006, 20:12 Post subject: GamblinGal ~
Daglo ~
checho ~
WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! You 4 are bound to bring good luck to us all here at Poker-Crush!
I will be so glad to have new players to talk with and learn from -- and of course to play poker with!!!
Wanted to remind you we have bunces of games right here on the site you can play to win real money if you can score high enough! They are really fun to play, even if you don't win a cash prize!
Also -- Wanted to let you know about our PokerGuru, who is here to answer any questions you might have about poker. The Guru's weekly column herte is always fun to read. And as for asking questions, I think our Guru would answer about any question whether about poker or not just for the fun of communicating with us! By the way, you all are Poker Crushers now! It will come to mean more and more to you!
Soooooo -- hope you all will be posting soon and once again, WELCOME!
Your new sitemate,
royalblushDoodad29 - 12.04.2006, 17:45 Post subject: newwww
hi Im Eric (Doodad29) just saying hi :O)
Anonymous - 12.04.2006, 22:29 Post subject:
Hi There Doodad!! and Welcome to PokerCrush... Great to have you with us.. If you are ever in need of a hand please feel free to message me at anytime..
TammyNC - 13.04.2006, 00:37 Post subject:
hey welcome new crushers!!! I recognize some names, yay! hey there truu... now I know... just KNOW, we've never ever ever played together LOL... good 2 see you!!! and Gamblin and checho and daglo and doodad!!! Welcome!
PokerGuru - 13.04.2006, 11:59 Post subject: WELCOME, ERIC (doodad)!
Love that nickname! I, too, just wanted to take the opportunity to give you a great big smiley welcome! So glad you found us!
We are fairly new, but getting bigger and better every day, and I think you will find many things here to interest you. Dr. Crush and any of the Poker- Crushers will always be glad to answer any questions or help you in any way.
PokerGuru, this site's resident poker professionalabsente - 19.04.2006, 15:55 Post subject:
Hi to to everyone. Newcomer at the Poker Crush... Feeling good and happy to find you guys! Hope to see you soon at the tables.. I am going to navigate your really cool site-forum! Good poker luck to everyone. Keep the good work royalblush - 20.04.2006, 02:44 Post subject:
absente ~
This is royalblush, one of your sitemates here at Poker-Crush. I just wanted to welcome you to what we think is going to be VERY SOON the biggest and the best and the first choice of everyone for the greatest poker forum online.
You are getting in early and that is good. You will get to watch the site grow, and I hope it is as rewarding to you to see as it is to me!
We are always glad to gain a new member.
And let me remind you that there are many things you can get involved in right here at this site itself. Feel free to ask any question anytime because someone will always come out to answer it for you. We are a close group and every member wants to help every other member!
Glad you are now an official POKER CRUSHER!!!
TammyNC - 20.04.2006, 12:00 Post subject:
Welcome Crusher Absente!!! Anonymous - 20.04.2006, 14:53 Post subject:
Hi There Absente!! and Welcome to PokerCrush... Great to have you with us and if ever you have a question please always feel free to message myself or PokerGuru and we will be happy to help...
Good luck at the tables..
PokerGuru - 20.04.2006, 18:36 Post subject: Dear Poker Crusher absente......
WELCOME! Just as DrCrush said, Either of us is always happy to feel useful to new members. So don't hesitate to contact us by post or PM about any question.
Unless it is a highly personal matter, it is oten a better idea to post your questions. We WILL find them and there is an extra benefit, too. All the members here at Poker-Crush are very warm-hearted and they love helping one another, including new members as much as the Dr and I do!
One of the best things about this site is its friendliness and kindness to everyone. That leads to great friendships as well as a very close-knit group of members. All will be glad you are a new member, as we all look forward to seeing them show up!
Let me also offer a personal invitation to you to read my weekly (or very close to weekly) feature article, in which I try to offer tips and tricks to improve your game. This is In line with my being the site's resident professional poker player. Glad to share my secrets with this wonderful group.
YOUR PokerGuruabsente - 24.04.2006, 08:47 Post subject:
Thanks all of you for your warm welcome! Sorry for not replying to you sooner but this week was full of work.. Your forum seems really friendly and i love this. I ll try to be more active from here on and hope to meet you soon at some tables! Bye
adrianAV - 07.05.2006, 16:55 Post subject:
Hello to all whomeyou - 11.05.2006, 04:35 Post subject:
Heya guys this is most fun forum ever and phpBB is customized so much ty :DDD
Darla911 - 15.05.2006, 13:28 Post subject: Helle
Just wanted to say hi
I am new here just cruising around looking a little lost at the moment lol
Nice to meet u
and hope to see u soon at the tables
oh and by the way my friends call me Dar
Keep ur stick on the ice boys lol
mnks_gifts - 17.05.2006, 00:28 Post subject:
just wanted to say hi. new to the forum and looking forward to having fun. was referred by a member at another forum I am in.
PokerGuru - 18.05.2006, 09:15 Post subject: adrienn .....
whomeyou .....
Darla ........
I do believe I have encountered a couple of you elsewhere and we are very fortunate to have the 4 of you as new Poker Crushers!
Here's hoping you will feel like family regulars in no time at all!
PokerGuru, the sites resident professional poker playerAnonymous - 19.05.2006, 14:50 Post subject:
A Huge welcome to all our new members... Welcome to Poker Crush ... If ever you need a question answered please always feel free to message me and I'll do my best to help..
WELCOME TO POKER CRUSH...adrienn, whomeyou , mnks__gifts and Darla ..
DrCrush valeria - 23.05.2006, 06:36 Post subject:
Besides our great Guru.. it is always nice to know we ALWAYS have a Dr. In The House!! heheheh
Anonymous - 23.05.2006, 14:10 Post subject: HEE HEE..Thanks Val.. Glad to be here and glad you like me
DrCwasp - 24.05.2006, 22:54 Post subject:
Hi, Nice looking site.
beckie33 - 24.05.2006, 23:05 Post subject:
Welcome Wasp!! We are a great forum here with lots of great people
Be sure to check out our Big brother too!! - 24.05.2006, 23:34 Post subject:
what is the password for the cd poker freeroll poker crush ?????
rainbow1 - 02.06.2006, 11:44 Post subject:
nice to see if ur a game addict which i have become in the past month lol
gigi99 wrote: › Hello there
Nice to see CC has a little brother Are there more syblings on the way? LOL
Anonymous - 02.06.2006, 14:40 Post subject: Hi Ya gigi... I agree!!!, nothing like seeing more friends join us here each week..
To all new members I offer a HUGE PC welcome to you all and please always feel free to message one of us staff if ever you should find the need for some help or a question...
DrCrush PokerGuru - 02.06.2006, 16:52 Post subject: Hey Gigi!
Glad to see you again! And hope you will be checking in with us regularly now! Wewill have more and more to offer.
And I promise to let you know (in a whisper) if Geno gets preggy again!!!!! LOL
Your PokerGurujosie46 - 10.08.2006, 23:52 Post subject:
hi crushers, im new at this site i hope it dont take me as long to figure it out, jo23
rainbow1 - 11.08.2006, 03:01 Post subject:
woo hoo welcome aboard PokerGuru - 11.08.2006, 19:07 Post subject: Dear Jo:
Honey, you don't have to figure out a thing for yourself here! That is what I am here for!
Always remember that!........and if we were close enough, I would give you a big, warm old bear hug for joining us and to remind you!
Welcome! I am looking forward to your posts!
Your PokerGururainbow1 - 11.08.2006, 21:41 Post subject:
exactly & PC is the best, hope you have fun here, we all sure do Anonymous - 18.08.2006, 02:50 Post subject: Could you help me out?
Please explain me how do I post my .BMP images in this forum?
OrangeCrush - 18.08.2006, 10:11 Post subject: I'm sorry dating services 2 PC doesn't support .bmp images. Just JPEG.
Happy Gaming Always!
OrangeCrush PokerGuru - 18.08.2006, 20:46 Post subject: Oh, don't worry, OC. You don't have to explain him much. The sneaking sly fox will always find a way to have happy gaming always, I'm sure.
But not much longer at the expense of my PC members, if I can help it.
Do you know how to play this game? Or do you get confused after the first two letters and need someone to explain you how?
The Poker-Crush members' PokerGuruOrangeCrush - 18.08.2006, 22:25 Post subject: royalblush - 20.10.2006, 09:38 Post subject:
not needed, DB.
And.......WELCOME!!!!! Glad you decided to come see how the upper class lives over here. Altho most of us do dress down and have a great time at CC as well! Nothing like a big sister!
emprservice - 08.11.2006, 10:25 Post subject:
hi all, just registered with poker crush forum, looks like a very nice forum, good luck to you all, see ya at the tables
royalblush - 08.11.2006, 10:34 Post subject:
Welcome, Eddie, but you you should really make this post n BANTERing aand BITCHing so you will be following all rules and also so you will get more replies, especially from our PokerGuru, your official host here.
rainbow1 - 08.11.2006, 19:21 Post subject:
i think most forums have to deal with these a holes you'd be surprised what i've seen lol
JOBARK - 16.01.2007, 04:14 Post subject:
Thanks for allowing me to be part of you forum.....Looking forward to talking and playing with you guys........and gals.
char1984 - 16.01.2007, 04:27 Post subject: WELCOME JOBARK I really think you will enjoy poker crush and we have some super crushers rainbow1 - 16.01.2007, 07:31 Post subject:
welcome JOBARK hope you find all the fun you've been looking for PokerGuru - 16.01.2007, 18:20 Post subject: Dear New Member JOBark,
I am PMing to you the password for tonight's freeroll at the 3D Poker, just in case you wish to join us there!
I add my welcome to you with pleasure!
Your PokerGurued1974 - 13.04.2007, 16:15 Post subject:
Hello everyone here at Pokercrush
royalblush - 13.04.2007, 20:59 Post subject:
WELCOME ed!!!!
I know you will love it here!! Be sure to enter the contests.
wyciswyg - 03.06.2007, 03:10 Post subject:
hi all can you feel the love i like this forum already
royalblush - 03.06.2007, 16:59 Post subject: Hi wyciswyg!!!
You sure have us pegged right already! Yes, love and beautiful friendship and helping one another is what we are all about.
And if you can feel the love, then you are going to fit right in as one of us!
So welcome! We are always glad to gain someone who seems to know right away that we are about love. And we love being different from the other forums in that way!
Our Poker Guru is on his way back and he will be delighted to find you as a new member who recognizes love when he feels it!
royalblushPegeesue - 16.07.2007, 22:49 Post subject:
Newbie here...just stopping by to say hi !
beckie33 - 16.07.2007, 22:57 Post subject:
Hello Pegeesue!! Welcome to Poker Crush... be sure to check out our sister site Casino-Crush!!!
Beckie :-)
char1984 - 17.07.2007, 08:42 Post subject: WELCOME Peggysue,I hope you really enjoy pokercrush and dont forget there are lots of diffrent contest and a new member contest to join.I hope you really enjoy it here.You will meet the nicest people on the net char1984 - 19.07.2007, 20:58 Post subject: Hello again new member, If you look at your messages you will see i left you a note of the diffrent things you can qualify for just didnt want you to think i was a stalker lol.
pothole88 - 29.08.2007, 18:22 Post subject:
Hi all, looking forward to meeting you guys n gals at the tables, forum looks real cool and I have no doubt the players are gonna be tough. Prolly met some, if not most of you at the tables already and did not know it. Treebor55 or similar and pothole88 or 99, see ya at the tables.
PokerGuru - 05.09.2007, 20:17 Post subject: Pothole88,
I have been reading the other posts you have made and altho I have welcomed you in many of them, I would like to say once again that I think you will fit right in with this great group of winners here at Poker-Crush!
I have found your posts to be very interesting reading, like a post from a typical PCer!
Again I welcome you!
Your PokerGurujosie46 - 06.09.2008, 19:11 Post subject:
hi gang iv been trying to find the poker gametoday. TPFC. iv downloaded poker nordica and cant find it listed. the password for this 1 is 47231 maybe im not looking at right place. please advice ty jo23
PokerGuru - 06.09.2008, 19:26 Post subject: Happy to, Jo.
When you sign in at Nordica, go to Tournaments, then Private, then Leagues. And look for TPFC Guru's PokerCrushers.
If any problems, let me know.
Your GuruBower50 - 06.09.2008, 19:30 Post subject:
Welcome Jo.Thanks for signing up.See ya at the tables!!!!
Any questions just pm me or post here and you'll get an answer.
char1984 - 06.09.2008, 19:59 Post subject: Welcome Jo and great thinking in the tourney....It took me a couple minutes to figure it out on signing up but I finally did shawn16602 - 06.09.2008, 21:02 Post subject:
hi JO amd welcome
if you havemt already look under "privite' our team is there and you should just have to put in pw to sign up
took me several tries to find it but it is there
hope this helps and again WELCOME
tduterte - 22.09.2009, 11:01 Post subject:
Welcome to PokerCrush JO!
BARB711 - 22.09.2009, 11:33 Post subject:
shirlsplay - 04.10.2009, 06:11 Post subject:
am sort of new i been here for about a month now and i love it here e1 is great.ty rpbizzz - 07.01.2010, 13:02 Post subject:
I just found this...and took the bot down...a bot set to that is
Where are the poker tournys guys ojisplayin - 07.01.2010, 13:55 Post subject:
Ya just missed one, yesterday right here in our forum. Every Wednesday or Thursday usually. Look thru posts to find out- GL tweet21 - 08.04.2010, 15:24 Post subject:
i have been with casino crush for some time now and have lots of great info from them
this forum seems exactly the same
a nice friendly bunch who enjoy their poker and like to share their experiances
think i ll be here for a while
tweet21 - 08.04.2010, 15:26 Post subject:
love the site
joined and played 1st time yesterday
great bunch of players all very friendly
which is great
broxi - 08.04.2010, 15:38 Post subject:
hi tweet welcome to pc and glad you enjoy it here and finally started joining in