24.11.2005, 19:44 |
There are a few premium starting hands in No Limit Holdem, but usually suited connectors have the potential to win the largest pots. Limit Holdem and No Limit Holdem are two totally different games, but most people fail to understand this. In Limit Holdem, the game is more about starting hands. In No Limit Holdem, it is a totally different story.
The most important thing to remember when playing suited connectors in No Limit Holdem is that you are looking to make a huge hand. If you are holding 98 of diamonds and the flop comes 956 with one diamond, you have to be capable of letting the hand go much of the time. You are looking to flop nut straights, open ended flush draws, trips or two pair. Flopping top pair with a weak kicker is not hitting huge- not even close.
You have to remember that you can't risk a big portion of your stack trying to hit a huge hand because the implied odds are what make playing this hand worth the risk. If you (or your opponent) do not have the chips in your stack to bet to receive the implied odds, then just fold your hand.
Always remember - There is always another hand and calling on a dream is a good way to lose and lose fast.
Good Luck and may the cards be on your side... |