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* Thursday - 13th Mar 2025 - 01:16 * 

Good Ideas Contest *Closed* winners announced

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 07.07.2009, 01:48 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello Poker Crushers!!!

With the Guru leaving Poker Crush it leaves us sad and we'll miss him! He taught us a lot and this we'll always remember and appreciate!

The Guru is now gone but everything that has gone on here for the past 4 years is still here at Poker Crush. The good times - the learning times - the winning times and the sad times. We've laughed together, we've cried together, we've been there for each other and that has not changed.

Poker Crush is still your forum. Its up to you what Poker Crush's future is.

We need your help! We need your ideas! What would you like to see here at Poker Crush in the future? What do you think would make Poker Crush an even greater Poker forum then it is now?

Please Poker Crusher's give us your ideas. At the end of the month we'll go over your ideas and give away up to 3 x $30 prizes.


Please post your ideas, as many as you would like, on what you would like to see here at Poker Crush.

You will need 3,000 pc-points in order to redeem for a cash prize of $30.

If you do not have enough pc-points to win a cash prize yet, you'll be credited with 3,000 pc-points instead - so next time you win - you'll be able to cash out. However, we recommend you check out the other ways to earn pc-points.

We really would appreciate your input Poker Crushers!!!

Thank you!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

OrangeCrush wink


Last edited by OrangeCrush on 01.09.2009, 04:06; edited 1 time in total
Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 00:37 Reply with quoteBack to top

Bumping up (since its been sitting in staff for a while lol)

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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 04:23 Reply with quoteBack to top


I think member reviews of different Poker Sites they've played at...

Their experiences with that site, payouts, deposit methods etc would be a tremendous help..

Good Luck,

sisters Smile

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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 04:26 Reply with quoteBack to top


Just thought of another Idea

How about a Poker Update could have the latest updates in the Poker world...sort of like a mini Poker News Feed...

Good Luck,

sisters Smile

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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 04:51 Reply with quoteBack to top


I just thought of a name for my 2 suggestions..

PC's News & Reviews

Woohoo I'm on fire Laughing

sisters Smile

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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 04:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

It's been over week now since the announcement of Guru's departure from Poker Crush, and I'm still really bummed out. I know I only arrived pretty much at the tail of his time as the resident pro. But just as others wrote, I too, had been taken by his lessons and made every effort to apply them. i must admit much of my game has improved with tournament results to back it up. recently i have not been playing well at all..its as if i suddenly lost my love for the game. perhaps when i use to play i played keeping Guru in mind and wanting so much to prove to him that his lessons work. now i would play just cuz i have funds available in my poker site accounts...which is quickly depleting as i just cant seem to get myself into the game.

and so...for ideas...? i do like the ideas in the posts above by sisters. other than that i can't think of anything other than is there anything we could have done that could have kept guru here? even if it were on a part-time basis to submit a lesson and answer questions..but no administrative or organizational tasks? to even remain simply as a regular PC member who posts and replies like everyone else?

sorry if it seems i'm taking this a bit hard...honestly i am. Playing poker full-time was a direction i have seriously considered. And in my mind guru was gonna be there to help me and guide me every step of the way. so now i really feel lost - oh well...i'm pretty sure there is a lesson within all of this too...just haven't found it yet.

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 07:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

great post cola as I actually feel the same way as poker crush is not ever gonna be the same without Guru. Crying or Very Sad

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 07:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

I would like us to have an actual "poker table" we can practice or have weekly/monthly contests on.

Maybe Geno can code one, where we play "virtual" players so ya get the "FEEL" of real table play.

With leaderboard of running Win/Loss ratio. Sorta like the arcade games are setup. Reset monthly. Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 09.07.2009, 07:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

Another idea- Every month we pick 1-poker-topic as OUR theme. We all input about personal good or bad experiences.

What they may have learned by it. Pix for references would be helpful too. Helping each other. Learning from each other.

Using this "idea" about a theme, we can expand it into that mo. contests. Like a Crossword. Running Story. Etc. Smile Smile Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.07.2009, 09:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok lol time for me to get in trouble again(now theres a surprise)...i know poker is a serious game but i think it would maybe be a good idea if poker crush was now a bit more light hearted.....not meaning it in a bad way just before under guru i had several posts etc removed as they werent considered to be serious enough or could cause offence and was also told in pms about whats allowed to post and what isnt...and i know the same happened to others...not saying people should post anything bad but a sense of humour wouldnt kill anyone....and personally i have never posted anything deliberately offensive...i feel people would be more willing to post more if they didnt feel posts would get i know i would.....sorry just had to say that lol

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.07.2009, 16:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

I like to get good poker tips from other players Laughing

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.07.2009, 19:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

broxi wrote: › ok lol time for me to get in trouble again(now theres a surprise)...i know poker is a serious game but i think it would maybe be a good idea if poker crush was now a bit more light hearted.....not meaning it in a bad way just before under guru i had several posts etc removed as they werent considered to be serious enough or could cause offence and was also told in pms about whats allowed to post and what isnt...and i know the same happened to others...not saying people should post anything bad but a sense of humour wouldnt kill anyone....and personally i have never posted anything deliberately offensive...i feel people would be more willing to post more if they didnt feel posts would get i know i would.....sorry just had to say that lol

I SECOND "ALL" THAT ((((Babes)))) I think light-hearted is the change we just may need.

P.S. I had no idea posts were being deleted or moved...etc. I can only say WOW! Shocked

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.07.2009, 20:03 Reply with quoteBack to top

ty ojis...maybe it was just mine lol but sure i saw others mention it before....anyway guess maybe i just feel that if you could joke more like you do at cc it would bring more people in

PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 13.07.2009, 02:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok here goes the worst of the worst
as a player i feel i grew every time guru spoke as an observer i know for a fact mamaw618 grew
it lit my heart every time id see her online talking cause that was her thing "i cant chat and play games"
well we all know thats not true lol
as for making PC grow id say have someone "train" us like guru did i learned alot in here even though i wassnt around much
just my two points worth


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 13.07.2009, 21:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

Since we're all here to learn poker,maybe a poker question box would be appropriate.Members would post their questions about poker and anyone or everyone could address them,getting more than one person's view since none of us are pros.Some of the more experienced poker players are more than willing to share their knowledge of the game.
Another idea would be if some members have specific poker situations explained then members can explain what they would do and you could use whichever one suits your style of play.

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