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PostPosted: 07.02.2006, 01:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

If only the board had of paired u wouldve caught a boat, Luck is getting good cards and skill is knowing when to foldem

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PostPosted: 08.02.2006, 15:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well I will start like this I have been playing poker since I was 16 and Texas Holdem for 2 years now. Yes I have learned somethings playing the game since I play everyday and like anyone that has played poker we all learn the hard way this is the process of learning anything in life so really what is that point about learning the hard way. I am not being disrespectful but we all have to start somewhere. Frustration yes if you lost like I had posted earlier 4 boats in 3 days to 4 of a kind I wonder how you would feel. I lost some big money here. And no not everyone out there is a fish there is a misunderstanding here but I have witnessed many online who will call and play anything in a freeroll since they have nothing to lose since entry is free and then catch something.Now if I were a pro I am not saying I would not be here but I would be more interested in a poker site wanting to use my name to endorse their poker site-"yes in my wildest dreams LOL" The cheap thing to clear that up I am not a wealthy man but I will play the $1/2 tables and I have witnessed for a fact when the blind came to a player he or she would sitout and then play the next hand. Now this does not happen all the time but I have seen it ok. Yes when I first enter a table at these stakes(which BTW is alot for me cause I am not wealthy) I will check wait for the BB since I am going to watch a hand or two and see how the players are playing at that table not to mention most times on the BB you usually get junk.. I once got this advice from a pro remaining nameless when you are playing in a live tourney unless you have a monster hand fold a few hands and study the players and their body language to get a grip on what your up against. Same thing if they move you to another table repeat this same process. As far as others stratagies every poker player has his or her own. My thing about fish here I think too many of these young kids watch too much ESPN and think they are all poker pros and as Not mentioned in post above you know they are kids and they can be very crude and disrespectful this I totally ignore and if they keep it up up I will check ignore that players chat. If they get real insulting comments being racial, sexual, or things about my Mom who has passed I will take screenshot and send to poker manager. So to sum things up I am just an average guy who likes to play poker and a long shot from a pro. I don't think in all the leagues that I am part of online that we all have not become frustrated from time to time it's just the nature of the game. Crazyhorse

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